nine coffins

Chapter 984 The sun, moon and stars are all in the sea

Chapter 984 The sun, moon and stars are all in the sea

Blood Moon, Qingyang.

The Tianhu forbidden technique burns the source of life, and the nine-turn obsession breaks the soul bondage of the eye of the demon.Endless power directly sweeps through everything.

The three blood-red Samanas seemed about to collapse.

Thinking of leaving hatred, his complexion suddenly changed.At that moment, he didn't dare to resist with his own strength, otherwise the result would be death, or even a crushing defeat.

And at the moment when the Eye of Ten Thousand Monsters was shattered, all the monster races in the Three Realms felt their bodies tremble.Because there seems to be a warm trickle going straight into my soul.

In fact, it was the return of a trace of their soul energy.

The Eye of Ten Thousand Monsters, the Holy Artifact of the Spirit Race.For countless tens of thousands of years, as soon as countless spiritual races were born, they would automatically send out a trace of soul energy to nourish them.That is a fate of the Eldar.

I don't know how many years it took to create the eternal brilliance and supreme power of the Eye of the Thousand Monsters.Now Tianhu reverses everything, and the moment when the Eye of the Thousand Monsters is destroyed, it seems to be feeding back.

All the spirit races in the three realms are benefiting.

Thousands of years of blessings, once back.On the Tianzhou Continent, many powerful spirit races felt their hearts, and some spirit races who were about to break through broke through directly, and even a few talented spirit races with lower realms were even promoted by leapfrogging.

It was an Eldar baptism.Since then, the physique of the Eldar has improved further, far beyond the comparison of other races.

At that moment, sky light scattered between the two sky wheels in the void of Tianzhou.The green air is misty, like smoke and mist.

"What is that? Could it be that the Spirit Venerable manifested—"

"The Awakening of Ancient Power—"

"The Light of the Eternal Demon Venerable—"

Spiritual races from all over the world feel the changes in their inner bodies, and they are extremely happy.At the same time, they prostrated themselves in awe and fear.The titles in their mouths are slightly different, but they are all muttering endlessly and are extremely devout.

And other human races also feel the strangeness of the world.

boom - boom -

Besides, at Tianzhou Shura, the forms of Hu Qing and Jade Fire had long since disappeared, and they seemed to have completely transformed into a force that would destroy the world, rolling towards the Lihennian body together.

Hurrah!The power of Tianxie Nine Revolutions is unstoppable.

With the coffin on Amu's head, he hurriedly retreated with heavy smoke, his face was worried.

Because, he felt the death of Tianhu.That is the heart that would rather die than break all shackles.However, Amu must not let Hu Qing and Yuhuo fall here.

With a thought, a black glow shrouded Amu's body, and the magic ring was suddenly suspended.At the same time, there is a strange treasure on Amu's body, which is slightly trembling and ready to be sacrificed at any time.


In the whole world, there is the whistling of energy and the fight of fate.This Tianzhou Shura place seems to be destroyed by this endless power at any time.

This strange space is struggling endlessly between the world of Tianzhou and the world of Shura.

Inside the three bloody sand gates, a tornado hurricane struck.The endless grains of sand fell like a torrential rain.In the vast void, there was a crackling sound, just like a shooting star piercing the sky.

The Samana, who was connected to the sky and the earth, was about to collapse immediately.

Faintly, there seemed to be a strange light shining from the Samana.But at this extremely anxious moment, the snow shadow that had been quietly floating above Li Hen's head slowly opened his eyes.

It was like a goddess who had been sleeping for thousands of years and suddenly woke up.Eternal sleep, once woke up.Her beauty crowned the Three Realms, and her icy eyes were cold.

"Sky Fox! Overthinking one's abilities!" Xue Ying read her body with a cold snort, then lightly raised her plain hand.It seemed random, but a green light rose from the sky, creating a vacuum among the many forces.

The bearing of that thought body seems to be no less than that of Xueying's real body, but the icy killing intent may not be comparable to that of Xueying's real body.

Eternal Demon Venerable, never come out.Her obsession is probably no less than that of any one of the ancient gods.


The green light covering the sky in Su's hands is the pure power of the demon venerable, which is exactly the same as the demon power displayed by Lihennian body just now.It's just that it has to be too strong.

