nine coffins

Chapter 992 Chapter 1 Years!let everything die

Chapter 992 Reincarnation for ten thousand years!let everything die

A lifetime of slavery, immortality!

"Yeah——yay—" When the little black bird spread its wings and flew out of the Valley of the Fox Witch and passed through the blue light, Amu was in a daze.

All of that feels unreal.From Shura Demon Continent to Sea Desolation God Continent to Infinite Heaven Continent, Ya'er had already left Amu more than a thousand years ago.

Back then, in Mengjia Village on the coast of the East China Sea, Amu lost all his mana.In the dream, in the dream, Ya'er once accompanied Amu through the most difficult period of time.

Now, the floating dream of the Seven Tribulations of that year has woken up early, and Amu's Eight Sufferings have been completely fulfilled.

However, wandering in the Three Realms, how many lives and deaths?Back then, Ya'er was taken away by Xueying, and now Ya'er was able to fly back again, which made Amu feel a little bit mixed, and he was very sad.

"" Amu's voice trembled slightly.

"Yeah-yah--" Ya'er must have been unable to hear Amu's call just now, nor could he see Amu's existence.Because, when Ya'er rushed out of the blue light and saw Amu, he was very excited and kept yelling.

There are even two tears in the corners of Wuniao's eyes.

The feathers danced lightly, and circled around Amu.Then, the black bird landed directly on Amu's shoulder.With his small head, he rubbed against Amu's cheek vigorously.

"Young Master, Young Master..." Amu seemed to have heard Ya'er's call.That is a title that only belongs to Ya'er.

"Crow..." Amu stroked the feathers of the little black bird with his hands.

But at this time, there was only a gap left in the blue light gate.The original Scarlet Samana was gone, but it was still separated into two worlds by the blue light.

Snow Shadow's back gradually disappeared.The full moon is long gone.

"Amu, treat the crow well!" Those were Xueying's last words.

Then, Snow Shadow's singing sounded again——

""Hope, hope, meet for ten thousand years; my heart is back, where are you?Look at you, look at you, stay together for thousands of years; my soul returns, and I ask you where you are? "

The singing is still ethereal, still resentful.

At that moment, time seemed to never pass by.From 1 years to [-] years, Xueying has been waiting, waiting for the hatred, waiting for the longed-for love.

Xueying has completely looked down on everything in the Three Realms.The meaning of her survival probably lies in a kind of waiting.

"Thank you, Holy One!" Amu bowed in the direction of the Valley of the Fox Witches.Amu actually couldn't understand Xue Ying's choice, but he was full of respect for Yaozun.

"Holy One..."

At this time, Hu Qing and Yuhuo's spirits recovered seven or eighty-eight.The background of the snow shadow gradually disappeared, and Hu Qing and Yu Huo fell to their knees together.

Hu Qing's complexion was complicated, and Yu Huo was already crying.

Tens of thousands of years ago, they loved each other like brothers and sisters.At this time, the friendship has not changed.However, the two worlds separate everything.Both Hu Qing and Yuhuo understand Xueying's character.

No one can change what Xueying decides!
One kneel down, one sound of the Holy Lord, the way is full of helplessness and vicissitudes.There is no trace of the demon's coffin, Tianhu's heart jade has not yet been found, and the demon master Xueying refuses to leave.They were even at a loss, what was the point of coming here this time?

The Yaozun hides from the world and doesn't ask anything, so what should the spirit race in Tianzhou do?
All this weighed heavily on Hu Qing's heart.At that moment, it was just like when the crow turned into a black bird forever.Hu Qing's heart was like a boulder.

Everything he did seemed to be in vain.

The blue light joins the dragon, and the two realms separate.The Yaozun's singing gradually died down.

And at this moment, Lihen and Xueying's spiritual sense, which had been borne just now, suddenly rose up.They could all hear what Xueying said just now.

Yaozun didn't do it himself, but he entrusted Amu to get rid of them.Be the first to attack!The two statues have the same mind, body and mind, and they start at the same time.

