nine coffins

Chapter 989 Snow Shadow!wait for me 1 years

Chapter 989 Snow Shadow!wait for me 1 years
Never give up in life and death, always depend on each other.

It's a pity that at this moment, Amu already has more than enough energy.He was seriously injured, and was suppressed by the magic coffin outside.His strength is no longer enough to support the opening of the gate, and he can still control the coffin after imprisoning Shen Yan.

The techniques of the two mindfulness of the body have already been generated.The power of the demon is like a sea of ​​bitterness, pervading everything.Mo Langling's gate of the realm was not fully opened, and the coffin did not fly to the gate of the realm.

Amu, he has tried his best, but his alchemy is completely empty.Although sitting on two great celestial roots, the devil's coffin went out to sea and left the body.The Buddha's lamp in the sea of ​​bitterness will run out of oil, and the lamp will wither, leaving only a glimmer of light.

Because, in this battle, Amu is facing two great masters, Mind Body.

Amu half kneeled in the void, like an isolated island.And in the distance, the divine coffin protects Shen Yan and Tianhu's spirit, which is also like Zhuzhou on the sea.The two islands are far away, like two worlds.

"Wang Han—"

At this time, Shen Yan was crying and kneeling in the void.At that moment, the decisive killing of the head of the Immortal Ghost Sect was completely missing, let alone the awe-inspiring majesty of Princess Shura in the Demon Continent.

At this moment, Shen Yan is just a helpless woman for her lover.Desolate, unbearably sad.That may be a woman's weakest moment.

"Wang Han, untie my imprisonment—"

"Why... trapped me..."

Shen Yan's cry pierced through all obstacles.However, at this time, Amu could no longer answer.Even if he could answer, what should Amu say?
Thinking away from hatred, his eyes narrowed slightly.It's a pity that nothing can be seen in his dark and deep eyes.Immediately, as if she had made up her mind, her cheeks tightened.

"Demon Coffin! In the name of the Demon Lord, destroy!" These words finally popped out of his mouth.


On the devil's coffin, a desolate demon roared.Slowly press down, quite difficult, like nine days sinking.At that moment, the magic coffin was the coffin of death, wanting to bury the heirs of the sea and its master for thousands of years.

Lihen thought of the body, with a resolute look.Xueying thought about her body, but her eyes were slightly in a trance.Because, Shen Yan's struggle and crying are moving.

At least, that moved Xue Ying's mind.

How similar is everything in the past?Shen Yan seems to have the shadow of the past deep in his soul.

"Unlock me—"

"Wang Han——"

"Let me fight with—"

And at the end of the magic coffin, Xueying Nianshen finally closed her eyes.She knew that Amu would definitely die.She didn't want to see Shen Yan's grief-stricken look, and she didn't even want to hear Shen Yan's cry.

obsession!Why, there are so many obsessions in this world.Tens of thousands of years ago and thousands of years later, time seems to have taken nothing away.

What a similar scene it was.Xueying's obsession is thus incarnated.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thousands of years ago.nowhere.

Demon Venerable from hatred.

White clothes are better than snow, and the gods are as rich as jade.That was a handsome man with a peerless face.This seems to be a kind of inheritance of the demon body.The real magic body is always a kind of beauty.

Her eyes are as bright as stars, and her black hair reaches her ankles.

The clothes are fluttering, and the hair is light.

Eternal Demon Venerable, elegant and unrestrained, and always calm, with affectionate eyes and a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The word "magic" seems to be extremely far away from it.

However, on this day, there was something imperceptible in Li Hen's eyes.

Beside him stood a woman with the same white robe and long hair.Likewise, black hair cascading down to the ankles.

Yaozun Snow Shadow!That is the most beautiful woman in the Three Realms.The beauty of snow shadows charms all living beings.Even if the charm of water is in front of it, it will be dejected.

The ultimate fusion of bewitching and elegant!Number one in the Three Realms.This woman belongs to the Demon Lord.

At this time, there are clouds and a breeze.

With a smile in Xue Ying's eyes, she just stood quietly beside Li Hen.That position, Xueying considers it the pride of her life.

Demon Lord, Demon Lord, the most amazing companions in the Three Realms.

