nine coffins

Chapter 988 Shen Yan, Amu's first choice!

Chapter 988 Shen Yan, Amu's First Choice!

Song of Lianhe!
At that moment, Amu's eyes seemed to reflect the demon in white.

The black-cloaked Demon Venerable body actually merged with the white-clothed Demon Venerable that Amu had seen in the mirror image of the Wangchuan Ancient House in the Shura Realm.

Lihen in white clothes, endlessly elegant and unrestrained.He once used the magic coffin to fight Shangxie pretending to be a ghost.Shang Xie thinks he is no match for Mozun.


For a moment of ecstasy, Amu's qi and blood surged, and another mouthful of blood spewed out suddenly.Even the celestial maiden seal on the center of Amu's eyebrows trembled slightly.

There, there is still a day for the goddess.

However, Amu never used it.That was my aunt's last gift!The song of Lihen actually affected everyone.The song of Lihen spread in the sea and desert of Shenzhou, it seems that it is because of the goddess.

That was once the most powerful state of mind in the Three Realms.


The song of Lihen reverberated, and Amu was hit hard again.And the devil's coffin was encouraged by it, almost like a runaway horse, it went straight to Lihennian.

Li Hennian raised the corner of his mouth, and then raised his hand in the air.

The devil's coffin, like a quiet black beast, quietly floats above the devil's ban.For countless tens of thousands of years, the Demon Lord and the Demon Coffin have merged in this way.

The magic coffin sits in town!Immediately afterwards, the forbidden brilliance of the demon was displayed, and it was about to engulf everything in an instant.Li Hennian held the magic coffin in his hands, unless the real venerable came back, who could stop him?

"Town!" Li Hen shouted violently with a flash of murderous intent.

Looking at the devil's coffin again, thousands of black lights suddenly stood up, like endless black peaks, and like black blades holding up the sky.The magic is bold and unmatched.

At that moment, the power emanating from the coffin far surpassed Amu's ability, even better than when the Eastern Emperor controlled the coffin that day.

Who is not afraid of the power of the nine coffins?
Amu's heart and soul trembled.That feeling is worse than death.

Back then, that night in Liuzhen, the magic coffin entered the sea.Suddenly, thousands of years have passed, and there have been many lives and deaths.The magic coffin has always been Amu's trump card.

How many times, it was the magic coffin that protected Amu at the last moment.

But today, the magic coffin turned against him and wanted to put Amu to death.

That feeling is quite unreal, even hopeless.

"Wang Han—" At this time, there was a soft shout from afar.That is Shen Yan.

Look again, a purple shadow in the void, like lightning, directly rushed out of the protection of the divine coffin.Countless purples, like flowers blooming in the void.

The dark Shura spear pierced through the air.

"Shen Yan—"

Amu's originally pale face suddenly turned blood red.He didn't expect that Shen Yan would rush up at this time.

Original Nine Levels of Immortal Realm!Looking at the entire Three Realms, he can be regarded as a master.However, for the battle in front of him, it is completely useless.

That wasn't fighting at all, it was death.

Although Shen Yan can form the yin and yang seal of life and death with the secret technique, but now it is Shen Yan's third soul, and Amu will never let Shen Yan consume his life energy to improve his realm.

However, at this time, Shen Yan's realm did increase at a speed visible to the naked eye.The seven-color brilliance on the face of the supreme ghost and god is displayed.Shen Yan has long black and soft hair, some of which are gradually turning gray.

Yuanxian Nine Great Consummations——

The weight of eternity——

Eternal Double——

Jie Jie ghost screams, piercing people's ears, like stabbing with a knife.That was a scene that Amu was very familiar with, and it was also the scene that Amu didn't want to see the most.

That group of purple shadows, for the sake of Amu, once again completely put aside life and death.

Of course, Shen Yan knew that with his own realm, even if he improved, it might not have any impact on the battle situation.However, knowing this, she also wanted to fight for Amu.

The most fundamental thing is the whisper in Shen Yan's heart - if you die, I will not be the only one!

We don't want to live together, we only want to die together!That was the oath that Heishui once made, and it was also a kind of obsession.

The ticket is in hand!

At this time, neither Lihen Nianshen nor Xueying Nianshen thought that the woman in purple who had been standing in the distance and watching the battle under the protection of the divine coffin would suddenly rush out.

Abandon life and death, extremely decisive.That would be tantamount to suicide.

"Supreme Ghost Face! Yin Yang Seal of Life and Death!"

"Heir of the Ghost Venerable!"

In fact, the two minds and bodies naturally saw the identity of the descendant of Shen Yangui Zun Zun long ago.However, Shen Yan's realm is too low.In the eyes of His Holiness, Yuan Xian Jiuzhong can be completely ignored.

With a wave of your hand, it can be destroyed.

"A gnat can shake a tree, you can't do what you can!" The moment Shen Yan rushed out, a faint brilliance flashed in the eyes of Xueying Nianshen.That turned out to be a kind of complexity.

Eternal triple!

That was the limit of Shen Yan's improvement.

However, this realm cannot cause any substantial harm to the two mind bodies.

Shen Yan went straight to the coffin with a spear.She thought she might be able to block the coffin.If he died, it would be worthwhile to give Amu a chance.

However, Xueying Nianshen didn't give her this chance at all.


Lightly waving one hand, Bai Ying moved slightly.A gust of power from the Venerable directly swept over.Xue Ying thought of the body very calmly.

In the third level of eternity, Shen Yan does not have a mysterious dagger to protect his body, nor does he have the mysterious and endless art of forbidden pictures.Therefore, this seemingly random force directly blocked Shen Yan.


It was pure power showdown.In the void, all kinds of chaotic lights exploded.