In fact, the monster power of Demon Venerable Cai came from this.Xueying Nian's body has not woken up for a long time, and Lihen Shennian can only use its power to urge the Nine Spirits Heavenly Demon Seal to control the Eye of Ten Thousand Demons.

Without Xueying's obsession, it would be absolutely impossible for Lihennian to display the secret art of the spirit clan.Back then, the Demon Lord Xueying certainly did not pass on the spirit clan secrets to the Demon Lord.

However, today the Eye of the Ten Thousand Demons was scattered by the Tianhu couple.A stream of eternal soul qi was bathed, and Xueying thought of the body to absorb it completely, and then woke up from a deep sleep.

And the source of this thought body and the thought body of Lihen is exactly the same, both are the evolution of eternal obsession.The incarnation of obsession is naturally not Xueying herself at all.

She has an independent will, but she doesn't have the slightest affection for Tianhu.

Xueying and the obsession of Lihen are incarnated and combined into one, which is a strange creation of the Three Realms for tens of thousands of years.At this moment, they have to put Tianhu to death in order to protect themselves.

The skill of Xueying's mindfulness of the body rose, and at the same time, thousands of devilish energy swelled from Lihen's body.For a moment, the black mist surged, and the body of Lihen thought was like the center of the black sea.

Thousands of huge waves are tumbling outwards, churning like a mad dragon.And Xueying Divine Sense is like a blue demon tower above the Black Sea.The cold green light covered the entire sea.

The demons joined forces, and it was as if the two great lords were resurrected. ,

It was a scene that was enough to shock the years, and it could suppress everything in an instant.The power ratio of the whole space changes randomly.

The three blood-colored monks who were about to disperse were stabilized and balanced in an instant.The blood-colored sand suddenly stopped in the void, like thousands of blood drops.

They have different postures, and the light of the demon is refracted beyond the blood color.

The power of the sky fox and the power of the demon collided in the void.At that moment, a cold light flashed in Amu's eyes, and Shen Yan also sucked in a breath of cold air through the face of the supreme ghost.

The two have gone through countless life and death battles, but the battle in front of them surpasses all.

The world was turned upside down, and the coffin above Amu's head emitted a red glow.Many forbidden pictures are floating in the void.Between the heaven and the earth, it was like a giant candle burning in the sky against everything else, no matter how powerful the demon lord was, he couldn't make any further progress.

At this moment, the power of the nine coffins was fully revealed.


In the void, there seemed to be mourning.Lianhen misses the body, long hair flying around.In the pitch-black eyes, there was no expression at all.Xueying thought of her body, her appearance was peerless, but her murderous intent was infinite.

At this time, two soul shadows, one blue and one red, seemed to fly into the sky and collapse.That is the spirit of the sky fox.

"Huh?" Amu raised his brows, his thoughts were racing.


Goodbye to the Mo Lang Ling that had been sacrificed earlier, and then buzzed.Two rays of light shot out from the black token, one blue and one red, which were also two strands of the spirit of the sky fox.

The Magic Lang Order, the Eastern Emperor Order... all the way back to the Canghai Order.It is the number one treasure in the Canghai handed down from generation to generation by the Canghai Immortal, even surpassing the magic coffin to a large extent.

And for those who follow the Canghai lineage as the master, there is a soul image in the token, just for the lord to summon at any time.

Under normal circumstances, after the Demon Servant Dao disappears, the soul of the Dao will also dissipate.

However, at this critical moment today, Amu sacrificed the magic man's order to ensure the life of Tianhu.The celestial fox soul sealed in the magic man's order flew out, just enough to pull back the two celestial fox souls that were about to disperse.

Today, as long as the magic man's order is not broken, the spirit of Tianhu will not be destroyed.

The moment Mo Lang Ling flew out, Amu's hands quickly formed seals.The seal formula is complicated, and it seems that there are several Amu in the sky at the same time.

Boom - huh -

Countless forbidden pictures suddenly appeared on the Mo Lang Token.Among the many forces in the void, green energy surged, and a gate of the realm exploded.

The atmosphere of simplicity and vicissitudes diffused.That aura was no less than the aura emanating from Lihen Xueying's body, even better.

"At the beginning of heaven and earth, Hongmeng has not yet opened. The sun, moon, and stars are all in the sea. In charge of the years, life and death will be cut off. Those who obey my orders will return to their souls!" Amu uttered the truth, with a serious expression on his face.

