nine coffins

Chapter 990 The Valley of the Fox Witch, Immortal Demons Stop

Chapter 990 The Valley of the Fox Witch, Immortal Demons Stop

Tens of thousands of years, the time is endless, and the dream is endless.

The moment Xueying read her body and closed her eyes, she already knew that the magic man would not open the gate of the world, even if Cang Hai was really alive, there would be no time to save Amu.

Once Amu dies, Shen Yan will definitely not be alone.

Compared with Xueying, maybe Shen Yan is more sad.Because Amu is not immortal, let alone told Shen Yan—wait for me for 1 years.

For tens of thousands of years, the Demon Lord sealed Xueying because of the Battle of the Sea.Tens of thousands of years later, the descendants of Canghai are about to fall.

Is this a causal loop?
"Wang Han—" At that moment, Shen Yan was completely desperate.Because, she almost felt that drop of soul blood between her brows was dissipating.

Amu, are you going to die?

However, all destruction is actually an instant.All reversals are also in an instant.

As the magic coffin pressed down, Xueying closed her eyes for a moment.The strands of green awns that were ignored by everyone, and originally floated from the bloody sand gate, suddenly shone brightly.

Demon spirit!The endless demonic energy was dense like a net in an instant.


In the void, amidst the endless power, there was a faint sigh.That deep sigh actually surpassed all the power and all the voices.

At that moment, the whole world was quiet, only the sigh echoed faintly.

It was a woman's sigh, it was a sigh of thousands of years, and it was a sigh from behind the three gates of bloody sand.

That is, the sigh of the Yaozun!

In an instant, the situation changed.

That sigh broke everything.That is the power of a true venerable.Look again, a blue flower suddenly flew out of Amu's Tianhu fairy bracelet.


It is like a star, and like a drop of water!

The brilliance is unparalleled, shining in this small world.Then, a woman's quiet singing echoed in the world.

"Hope, hope, meet for ten thousand years; my heart is back, where are you? Looking forward, looking forward, staying together for thousands of years; my soul is back, asking where you are?"

"Hope, hope, meet for ten thousand years; my heart is back, where are you? Looking forward, looking forward, staying together for thousands of years; my soul is back, asking where you are?"

Repeatedly, the sound is endless.

The singing is ethereal, and the sound is as thin as silk.With desolate crying and endless sorrow, clear and distant.That is how many years of longing and precipitation.

That song is heart-wrenching and lingering for thousands of years.What kind of waiting is that?
Amu has heard that song.Amu has seen the most beautiful woman in the Three Realms.

Snow Shadow!Yaozun.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the snow shadow that suddenly disappeared during the Three Realms War.No one knows why the Yaozun Xueying disappeared.For thousands of years, there is no trace.

That should be the only harmless venerable in the Three Realms.Because, in the final battle tens of thousands of years ago, the Yaozun never appeared at all.

The disappearance of Xueying and the death of Cang Hai are both mysteries of the Three Realms.

The most recent message from Xueying was the appearance of Xueying's divine sense in the battle of Eternal Night in Shura Demon Continent.That night, the battle between the three coffins of the demon god and man mistakenly opened the space-time channel.

A divine sense suppresses three coffins!

The strength of Xueying can be seen.The cloud is light and the wind is as light as a green devil, and he dare not make mistakes with the Yaozun's divine thoughts.Qing Mozi got a tear of the Demon Lord at the price of an ancient clone, and then gave it to Amu.

The tear of the Yaozun is that drop of water just now!
Back then, Qing Mozi didn't say anything about the tear of the Yaozun.It has been quietly in the Tianhu fairy bracelet.Amu, almost forgot about it.

No one expected that it was almost at this moment when Amu was bound to die.That tear actually flew out of the Heavenly Fox Immortal Bracelet.

A sigh, a drop of tears, just made the coffin still.

Because in the tears of the Yaozun, the shadow of the eternal Yaozun was reflected.

White clothes and long hair, beautiful in the Three Realms.The shadow in the tears is far more real and vivid than the mind body.That's a real snow shadow.


The magic coffin was forcefully stopped in mid-air, unable to enter at all.

Demon coffin, how dare you touch Yao Zun?
At that moment, Li Hennian was taken aback for a moment.Xueying Nianshen also suddenly opened her eyes.

The tears of the Yaozun hang in the void.The Yaozun's singing echoed endlessly.The pressure on Amu suddenly eased.Kuhai Buddha Lamp, the lights turn on.

"Thousands of thousands of years of karma, who can understand it? You two minds, even if they are evolved from the Dao, how dare they destroy the people who have been robbed for thousands of years?" Behind the three gates of blood sand, the voice of the demon master Xueying was cold. It's cold.

Xueying, the Supreme Sky Fox!Spirit Race Supreme!That voice carried the majesty of thousands of years.

The two minded the body, and their expressions changed suddenly.Mindfulness of the body and the deity can be said to exist between the false and the real.Especially Xue Ying's body, which was originally an illusory body, could not help but tremble slightly.

This deity will absolutely not tolerate their existence.That's why they kept stopping Amu and others.

Only by cutting off obsession can one achieve a positive result.Therefore, if monks realize the existence of obsession, they will cut it off without hesitation.This incarnation of obsession, will the demon master stay?

Therefore, the trembling of Xueying Nian's body is the trembling of the soul!
Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo

Look again, the blood-colored Samana, which stretched from sky to earth, stopped spinning in an instant.Then a blue light shot from behind the Samana, like the scorching sun, trying to penetrate everything.