The timing was excellent.Without the Yaozun, they can fight.

Just now, the demon coffin was fixed in the air by the demon venerable's tears.In fact, the whole space still has the aftertaste of the Demon Lord.It's just that the two gods at this time are fighting to the death.

Xueying, I don't want to keep them.Then they naturally have no retreat.If you don't kill Amu, how can they survive?
"Suppress! Exterminate!" At this time, the snow shadow thought body stood on top of the Demon Venerable's thought body again.Moreover, Xue Ying Nian's lower body was completely illusory.

Xueying's thought body was completely pierced into the head of Mo Zun's thought body.They were originally from the same root, and now they are once again united.Just for the sake of exerting the greatest combat power.

At this time, the two mind bodies are like demons.


The prohibition of demons, which had been stagnant just now, once again showed its brilliance.Thousands of murderous intentions surged like clouds.That was the devil's final counterattack.

Lihen thought of his body, his face was extremely ferocious.Xue Ying thought about her body, her face was full of monsters.

They are all incarnations of unwillingness and obsession.If there is a distinction between good and evil within the Three Realms, then they are completely the existence and incarnation of evil.

There is no way out, only to fight to the death.

Countless clouds, all in black and blue colors, cover the void.They didn't leave any retreat for themselves.If not, they would rather die with Amu.

Demons and demons should be in such a state of mind!

"Wang Han—" Shen Yan shouted in the distance.

At this time, Amu was already prepared.When the snow shadow appeared just now, Amu had already secretly restored the ban on time.The magic coffin is far away from the sea, but now the Kuhai Buddha lamp in Danhai is blazing.

The shape of the sundial under his feet has not dissipated.

As soon as the two statues moved, Amu felt the sensation.Just now, didn't the Yaozun say that he would use time to eradicate the two mind bodies?

It's just that Amu's speed is really not as fast as those two mind bodies.This gap in level cannot be made up in an instant.

Therefore, when the demon's prohibition suddenly burst into murderous intent, Amu was still a step slower.

"Huh?" Amu frowned.His printing is not yet complete.

This kind of battle, which is close to being a venerable, is actually an instant.Amu lost the wind in an instant.This kind of disadvantage is very likely to be fatal.

However, since Yaozun asked Amu to help remove the two mind bodies, he naturally had his own reasons.

How could she not know: with Amu's realm and cultivation base, how could it be possible for him to be the opponent of two venerable minds who evolved the Wannian Dao in a real battle?

Heirs of the sea cannot die!Therefore, Yaozun has already left behind for Amu.

At the moment when the demon's ban opened its teeth and claws, the black bird on Amu's shoulder suddenly flapped its wings.


A long cry pierced through the void.

Then look at the black bird's forehead for an instant with a blue light, that is exactly where Xueying kissed lightly.Immediately, a three-legged golden crow appeared in the void.

The golden light is like a scorching sun.

Golden awn, blue light.

What kind of spell is that?That kind of light is too strong!Even, it was several times more violent than the Qingqiu Yaoguang of Xueying Nianshen just now.There is a faint majesty in it.

In fact, that blue light was bestowed by the Yao Zun.That golden light is Haoyu's first light.The three-legged Golden Crow was inherited from a past that was more distant than tens of thousands of years.

Today's black bird is no longer the little black bird of the past.Its power is enough to shock Amu in the future.


That kind of strong light actually formed a beam of thousands of feet, and went straight to the two meditation bodies.The prestige of the venerable contained in it is enough to frighten the two minds.

Thinking away from hatred, he suddenly let out a scream.And Xueying thought of the body, she couldn't exclaim in surprise, it was such a nightmare.At that moment, the two minds of the body felt so hot all over their bodies that they couldn't help themselves.


The prohibition of demons is about to collapse in an instant.The two minded bodies struggled to support.Ya'er made a move, and immediately moved back to Amu's disadvantage, and completely gained the upper hand.

This moment is enough!

Because, Amu has already completed the seal.On the sundial, the brilliance is on display.The flow of time, which had been stagnant, started to run rapidly.

