nine coffins

Chapter 991 Tianhu Heart!I am sure he will come

Chapter 991 Tianhu Heart!I am sure he will come

Heirs of the sea cannot die!
Yao Zun's words echoed in Tianzhou Shura.As soon as these words came out, the entire Tianzhou Shura was silent.In fact, no one could figure out Xueying's position, let alone Xueying's choice.

For example, why did she give the magic coffin to Amu instead of the devil master in the Asura Realm of the Demon Continent?Immortal Venerable and Demon Venerable once confronted the Three Realms, shouldn't the descendants of Canghai be the enemy of Demon Venerable?

However, everything is so illogical.

Amu is in charge of the Tianhu dance step inherited by the Yaozun, and today his life is hanging by a thread, and it was the Yaozun who saved his life again.

"Thousands of years, the door of reincarnation is wide open! Everything is about to end, and everything should be perfect!" Xueying said to herself with her back to everyone.

Yaozun's voice was a little erratic.The stone mountain coffin and the sky fox icon seemed to be Xueying's audience.

Dressed in white, endlessly lonely.

Could it be that the Yaozun stood like this for tens of thousands of years?

Everyone remained silent because they didn't know what to say.

"Amu!" Xueying called out suddenly.

"My brother is here!" Amu hesitated for a moment, then said respectfully.

In fact, no matter from which angle, the word "disciple" is not an exaggeration.You must know that Amu still has the inheritance of the Heavenly Fox Immortal Steps on his body, and it was also thanks to the Yao Zun that he was able to get the last piece of wood and the coffin.

What's more, today, it is because of Yaozun that he saved his life.

"Where is the sea?" Xue Ying asked concisely.Obviously, the soul image of Dao Mo Langling also caused some doubts on the Yaozun.

"This?" Amu frowned, and could only answer honestly, "I don't know!"

"Oh?" Xue Ying seemed to be taken aback for a moment, then she felt relieved and smiled wryly, "Immortal Venerable and Demon Venerable are so hard to see... About them, who can explain clearly?"

"Don't ask about cause and effect... don't blame Canghai..." Xueying sighed again, "Everything will be done as you wish!"

A short silence!
"My lord, this disciple came here to ask for the demon coffin and the sky fox heart jade!" Amu said.

"Heavenly Fox Heart Jade?" Xue Ying shook her head, her ankle-length hair dancing lightly, "Heavenly Fox Heart, has long been broken. How come Tianhu Heart Jade? In the deep valley, regardless of the years. That day Fox Heart Jade, I don’t know how many thousands of years ago it turned into dust.”

"Huh?" Amu frowned.The Tianhu Heart Jade has long since disappeared.It is impossible for Brother Hu to take the water of floating dust and the essence of the five races to restore the jade fire face.

Hu Qing's soul was shaken, but Yuhuo's soul was safe.

"I use my blood to issue this curse. All my race, those who love demons, will be loved forever! ... Demon lovers, life and death will never be destined! ... Lovers, we mourn forever! The love of demons, every night Weeping blood, desolate forever. The love of a monster, a lifetime of slavery, and the family will be destroyed!"

The curse of the ancient demon master was softly uttered from Xueying's mouth, so it was naturally not a bit desolate.

Perhaps, Xue Ying, who was once also a demon master, didn't care about this curse at all, and didn't even believe it.

However, the current Xueying has long believed.Because everything about that curse is being fulfilled.

The black bird that landed on Xueying's shoulder seemed to be infected by that curse.With a flap of its wings, the little black bird flew into the air.Under the moonlight, the white neck and black feathers were like an elf on a moonlit night, with a slight golden light at the same time.

After turning around Xueying three times, the little black bird landed on his shoulder again.Then, it rubbed its small head against Xueying's cheek, just like when it landed on Amu's shoulder.

"Yu'er—" It's a pity that Amu's voice could not be heard by Ya'er at all.