The black air exploded, and Ziying shook.

Shura's spear was directly blown away from his hand, and Shen Yan's body also rolled back in the void.Through the face of the Supreme Ghost, two mouthfuls of blood spurted out directly.

"Shen Yan—" Amu's eyes instantly turned blood red.

Without the protection of the divine coffin, Xue Ying's thought of the body could have taken Shen Yan's life.However, Shen Yan's body was instantly suspended in the air.

At that moment, even Shen Yan was slightly taken aback.With a flip of his hand, Shura's spear was back in his hand.He spat out two mouthfuls of blood, and his smoky pill sea was churning, but the injury was not serious.


"Heir of the Ghost Master! You have obsessions in your heart, retreat immediately, I won't kill you!" Xueying's voice came faintly.

It turned out that it was because of this kind of feelings that Xueying thought about her body, and she was merciful just now.Otherwise, Shen Yan might have died long ago.

"Shen Yan, back off!" Amu shouted with blood red eyes.

At the same time, with a thought in his mind, the divine coffin shone with light, covering Shen Yan again.But this time, Shen Yan was directly imprisoned and could not escape.

"Wang Han!" Shen Yan twitched her body, trying to break free, but she couldn't move an inch.Because, that is God's Coffin Imprisonment.

The face of the supreme ghost, the brilliance is on display.Gray hair, instantly white.However, on the confinement of the divine coffin, the color gradually faded.

"Jie Jie Jie—" the ghost screamed like weeping and complaining.


On the other side, the magic coffin in the void is like Mount Tai pressing down on the top.

The air of the black devil suppresses everything.Before the magic coffin reached Amu, the shape of the sundial was about to be completely shattered, with countless cracks like spider webs.

The flow of time and light was completely cut into several sections.


The coercion of the coffin.

Amu's body shook, and he half-kneeled in the void.Tsing Yi is messy and long hair is loose.Amu's face was as pale as paper, and his chest was covered in blood.

And the left leg that hadn't completely knelt down was already trembling.

Amu clenched his teeth, still struggling to hold on.

The coercion of the magic coffin seemed like the sky was falling.As long as the magic coffin goes one step further and the time-forbidden map is completely shattered, then Amu may be crushed.


However, the coffin trembled slightly in the void.Inside the coffin, there seemed to be thousands of demons howling and weeping faintly.Lihen thought of the body and couldn't help frowning again.

At this moment, the magic coffin is still hesitating and struggling.

"Wang Han—let me out—"

"Even if you die, I want to die with you—"

"Wang Han——, open the coffin and imprison—"

"Wang Han—"

"Let me accompany you!"

Shen Yan's shouts were heart-piercing.At this time, the face of the supreme ghost has receded.Shen Yan's hair turned from gray to black, and her alluring face was revealed.

However, the pear blossoms were raining, and the eyes were full of tears.Shen Yan's voice became hoarse.

From the first encounter in the secret realm of the wild soul, to the life-and-death battle of the black narcissus ghost sect, to the white hair with white hair in Dongling Brahma Temple.From Sea Desolation to Asura, and then to Tianzhou.

The life and death experiences of Shen Yan and A Mu are unknown.

Life cannot be divided, and death cannot be divided.

I would rather have a beauty than a country!Travel across the desert for you!Sitting on hundreds of millions of Asura, only for you to rule the country!I wish to win the heart of one person, and the white head will not be separated.

Time turns, hundreds of years and thousands of years.

The moment she took off the veil of the Immortal Ghost Sect, Shen Yan has been living for Amu!

At that moment, the screams of the ghost master's successor spread throughout the small world.It was a woman, the sad sound of irretrievable love; it was a woman's despair of not being able to die with her lover.

"Shen Yan! No problem!" Amu, who was half kneeling in the void, Jia Qi Yuyong raised the corners of his bloody mouth, "I'll see you off first!"

At this time, his mind is quite clear.


Finally, at the moment when the magic coffin was at a standstill, Amu had a thought.Goodbye to the divine coffin, the blaze is so bright that it flies in the sky like an immortal fire bird.

The power of the divine coffin, of course, can resist the demonic coffin.

However, at this time, Amu's thoughts were not to resist the magic coffin, but to completely protect Shen Yan and the spirit of the sky fox with the divine coffin.

At the same time, goodbye to the gate formed by Mo Lang Ling, there was a sudden fluctuation of energy, and countless waves appeared.

"Hmm! Not good—"

At that moment, Li Hen and Xue Ying thought of the body all understood that if the gate of that realm was fully opened, there might be the true body of Cang Hai.Even if there is no Canghai real body, if the blue and white light arrives, everything will be unpredictable.

The two minds were connected with each other, and they shot almost at the same time.As long as the gate of the Dao Realm cannot be fully opened, then everything will be worry-free.

However, the formula of the two has just been shot.

Look again, the light on the coffin is shining brightly, piercing people's eyes.At the same time, the ghost images suspended behind Amu did not change at all.

No call!The divine coffin was suddenly rolled up, and even brought Shen Yan and Tianhu's soul directly to the gate of the realm.

Reverse teleportation!
At that moment, both minds were taken aback.Because, that means that Amu left the last chance to Shen Yan and Tianhu.

If so, the divine coffin will protect and pass through the boundary gate.

Shen Yan, Tianhu will be saved.As for himself, as long as the devil's coffin moves one more step and the barrier of time is broken, he will surely be wiped out.

Originally, Amu might be able to summon the demon servant to fight in the moment just now.

However, for the sake of Shen Yan, Amu was unwilling to take any risks.In other words, it was Amu's instinct to save Shen Yan first.

Shen Yan is Amu's first choice.

If there is a chance to be born again, Amu must leave it to Shen Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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