The long blood-yellow sand was turned into ashes under the blue light.Then, it was blown away by the nameless wind and disappeared without a trace.

At this time, everyone's eyes were on the Samana.Because, behind the blood-sand gate unexpectedly revealed another world.

It's blue and foggy.

Endless green hills, rolling up and down.In the void, there was actually a full moon hanging on the top of the mountain.

The smoke rises from the mountains, and the moonlight reflects it.The night was hazy and mysterious.

At the mountain pass, there is a blue stone tablet, which is more than ten feet high.Simple and vicissitudes, I don't know how many tens of thousands of years it has been established, but the ancient demon script is on it.

"Valley of Fox Witches, Immortals and Demons Stop!"

Those eight characters once shocked many existences in the Three Realms.

Valley of the Foxes!

Both Amu and Shen Yan knew that it was the legendary holy land of the fox clan in Tianzhou during the Three Realms War in ancient times.But at this moment, both Li Hen Nian Shen and Xue Ying Nian Shen were stunned.

Evolved for tens of thousands of years, they are actually like a wandering soul.They have no destination other than the land from which they are derived.

Ask me He Sheng?Where is home?
Although they stick to the three gates of blood sand, they have the memory before the snow shadow seal, but they can't enter the real snow shadow seal.

Today, it was also the first time for them to see the world sealed by the Demon Lord.

The blue light spread out, as if opening an incomparably vast door.However, there seems to be an inexplicable obstacle between that world and this place.

The mountain pass behind the stele is wide open.A "green hill" is its background.

However, the appearance of that mountain is a bit special.Because, the bottom of that mountain turned out to be in the shape of a coffin.It was an extremely huge coffin, lying there.

Coffin shape!Demon coffin?
Everyone was taken aback.Even the eyes of the Tianhu couple, who were only fascinated, flashed surprise.Because, there was no such a mountain in the Valley of the Fox Witch back then.

It's just that they are so angry now that they can't speak at all.

And the mountain shape of the sarcophagus, and even the lines on it, are almost exactly the same as the demon coffin.One must know that any mouthful of the nine coffins can be changed in a thousand ways.

No one knows whether the coffin mountain in the Qingmeng world was transformed by a demon coffin.

The sarcophagus is the base, and on the sarcophagus is a stone statue of a celestial fox hundreds of feet high.That day the fox, instead of hissing up to the sky, lay lightly on the sarcophagus as if in eternal sleep.

Sky fox icon!

And at the foot of the "green hill", a woman in white turned her back to everything.

Her ankle-length hair was raised slightly.The white clothes mopping the floor are not stained with dust.Countless cyan light spots hovered around the woman, like countless fireflies and stars in the sky.

That's just a back view.That back view can make the whole world eclipsed.

"The true body of the Demon Lord—"

"Sky Fox Snow Shadow—"

"Snow Shadow—"

The two minded the body, with horror in their eyes.Amu and Shen Yan were completely stunned.But the souls of Tianhu and his wife could only let out a secret cry, and they were actually the most excited.

The Tianhu family comes down in one continuous line.Snow shadow is the belief of the entire Tianzhou spirit clan.

The Yaozun Xueying once dominated the entire Tianzhou spirit clan.Even though the love of demons and monsters is cursed by the ages and is not accepted by the vast majority of clansmen, Xueying has always been the lord of the spirit clan.

The shadow of the moon whirled, and the blue light changed.And quite eye-catching, it turned out to be a black bird resting on Xueying's shoulder.

White mouth, red feet.The black bird is small and exquisite, with black feathers all over its body, shiny and shiny, only the white feathers around its neck are quite eye-catching.

The black bird naturally stood on Xueying's shoulder, but it was facing the direction of Amu and the others.The white feathers on the neck actually had a faint golden glow.

"Crow—" Amu called out with surprise in his eyes.Finding the Yaozun and meeting the crow was originally one of Amu's goals.However, the black bird didn't seem to hear it, and didn't respond at all.

Hu Qing and the soul of Yuhuo were also shocked.

The body of ten thousand monsters, the Holy Body of the Golden Crow!
At that time, Ya'er in Dongling, Haihuang, resisted his fate, preferring to be a demon forever.

My life is up to me, why ask Yaozun?A lifetime of slavery, immortality.

"Young Master, I want to live on your shoulders forever and ever, just like Mengjia Village back then." Those were the last words Ya'er and Amu said.

That scene made countless monks from the sea and wilderness weep.

Later, during Shura's battle, Ya'er was forcibly taken away by Xueying.Looking at it now, the crow was indeed quite docile on Xueying's shoulder.

"Crow—" Amu called again.

However, Wuniao still turned a deaf ear.At this time, Xue Ying's singing stopped.However, the snow shadow in the valley of the fox witch didn't seem to have any intention of turning around.

Only the little black bird tilted its head left and right.However, its gaze didn't stop there, it just looked casually.

However, at this moment, all the fighting has temporarily stopped.

"The karma of the three realms is indescribable!" Xueying's white robe fluttered slightly, and her voice came out slowly, "The descendant of Canghai came here after hundreds of generations and thousands of calamities, just to end everything. Therefore, he cannot die!"

Yao Zun's voice was pleasant but low-pitched, carrying endless majesty.

At that moment, Lihen and Xueying Nianshen raised their brows.However, who would dare to disobey the Yao Zun's instruction?
(End of this chapter)

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