"Brother Hu, Sister Yuhuo..." After saying the eternal curse, although Xueying still didn't turn around, her voice softened a bit, "Nine Turns of the Sky Fox, you have suffered too much! But, the power of cause and effect cannot block."

"The love of the same race is far better than the love between monsters and monsters. Even if you suffer from the nine turns of the fox, you can stay together for life and death, and love each other..."

"Sharing joys and sorrows, isn't it better than parting with Lihen?"

"Think of my fox clan, whose talent is the best in the three worlds! Which woman in the clan is not as beautiful as a flower, and the beauty of the country?" Xue Ying's tone became lively.

Perhaps, she remembered what it looked like when the fox clan was prosperous.Countless sky foxes play in the Valley of the Fox Witch and run in the Tianmu Grassland.

It's just that the An Le was gone forever.

The Valley of the Fox Witches is no longer what it used to be.

At this time, only Xue Ying knew: behind the coffin-shaped stone mountain, there were many bones, and some of the bones had even been turned into powder.

Now in the entire Valley of the Fox Witch, apart from her and Ya'er, there is not even any vegetation.

Back then, Mozun detained the entire Valley of Fox Witches, perhaps because he was afraid that Xue Ying would be lonely.However, he didn't know that Xueying's temperament changed drastically after 1 years of awakening.

Snow Shadow, can't leave the Tianzhou Shura Realm.All the grievances were vented on the life in the Valley of the Fox Witch.

Blame everyone!The wrath of the Yaozun slaughtered all the fox clan, and finally even all the lives, until there was no grass to grow.

The one who destroys the fox clan is also the Yaozun!Snow Shadow's white clothes were once dyed blood red.Xueying's anger once made the entire valley of fox witches feel like the end of the world.

It was a god-like snow shadow.

Only Xueying himself knows, what kind of crazy demon master was that at the beginning of 1 years of awakening?Her hands, her long hair, were all stained with the blood of her own race.

If you don't kill, you can't stop hatred!Xueying, she was crazy at that time.

In the end, it was the endless years that calmed down Xueying's mind.

From rage to calmness, from calmness to confession, from confession to plainness...

That is the tandem of tens of thousands of years!Those are the years that no one wants to repeat.

That is the suffering that is completely different from the nine turns of the sky fox, the seal from the demon king, and the reincarnation of reincarnation.That is the greatest sadness and loneliness among Haoyu.

It is waiting, without direction, and without end.

So, after tens of thousands of years, Xueying finally realized a lot.She seemed to understand the final choice of the Demon Venerable, and she also possessed a feeling that all Venerables may not have.

Perhaps, you have endured thousands of years of loneliness and waiting, then you can bear everything.

He doesn't hate the sea, and he doesn't complain.It was a real tranquility!

At this time, Xueying's words paused briefly again.The past of the fox clan is like a sweet dream.

"However, no matter how beautiful a flower is, it will wither; no matter how powerful a monk is, it will also die. It's just, long and short!" Xue Ying shook her head again.

"Brother Hu, Sister Yuhuo, you have all passed the Nine Revolutions of the Tianhu. Then why are you obsessed with a beautiful face?"

"If so, I can choose. I'd rather trade my peerless beauty for the obsession with the one who hates me forever. Nine deaths and nine lives, thousands of sufferings, as long as I'm with him, it's like honey... "

No one could see Xueying's face.

If they could, they would definitely see a string of teardrops rolling down from Xueying's eyes.Her words are like those strings that have not been plucked for tens of thousands of years.

Astringent and bitter!

"But, I can't!"

These few words from Xueying were like a hammer hitting her heart.Every word is difficult and every word is helpless.The ankle-length hair instantly lifted up and spread out like a feather fan, full of unwillingness.

A single strand of hair from the Yao Zun can kill thousands of creatures.But what's the use?

Nor is it free, my lord!

So, in the end, the long hair fell slowly, accompanied by Xueying's slight sigh.

