nine coffins

Chapter 986 Destroy!Turn back the clock

Chapter 986 Destroy!Turn back the clock

The prohibition of demons and monsters was accomplished in an instant.

There is no need to outline the two mind-body carvings.This is far better than Amu, or the three of them are not at the same level at all in terms of characterizing the seal.

The prohibition of demons, the prohibition of demons.The black light and the green light complement each other into brilliance.Demon Lord and Yao Zun mind body seem to have different origins, but they are actually born from the same root.

The love of demons bears the eternal curse.But the Demon Lord and the Demon Lord still love vigorously back then, and they will never change until death.It's just that he didn't resist all the causes and effects later.

These two obsessions are basically me in you and you in me.

The obsession of the Demon Sovereign lies in the Demon Sovereign.The obsession of the Demon Sovereign stems from the Demon Sovereign.The two are born of each other and depend on each other.

Therefore, at the moment when the Devil's Prohibition appeared separately, they did not exclude each other in any way, and rapidly deduced and merged in an instant.That kind of derivation and fusion is unprecedented.

For tens of thousands of years, there has never been a forbidden map jointly deduced by two great lords.

The prohibition of the devil is overbearing and majestic, containing eternal unwillingness.The Demon's Forbidden is cold and strange, interpreting endless charm.The fusion of the two forbidden techniques created a peerless spectacle.

Black, like an arrogant and unruly demon.Cyan, like a monster that amazes the three realms.

Outside the forbidden map, Lihen and Xueying Nianbo stood side by side, as if they had gone back thousands of years ago.The Demon Lord and the Demon Lord snuggled up to each other, looking at the Three Realms with a smile.

The demon breath is all in it.

At that moment, there seemed to be thousands of demons dancing together in the void, and there seemed to be pairs of empty eyes looking down on the world without fear.It is a net that can engulf all living beings in the three realms, and it is a power that can destroy everything.

Tens of thousands of years ago, one statue could control a world.

At this moment, Amu's forbidden map has basically been deduced.However, the Devil's Prohibition did not lose the wind in the slightest, but instead wanted to control everything.

The battle of the forbidden map is different from the complete power battle.At this time, both sides are mobilizing forces in the Three Realms that do not belong to them at all, and let those forces be used for themselves.

Prohibited pictures are a bondage and a road of rules.

Whoever can mobilize more power, who can realize the origin of all things, then whoever can control everything and defeat everything.

The sketching in Amu's hand stopped early, but he was still pinching the seal formula, concentrating on deriving it as best he could.The Mozun and Yaozun Nianshen actually confronted the forbidden map with the forbidden map, which was somewhat beyond Amu's expectation.

But I have to say that this is indeed the best way to deal with the art of banning pictures.And the speed and power generated by the fusion of the ban on demons and demons shocked Amu even more.

Among the many banned pictures that Amu has seen, only the Seal of Lihen on the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms and Wang Jue's Heaven and Earth Ban outside Tianzhou Liu Town can be compared with it.

That is an extreme state of forbidden pictures.

This level of forbidden image art can completely make the high-level eternal realm fall, and make the ancient venerables deter, not to mention that Amu is only the first-level eternal realm.

Demon Lord and Yao Zun have absolute chances of winning.A coldness and peace flashed in their eyes.There is only one line in the sea, and the forbidden pictures are nothing more than that.

At this moment, even though Amu has all kinds of protection, he can still feel the pressure of the ban on him.

That kind of power is like a big mountain, which is suffocating; it is also like a sword, which can pierce Haoyu.

However, Amu was prepared.He believed that his forbidden map could defeat the demon's ban.Because, after thousands of years of life and death, once his forbidden map came out, he never missed it.

Immediately, the corner of Amu's mouth raised, and the seal formula in his hand changed again.

Time forbidden technique!This is Amu's strongest technique.

Look again, the forbidden map under Amu's feet suddenly changed.In an instant, the wheel became a circle, and an ancient disc resembling a sundial appeared.The breath of ancient vicissitudes rushed over.

A trace of chaotic air lingered on it.Mysterious and ancient!No matter the past, the present, or even the future are all integrated in time and cannot be escaped.

A strange color suddenly flashed in the eyes of Mozun and Yaozun Nianshen.

Anyone who has seen Amu displaying the forbidden map will be extremely shocked when he sees the appearance of the forbidden map.Because, this is much, much better than the clock face that Amu deduced at the beginning.

Road to simplicity!

All beings in the Three Realms, the vast universe and all things, the more primitive and primitive they are, the closer they are to the rules and the Dao.The shape of the sundial hides the way of the universe's ultimate time, which is far better than the shape of the clock.


I don't know what that sound is, it resounds in the void, like an ancient bell.

Immortal power surged under Amu's feet, and countless forbidden figures turned into water flowing.Like the howling of a hurricane, the flow of nebula, the rotation of mountains and rivers, and the change of time.

For a time, time flew by like a shuttle, and the sea almost turned into a mulberry field.Many worlds, life and death, present and disillusioned.

Such a spectacle is enough to shock the world.

"Huh?" Demon Lord and Yao Zun Nianshen frowned almost at the same time.Because, they saw a forbidden picture technique that they had never seen before.

"What is that?" Xue Ying asked inwardly as she looked at the strange light flowing under Amu's feet.

"That seems to be... Time?" The mind was connected, knowing that Xue Yingnian had a question in his mind, but Mozun's mind body answered uncertainly.

"Forbidden by time!" Xue Yingnian frowned, a warning sign rose in her heart.

"That's right! That's turning back the clock—" Mo Zun's voice sank slightly.

"Not good—" the two exclaimed almost at the same time.

Look again, the appearance of the sundial under Amu's feet instantly emits a profound light.Like the light of the sun, it illuminates the world; the tide of that light sweeps everything.