Although, the ancient curse - the love of demons, is bleak for eternity.

However, Xueying has always been very happy, even that kind of happiness sometimes makes Xueying feel unreal.No matter what happens to the Tianzhou Spirit Race, no matter what happens in the Three Realms, she will always stand by Li Hen's side.

"Snow Shadow!" Li Hen's gaze was far away, somewhat blurred.In the distance are endless tumbling clouds, and here seems to be the end of the sky.

"Hmm!" Xueying responded naturally.In the entire world, there is no one who understands the tenderness and love of the demon king better than Xueying.The man beside him, in Xueying's eyes, was perfect and no one else could compare with him.

Immortals and demons are nothing more than titles!In the song of Lihen: If I wish, I will be a ghost, a demon, a god and a Buddha.That is not an extravagant wish, Lihen can really do it.

"You said, who will win the battle of the Three Realms?" Li Hen asked.

"Who will win?" Xueying smiled sweetly, that smile could melt everything, "Of course it's us! Immortals are invincible, but you and I are not afraid. Isn't it?"

Xue Ying looked at Mozun with a smile, her eyes were as clear as a child's.Some people say that a woman will become a child in front of the man she loves.

You are a demon venerable, and it is no exception.

"Yeah!" Li Hen nodded, smiled gently, and said firmly, "Nine days later, we must be the victors!"

Saying that, Li Hen took a deep breath, turned around and gently embraced Xueying in his arms.Xue Ying smiled and leaned on Li Hen's shoulder.

The clouds in the distance are swaying leisurely.Is it freer than those clouds, my lord?

And at that moment, a complexion flashed in Li Hen's eyes.Unfortunately, Snow Shadow couldn't see it.

"Xueying, is the demon coffin here? Let's try the double coffin, or the sky coffin that can withstand the sea."

"Yeah!" Xueying didn't hesitate at all, her thoughts moved.Between the eyebrows, a green light flashed.A blue coffin was already lying in the sky.

Demon coffin!Green as a mountain.

Li Hen hugged Xue Ying, narrowed his eyes slightly, and then slowly closed them.

"Xueying!" Li Hen's voice sounded like a dream, making Xueying feel a little distressed.

And the moment the demon coffin appeared, Li Hen suddenly kissed Xue Ying's lips.This is not the first time Lihen kissed Xueying, but this time it was too sudden.

"Wow--" Xueying didn't expect it.However, happiness filled the heart.She still catered shyly, and was distracted for a while.

She is willing to dedicate everything to this man.She is willing to live and die for this man.

"Xueying! Wait for me for 1 years!" Lihen's soul suddenly transmitted voice.

"Huh?" Xueying didn't react right away.However, at this moment, Xue Ying suddenly felt endless magical power coming from the hands that embraced her slender waist and jade shoulders.

From the tip of Lihen's tongue, there was a very strong thought force.

"Boundary...Seal the soul..." Li Hen's voice trembled.

Suddenly, black clouds all over the sky surged behind Mozun.That white robe looked dazzling to everyone.The endless cloud of magic is the vision of Venerable Lihen.

Li Hen's body suddenly withdrew, leaving behind only an afterimage of his soul.

"Lihen!" Xueying's eyes showed disbelief, but her body could no longer move.Countless sigils and spells are strewn like black dragons.

The long dragon bared its teeth and claws, completely imprisoning Xue Ying like a shackle.

That was the sealing method that Lihen had prepared for a long time.The most familiar lover, of course he knows how to seal Xueying.Otherwise, looking at the Three Realms, who can seal Yao Zun without harming him at all?
The connection between Xueying and the demon coffin had already been severed by Lihen.The demon coffin quietly floated in the void, as if witnessing something.

"Li Hen, what are you doing?" Xue Ying looked at Li Hen in surprise.

"Xue Ying, I'm sorry!" Although Li Hen had a smile on his face, his eyes were already slightly bright, "In a fight with Cang Hai, we will definitely lose! I can't let you take risks!"

"Lihen, let me out! Without me, no one can control the demon coffin perfectly!" Xueying said.

Li Hen smiled, then shook his head.

"It's okay! To me, it's perfect if you can live!"

