nine coffins

Chapter 985

Chapter 985
Canghai Xianzun was once invincible in the Three Realms.

For current practitioners of the Three Realms, the sea is no different from a myth.But in fact, the sea was already a kind of unreachable legend tens of thousands of years ago.

The world was first opened, and since tens of thousands of years have passed, it seems that no one can get out of the sea.Even many venerables of his time can only live in the shadow of Canghai Xianzun's peerless grace.

Derived from tens of thousands of years, Lihen and Xueying's obsession are incarnated in the avenue.Although they are not real venerables, they have the strength and unwillingness of venerables.

The Tianhu couple practiced at the ninth turn, and they are half-honored bodies.But before the incarnation of the obsession of the two venerables, he was at a disadvantage, and even almost fell.

It can be seen from this that the Venerable Master's mindfulness of the body is powerful.But it was such an existence, when he saw the faintest spirit behind Amu, he completely lost his composure.

Lianhen misses the body, long hair flying around.A white light of astonishment suddenly flashed in his pitch-black pupils.

Xueying thinks about her body, graceful and graceful.At this moment, her face has also turned slightly pale.

Eternal Immortal Venerable, suppress all.That is the memory from the deep obsession of their deities.


Those two words were like a beam of infinite light, coming through tens of thousands of years.And at that moment, not only the Demon Lord and the Demon Lord Nian Shen were shocked, but also Amu, the descendant of the sea.

"Canghai Immortal?" Amu's footsteps froze slightly, and a shock wave set off in his heart.

In Mo Lang Ling, there used to be three fuzzy soul images.

Today's Amu already knows that two of them are great powers who have been hidden for thousands of years in Tianzhou, and they are closely related to the Qing and Bai families in Tiannan.

However, Amu never summoned them.

Only the last soul image, Amu has been unable to see clearly.However, no matter what, Amu never thought that the last soul image was actually related to Patriarch Canghai.

Canghai Immortal!

Shen Yan, who was watching the battle from a very far distance, also trembled.Even the eyes of the Tianhu couple who were protected by Mo Lang Ling flashed a touch of horror.

However, none of them could clearly see the soul image hanging behind Amu.Even an undamaged Sky Fox would actually not see through everything.

Is that really the image of the soul of the sea?After tens of thousands of years, has the Canghai Immortal really not fallen?

If the sea is still there, then everything will change.The sea is a mystery, and everything in the Three Realms seems to be revolving around Immortal Canghai.

However, everyone knows that Cang Hai is dead.

Amu was thinking in his heart, but his face remained calm, but Lihen and Xueying Nianshen couldn't deal with it indifferently.

Everyone present, no one saw the spirit in the eyes of Lihen and Xueying Nianshen——

In Tsing Yi and long gown, he stands with his hands behind his back.His appearance is ordinary, his eyes are neither sad nor happy.There didn't seem to be anything strange about that man.However, there was an inexplicable aura around him.

That person seems to be always high above, always thousands of miles away, yet right in front of his eyes.You can't see through it, and you can't touch it.

That is a real god-like existence!

At the same time, a white dragon with five claws bared its teeth and danced its claws, showing unparalleled power.Surrounded by thousands of smog, the white dragon is hidden in it, only its head but not its tail.

The Holy Spirit White Dragon of the Three Realms, born in the beginning of chaos, is comparable to the power of Eternal Realm.However, it is willing to lie at the foot of the sea.Even if the sea is gone, it still turns into an iron chain to guard the holy mountain of the Three Realms.

That is the Canghai Immortal!Lihen and Xueying are connected in mind, body and mind, and they will never admit their mistakes.

At Tianzhou Shura, there was a momentary stillness.The power of the sea can frighten everything.

"Whoever kills my demon servant will surely die!" At this moment, Amu stopped and looked at Lihen and Xueying's body, which seemed to break a kind of calm.

The mysterious dagger swirled around Amu like a blue fish, drawing out green lights.

"Heir of the sea!" Li Hen looked at Amu and spoke slowly.At this time, the two thoughts of the body tried their best to calm themselves down.After all, it is still just a soul image of the sea.

Before that, although Amu and Tianhu couple came together, Mozun Nianshen didn't pay attention to this successor at all.

The reason is very simple, the descendants of the sea are not seas after all!As for the so-called people who should be robbed for thousands of years, Mozun has no such concept at all.

Defeating Tianhu will end everything.This is the thought that Lihen misses the body all the time.But this thought ended the moment Mo Langling appeared.

The real opponent turned out to be this descendant of Canghai who had never made a move.This Eternal Realm Level [-]?
"Whoever kills my demon servant will surely die under the demon servant? What is the demon servant?" Xue Ying Nian's body fell beside Li Henian's body, the corners of her mouth slightly curved, evoking a touch of seductive disdain.

This Xueying Nianshen seems to be more confident than Lihen Nianshen.After the initial panic, his expression was completely calm.

Servant?Neither Lihen nor Xueying Nianbody has this concept.The descendants of the sea, they can completely kill them.

"The demon servant is my follower!" Amu smiled lightly, then paused, "In other words, they are followers of Cang Hai. They are all behind me, and they can come whenever I wish!"

Come on call!

Lihen and Xueying Nianshen involuntarily glanced at the gate of the Demon Langling Realm.Then, their gazes flicked between the green light and the white light, and finally fixed on the soul image that no one could see clearly.

Summon the true body of Canghai?Incredible!

At this time, the three monks behind the two minds are completely stable.However, at this time, there are strands of imperceptible green energy lingering among the blood-colored sand grains.