Just now, the power of confinement that Amu felt was completely reversed.An inexplicable confinement is weakening the power of the Demon Lord and the Demon Lord.

Especially when Xueying thought of the body, who had just fully awakened, she suddenly felt a kind of drowsiness, as if she wanted to close her eyes again.

There was no pointer on the sundial, but the runes on it flowed rapidly, and the scale symbolizing time was clear but vague, which turned out to be a kind of countercurrent.

Back in time!

Lihen and Xueying Nianshen were startled suddenly.

Black robes are like ink, white clothes are better than snow.At the same time as the two exclaimed, they had quickly formed seals, completely losing the tranquility and calmness they had just had.

Time ban pictures!This greatly exceeds the cognition of the two.

Within the Three Realms, no one can manipulate time yet.If time can be manipulated, how can it fall?Wouldn't it be possible to live forever?At this moment, they remembered what Amu said just now—without tens of thousands of years, you are nothingness in an instant!

Can the descendants of the sea really turn back thousands of years?
This is something that was impossible even in the sea.And being able or not is not a question that these two great thoughts and bodies think about in front of them.They are venerable minds, how can they sit and wait for death?

The ban of time under Amu's feet expanded several times, as if it wanted to fill the entire space.The edge of the devil's ban was instantly swallowed up.

If it is not controlled, its hinterland can be melted in an instant.

Li Hennianshen's eyes burst with black light, but Xueying Nianshen's face turned pale.Obviously, at this time, the time-forbidden map will do more damage to the awakened Yaozun's body.

However, the venerable mindfulness of the body has the power of the venerable after all.Their background is almost unmatched in the Three Realms.

"Town!" Li Hennian snorted coldly.

Between the hands, a forbidden picture has been sacrificed.Like a dragon or a demon, the black light circled and flew out.As soon as the forbidden map came out, it immediately merged into the ban on demons, instantly curbing the expansion of Amu's time ban.

At the same time, the forbidden map of Yao Zun's body has also been sacrificed.

That forbidden map turned out to be in the shape of a sword.Flying out of the prohibition of the demon, it seemed as if breaking through the waves, and came straight to Amu.

A true venerable must have realized what ordinary beings cannot.Their eyes see through the Three Realms.Their hearts are unattainable.

The two great venerables thought about their bodies, remained calm in the face of danger, and cooperated with each other tacitly.One is in charge of defending, and the other is in charge of attacking.Demon Lord Nianshen stabilized the demon's ban, and Yaozun Nianshen's sword of the forbidden map was inserted directly into Amu's time forbidden map.


That day, the fox sword was so powerful that a gap appeared in the shape of the sundial, and the flow of time, which was originally round and smooth, suddenly stagnated.

"Hmph!" The corners of Xue Yingnian's mouth twitched, his eyes flashed brightly, and a strange look appeared on his pale face because of the time reversal.

"Heir of the sea, die!"

Xue Ying read her white skirt lightly, and her hands were sealed again.

"Sky Fox Seal! Qingqiu Yaoguang!" Xue Ying Nian body gave a soft chirp.Shocking youth burst out instantly from all over his body.The power of the demon venerable spread infinitely.

A shadow of a fox, on top of Xue Ying's mind, screamed up to the sky.Then, it completely turned into a ball of blue light and came straight to Amu.

That fox cry pierced through the Three Realms.That fox shadow covered everything.

The spirit race above Tianzhou trembled inexplicably.There seemed to be a shadow passing by the halo that had been hanging in the two rounds of daylight.

It's just that the Tianzhou Shura is completely its own small world.Within the Three Realms, even the Phoenix, the Eastern Emperor, etc. cannot peek into everything.

The shape of the sundial was pierced by the Tianhu sword, and the time flow stagnated against the flow.The pressure of the forbidden map, rewinding again, is far more powerful than just now.

"Oh!" Amu frowned.The light of the forbidden map seemed to pierce through his own flesh.In Danhai, big waves rolled over.The coffin spun rapidly, as if about to fly out.

However, at this moment, Amu had to try his best to suppress it.Mozun Nian was in front of him, but Amu was not sure about controlling the coffin.


Everything is just a thought.The Tianhu fairy method came out again, and a blue light came over the top.That ball of light, like the scorching sun falling, made it almost impossible for Amu to open his eyes.

That is the ultimate move of the Venerable!
If it weren't for Amu's protection from all kinds of treasures, once the light of Qingqiu came out, at Amu's first level of Yongjing, it would be wiped out in ashes.

As the eternal anti-demon, Amu is definitely No.1 since ancient times.In theory, they have no chance of confrontation at all.


It was only a moment when the light of Qingqiu fell.Amu was momentarily absent-minded and dizzy, because the fox was too powerful that day.

The shape of the Tianhu sword and the light of Qingqiu made the shape of Amu's forbidden sundial shake suddenly.At that moment, it seemed that the whole world was shaken.

The stream of time turned up a thousand-foot huge wave.

The shape of a sundial is crumbling.If the shape of the sundial is broken, then the Forbidden Time Map will fail.Demon Lord and Yao Zun will never give Amu the chance to deduce the forbidden map.

However, at this moment, Amu could hardly withstand the power of the demon's mind.

Qingqiu's rays of light cover the sky and cover the earth.


At the moment when Amu was dizzy, Qi Danhai was shocked suddenly.A gust of blood, not under Amu's control, spewed out retrogradely.

Blood stained heart!Amu's face turned even paler in an instant.

"Wang Han—" Shen Yan watched the battle, her heart tightened.

But at this time, Qingqiu Yaoguang was even more powerful, like star swords piercing through Amu's body.At that moment, the green light that surrounded Amu's body was cut off several times.

(End of this chapter)

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