That was the mantra that Wang Jue passed on to Amu when he saw Wang Jue again in Liuzhen, Tianzhou.As soon as the mantra came out, the magic man seemed to be out of the world.


The entire Magic Lang Ling exudes a strange brilliance.Amu seemed to have seen that kind of light before, but he didn't want to think about it at this time.

Within the boundary gate, countless illusory images suddenly appeared.The races of the Three Realms are unknown.All kinds of powers, list the void.The souls of countless demon servants are fully reflected.

And the green light and white light reflect everything.All those who serve the devil's order have a soul image.Among them, the celestial fox spirits cuddled up to each other and rushed straight to the sky.

"Huh?" The moment the sky fox spirit image rushed up, the original sky fox's neighing in the void stopped abruptly.

In the void, the two celestial fox spirits in Mo Langling turned around, and instantly showed the shapes of Hu Qing and Yu Huo.The physical bodies of the two people are gone, only the souls.

However, it doesn't matter at all.The body of a demigod can completely reshape the physical body as long as it takes time.

However, at this time, the faces of the two of them were also extremely pale and crumbling.Especially Yuhuo's scarred face seemed to be transparent, but the scars were like black insects crawling on his face.

The sky fox forbidden technique has almost exhausted their rank nine practice.At the critical moment, if it wasn't for Amu's sacrifice of Mo Lang Ling, the two of them would have died out long ago.

"Return!" Amu shouted coldly, and the one-hand seal formula changed.

That Mo Langling protected the Tianhu couple, and flew directly to Amu's side.At this moment, Amu's eyebrows were slightly raised, and he didn't need to say more.Tianhu almost fell, and the price this time seemed a bit too high.

The obsessions of Demon Lord and Demon Lord had to be eliminated.

"Shen Yan, be careful to protect the Tianhu!" After Amu said, before Shen Yan could answer, he stepped out of the shelter of the god's coffin.

"Wang Han—" Shen Yan called urgently.

However, Amu's step was a Tianhu dance step, which could not be recalled for a long time.

Beside Shen Yan, Mo Lang Ling covered the Tianhu spirit and suspended in the light of the coffin.However, the world gate displayed by Mo Langling turned around and followed behind Amu.

Amu looked slightly cold, dressed in blue, and walked in front.Inside the small gate, immortal energy surrounds many soul images and dances behind them.

This is the second time that Amu has used Magic Lang Ling on such a large scale.The first time, it goes back to the time when Amu went east to the paradise alone to face the mysterious fisherman in the sea and desert of Shenzhou.

On the same day, Amu sacrificed the magic man's order to frighten the fishermen.Among the many soul images, there were three soul images that were completely blurred.There are two statues that are powerful in Tianzhou, and the most vague soul image is Lezheng Feiyun, the owner of Wuyou Island, who can't see through.

Magic Lang Ling is the secret of the sea and the secret of the Three Realms.In today's battle, Tianhu almost fell due to a deadly battle, which inspired Amu's heart.

If so, today's predicament is incomprehensible, and it will definitely become a demon in Amu's heart in the future.

At this time, Amu lost the protection of the divine coffin.But Tianhu Dance can get rid of many restrictions.Above the Tsing Yi, the fairy light rises steeply.More importantly, a green light flashed inside the Tianhu fairy bracelet.

The mysterious dagger has already swirled out, like a cyan lightning, breaking through all the power.

Amu faced Lihen and Xueying Nianshen directly, with a calm but resolute expression.And the moment Mo Lang Ling appeared, all the power in the void seemed to be gradually subsiding.

In order to wait for the appearance of the descendants of the sea!

Lihen and Xueying thought of the body, at this moment, a trace of astonishment flashed across their expressions.

However, it was not because of Amu who came step by step, not because of the mysterious dagger, but looking at the world behind Amu in horror.

Blue light, white light.

Lihen and Xueying Nianshen raised their brows slightly, but they actually looked at the most indistinct appearance of the soul in Mo Langling, with fear and terror in their eyes.

"Cang... sea..." The voice was dry and trembling slightly.

For tens of thousands of years, the word Canghai is enough to suppress the Three Realms.

 34 years ago, thank mom and dad!I love you all.

(End of this chapter)

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