That came from behind the boundary gate.

"Cultivated by obsession, it has been derived for tens of thousands of years! Unfortunately, you can only be regarded as the shadow of the Demon Lord and the Demon Lord! Without thousands of years of time, you will be nothingness in an instant!" Amu said slowly.

"Oh?" Li Hennian sneered, "That's right! But it's impossible without thousands of years of time! Time rotates, and time goes without a trace. Obsession is immortal, we live in the great way, and everything is unstoppable!"

"Leave this place! Let's not blame the past!" Xueying Nianshen gave a murderous look in her eyes.In fact, as long as Amu retreats at this time, they are absolutely willing.

The image of the soul of the sea has already made them fearful.

"Don't blame the past? Ha ha!" Amu chuckled, "I should have said this! Unfortunately, I won't give you such a chance now!"

"Whoever kills my demon servant will surely die!" He repeated what he said just now with an emphasis, and he didn't just say it casually.Then, Amu's face suddenly turned cold, and he said in a deep voice: "You come from the avenue, then go back to the avenue!"



This is the thought in Lihen and Xueying's mind at the moment.

In the first level of eternal realm, Amu's realm is not considered top-notch in their opinion.Only the soul of the sea behind Amu made them deeply afraid.

However, at this moment, Amu didn't seem to call for anything, but sketched quickly with his hands on his chest.

A ray of brilliance lingered around his fingertips.Arc lights of various colors spread across the void.

"Forbidden pictures?" Li Hennian snorted coldly.There was also a hint of contempt in Xue Ying's eyes.

The art of banning pictures has existed throughout the ages, and it is ever-changing.

Back then, each of the venerables had their own uniqueness on the forbidden map, and there was no distinction between top and bottom.Even the Canghai Immortal Venerable could not suppress all the Venerables just by relying on the art of banning pictures.

Therefore, when Amu quickly sketched out countless forbidden pictures, and even when these forbidden pictures began to be merged and deduced, Lihen and Xueying's spiritual thoughts sneered in their hearts.

Ban pictures, they have no fear!The descendants of the sea are not worthy of fighting with them.This is what they have in mind.

As a result, Amu won the most needed time for the art of banning pictures.

In the battle between Tianhu, Lihen, and Xueying Nianshen, Amu has been watching the battle.In terms of realm and strength, even if Amu controls the coffins of gods and demons, it may not be able to match the two mind bodies.

Besides, in front of Mozun Nian, Amu dared not use the coffin lightly.Otherwise, I am afraid it will be used by the other party instead.

More importantly, if the two coffins fight to the extreme, the final result is very likely to be the destruction of this small world, and both sides will suffer.

If Amu wants to win, he can only take a slanted sword.

Mo Langling is indeed Amu's help.However, Amu can't guarantee that even if the green light and white light are summoned, they can beat the two mind bodies.

Can the demon servant really penetrate this small world?
Amu's last treasure is still on the dagger that can break fate and his own art of forbidden pictures.The great way has been derived for thousands of years, and the two mind bodies have their weaknesses.

Summoning the demon servant is only used to temporarily block Lihen and Xueying's divine thoughts.Because of Amu's art of banning pictures, it takes a while.

As for the Canghai mentioned by Lihen and Xueying Nianshen, it was definitely beyond Amu's expectation.

For the time being, I don't know if it is really possible to summon the immortal Canghai, but before the moment of last resort, Amu still wants to rely on his own strength to overcome everything.

It was a state of mind, a spirit.

Magic Lang Ling, completed the task perfectly, and even exceeded the limit.Because of Canghai Xianzun's awe, because of his contempt for Amu Jintu.Lihen and Xueying Nianshen lost their best opportunity.

The forbidden pictures are endless, and no one can have all of them.At the same time, because of his endlessness, it is difficult for the art of forbidden pictures to reach the peak of mystery.

What's more important is that although the Demon Lord and the Demon Lord's body have been conceived for tens of thousands of years, they are completely closed existences.They have supreme power, but they don't understand Amu's forbidden map.

Tens of thousands of years ago, there was no ban on time.Tens of thousands of years ago, there was no cycle of cause and effect.

Countless forbidden pictures are scattered all over the place.It turns into a river, with nine twists and turns.Amu outlines with both hands, and his feet feel like stepping on the world.Inside the small world, regenerate the world.

In the world, regenerate time.

One world after another, disillusionment arises and disillusionment occurs!The common people of the three realms, the sun, the moon and the stars, are all performed in it.Countless changes, just like waves in the ocean.

Such a forbidden picture can be described as peerless.

However, in the eyes of Li Hen and Xue Ying, this can only be regarded as good.Before the ages, there were countless forbidden pictures left in their memories.

"How dare you show off such a forbidden picture?" Li Hennian sneered.Although Xueying thought of the body without words, her expression was calm and natural.

In their eyes, Amu's forbidden picture is not comparable to the image of the soul of the sea.

"Heirs from the sea, let you know the power from the ages!"

After all, Lihen thought about it.In an instant, many sigils jumped out of the black mist around him.It's just that those sigils are completely different from the sigils that Amu learned from Wang Jue.

However, they are somewhat similar to the forbidden pictures bursting out from the coffin.

At the same moment, Xue Ying Nian raised her body and hands slightly, there was no need to draw at all.Thinking about it, Qian Yinsheng.Above the black mist, thousands of green seals scattered.

Forbidden map of the devil!The forbidden picture of the demon!
(End of this chapter)

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