A stream of water lasts for 1 years!

On the sundial, the time flows like a stream, spreading out layer by layer.

Amu was dressed in Tsing Yi and stood in the middle.The long hair is flying, and the hands are knotted.The crow spread its wings and settled on the top of Amu's head, emitting thousands of golden lights.

"Magic Coffin! Return!" Amu shouted coldly.


At this moment, without any hesitation, the coffin turned into a black light and sank into the sea of ​​pills.As the magic coffin entered the sea, Amu's mind became more stable, and a strong murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

A puff of black air rose from the top of Amu's head.

Time, nothing in this world can escape time!


That was Xue Ying's howl after getting rid of the nightmare.Because, time goes back.She was fading little by little, and then became silent again.

Derived from tens of thousands of years, if time goes back, everything will naturally dissipate.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust!" In the center of the sundial, Amu Qingyi stood alone with an indifferent expression.At that moment, the one who can dominate the time is the king.

Back in time, the shape of the sundial completely devoured the demon's prohibition.


"I'm not reconciled—ah—" that was the cry of Mozun's mind.

Xue Ying thought of her body and completely dissipated.There was only a streak of white air remaining, floating above the head of the Mozun's body, ready to disperse at any time.

The forbidden map under Amu's feet spun rapidly.Time is turning back, and Amu, who is standing in the center, feels that everything in front of him is changing.

It's the flow of time that makes everything blurry.

The Demon Lord's thought body roared to the sky!

Demon, the unyielding man of heaven and earth!Magic, the unwillingness of the ages!The way of magic, the road to the sky of the [-] avenues.Demonic cultivation, cultivating without violating the original heart and stepping on blood.Immortals block and kill immortals, Buddhas block Buddhas, only my demon way is the only one in all ages.

That was the oath made by the Demon Lord when he first realized the Dao!It's just that Mozun later realized a higher level.However, this oath was brought to the extreme by this obsession.

"Let all of this be buried with me—"


Mozun closed his eyes tightly with his divine sense, because even his mind body couldn't bear the black bird's divine light.However, a formula has already been formed in the hands of Mozun NianShen.

"If I don't live, I will destroy the world! Eternal Demon Venerable, I will not be willing to die! Hahahaha——" In an instant, Demon Venerable's long hair spread out like thousands of black dragon snakes.

Endless black clouds surged up in an instant.

That is a death tactic!

Blow up!

This Demon Venerable is completely insane.Such a venerable self-destruction will detonate this small world.The entire Boundless Heaven Continent Realm and the Demon Continent Shura Realm will tremble.

Hurricanes, tsunamis!The energy of the entire small world was gathering crazily, and the demon's body was expanding infinitely.

"Huh?" Amu, who was originally indifferent, couldn't help raising his sword eyebrows.

The ban of time has been accomplished and cannot be reversed.Why are you dying?
All of a sudden, the mysterious dagger that had been floating all of a sudden turned into a long green awn, which automatically landed on the sundial, like a long pointer.

Everything sped up suddenly, and time reversed faster, so fast that it was almost invisible.

Amu felt it, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, and the seal in his hand changed.

"Forbidden Time - Reincarnation!" Amu closed his eyes and his voice was low.

As time flows, who can win?Moments and eternity.Because, that is a kind of stillness.

And what is better than the moment and eternity?Only reincarnation.Because everything comes back, it can be reborn, and it can also die!
That is the ultimate mystery of Amu Time's Forbidden.It took him thousands of years to realize this.

Time reincarnates, reincarnates for thousands of years!

At that moment, Amu's technique changed the entire hour and space.

The brilliance of the mysterious dagger was displayed, the magic ring buzzed and vibrated, and the sundial was filled with the flow of time.Everything is twisting, everything is changing.

That change even surpassed everyone's perception.

The whole world is like a fire and a river.And the whole world is turning into a vortex of time and space.

That is a kind of chaos!
Everyone is involved, everything is sinking, everything is dying...

Back to the origin, back to the beginning.

(End of this volume)

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(End of this chapter)

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