Saying that, Li Hen raised his hand.The black clouds behind him began to gather towards Xueying.There is endless magic in those clouds.At the same time, a black glow lingered between Li Hen's brows.

A shrunken magic coffin spun in the black light.The Mozun is mobilizing the power of the Mozun, otherwise this seal is a task that the Mozun cannot complete.

The land where Xueying lived was being separated from the original world by Lihen with powerful techniques.

Recreate the world and seal the soul.

With such a powerful technique, even the Canghai Seal of the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms later cannot be compared with it.

Xue Ying understands Li Hen, he knows that Li Hen has moved for real.Mozun Lihen wanted to recreate the world and seal himself.

Recreate the world for yourself.Should this be sadness or joy?


"With me here, we can definitely fight the sea!" Xueying cried.

However, this moment.Mozun was free from hatred, his expression was serious, and he remained silent.

Only black clouds are surging, and only demonic energy is criss-crossing.The wind in the void blew Lihen's white robe and curled his ankle-length black hair.Lihen stood in the void, his hands forming seals.

The whole world was moved by it.That is Lihen's strongest sealing method.

"Lihen, release my imprisonment!"

"Lihen, let me out—"

"Lihen—" Xueying burst into tears.Because the distance between her and Lihen is growing.Between her and Lihen, two worlds are slowly becoming.

"I'll bring Fox Witch Zhigu to accompany you!" Li Hen ignored Xue Ying's shout.This strong and stubborn man interprets his love in his own and even selfish way.

I will bring you to the Valley of the Fox Witches!I use a world to protect your soul!It's a pity that only I, Lihen, can't be by your side!
Probably, only the Venerable has such a handwriting.The Valley of the Fox Witch is no ordinary place.That was once the holy land of Tianzhou Fox Clan.

Tianhu, originated here.

Looking at the sky again, there are thousands of green lights.The mist is like flying into a world.That is ten thousand green hills!On that day, the entire valley of fox witches disappeared inexplicably in Tianzhou.

Because it was arrested by the Demon Lord and sealed in a special world.

"Pfft—" Looking again, Li Hen raised his eyebrows, bit the tip of his tongue, spewed out a mouthful of soul blood, and melted into the seal.Li Hen's face paled slightly.

"From now on, this place is called 'Tianzhou Shura Office'!"

That small world, in the gap between Tianzhou and Shura, does not belong to Tianzhou, nor does it belong to Shura.That was the world created by Mozun for Xueying.

"Lihen, let me out! If you consume like this, you will lose your vitality, and you will die in a big battle—"

"Lihen, please! Let me fight with you—"

"I'm afraid... we will die together... woo woo—"

"We killed Cang Hai... we killed Green Soul... we killed Phoenix..."

Yao Zun, burst into tears.Xue Ying, who has climbed to the top of comprehension for millions of years, has never cried like this.That was the cry of abandoning the dignity of His Holiness.

At that moment, she too was just a woman.

However, Li hated nothing.

The black mist surged, gradually covering Xueying's body.

Li Hen was dressed in white clothes like snow, with a smile still on his face.

However, a tear fell from the corner of his eye.That tear slid over the demon's resolute cheek, over the demon's peerless smile, and even over the tens of thousands of years to come.

Snow Shadow's world slowly closed.

"Xueying, don't worry! I won't die! I am immortal. This is better than the sea." Li Hen smiled and said, "I will seal your soul for ten thousand years. Wait for me for ten thousand years, and I will come back to pick you up in person! "

"Lihen, no. Lihen—"

"We can beat the sea—"

"Xueying, wait for me for ten thousand years! I will come back to pick you up in person!" Lihen turned around resolutely, and walked away slowly without looking back.Dressed in white, she drifted away in the black mist.

At that moment, the demon coffin floated between the eyebrows; the demon coffin followed in the void.

"Don't ask cause and effect, don't blame the sea!" Xueying's world and the world of Lihen gradually separated, only the voice came, "Xueying, there is nothing wrong with the sea. One day, you will understand..."

 There are no updates on Saturdays and Sundays.In the future, if my body is able, I will try to change it on a regular basis, and I can't change it on Saturdays or Sundays.Feel sorry!thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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