"So——" Xueying paused, "Brother Hu, Sister Yuhuo, you should be happy? So what if you don't regain that peerless beauty?"

"Where love is, beauty is there!"

Saying that, I saw Yaozun Xueying gently raised his right arm.Slender hands are better than suet jade, forming a seal out of emptiness.

A group of green lights, quite strange under the moonlight.


Look at the green light again, rushing out of the Valley of the Fox Witch, heading towards Hu Qing and Yu Huo.

There is no possibility for anyone present to block the Yaozun's technique.

When Amu was stunned for a moment, the group of green lights had completely enveloped the souls of Hu Qing and Yu Huo.Look at the spirits of Hu Qing and Yuhuo recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

What kind of power is that?
Is it possible to recreate a living being by raising one's hand?The power of the Venerable is really incredible.If those two meditation bodies are compared with Xue Ying's real body, they are simply not in the same breath.

"Snow Shadow—"

"Snow Shadow—"

With the recovery of spirits, Hu Qing and Yu Huo were able to speak.They called Xueying at the same time.

"Brother Hu, Sister Yuhuo, although the sealing method just now can't help you fully recover, it has already minimized your damage. On the Tianzhou Continent, if you practice seclusion for thousands of years, everything will be back to normal!" Snow Shadow said.

"Xueying, where is the demon coffin?" Hu Qing asked.

"The demon coffin!" Xue Ying smiled, "When the demon coffin should appear, it will naturally appear! All coffins should be like this."

"Xueying, who sealed you here? What happened back then?" Yuhuo asked urgently.

"Back then, it was someone else!" Xueying looked up at the coffin-shaped stone mountain and the holy statue of Tianhu, "Now, it's me! One day you will know what happened back then. In fact, it doesn't matter if you don't know, it's all in the past .”

Snow Shadow's answer avoided many things.She didn't want to say it, and it didn't make any sense to say it.

"Xueying, you come with us!" Hu Qing said again.

"No!" Xue Ying shook her head, "Unless he comes, I will never leave here!"

"Lihen?" Yuhuo said.

"En!" Xueying nodded, and said firmly, "If he doesn't come, I won't leave!"

"Hehe!" Hu Qing sneered, "Xueying, how much infamy have you suffered because of that devil? What kind of hardships have the Tianzhou spirit clan experienced? Thousands of years have passed, and you still have to wait for him?"

Snow Shadow had no words.

"Xueying, can't you leave this place?" Yuhuo frowned.

"It used to be impossible! Now, I don't want to!" Xueying sighed, "You don't understand Lihen. I will wait for him here, because he promised me that he would come to pick me up!"

"I firmly believe that he will come! Although, I know that he is sealed in the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms!" Xueying smiled.

"Is Lihen sealing you?" Hu Qing's expression changed.As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed.The Mozun sealed Xue Ying, which completely overturned everyone's perception.

However, Xueying did not answer Hu Qing's question.

"Everything is about to surface!" Xue Ying's voice floated again, "Maybe, everything is a dream. What you see is illusory! Maybe, everything is just the beginning. All the dead silence is for Grow!"

Xueying's words are inexplicable.The blue mist suddenly surged up in the void.

"Amu! These two obsessions shouldn't exist. After a while, you will remove them for me. They are derived from the Dao of Time, so let's go in the Dao of Time!"

As soon as Xueying raised her hand, the door opened by the green glow began to gradually close.

"Snow Shadow—" Hu Qing and Yu Huo cried out.They still have a lot to say.

"Amu, this black bird will come back to you! It can help you!" Xueying raised her hand again.

The little black bird landed directly on her fingertips.

The Yaozun lightly stroked Wuniao's feathers, with endless love and compassion in his eyes, and then kissed Wuniao's forehead lightly.

"Go! My successor! You should go back to him!"

With a shake of one hand, a Wuming sounded.The little black bird flew out of the Valley of the Fox Witch and headed straight for Amu.

(End of this chapter)

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