nine coffins

Chapter 993 Scarecrow!Mingzun's third island!

Chapter 993 Scarecrow!Mingzun's third island!
Baishan, clean water, like washing the blue sky.

Boundless green fields, rolling mountains.The breeze whispers, and the ancient birds sing low.Quiet and peaceful, simple and natural.It was a pure and dreamlike world!
Stay away from everything, not stained with dust!

There are various fairy grasses and strange flowers on the green field, with strange shapes.

In the air, exudes a faint fragrance.In the void, there are occasional birds.Some birds are like pterosaurs.Some birds are like white doves.What's more, some birds actually have a beast face.

Those are not like birds, and the old ones cannot be older.

The most eye-catching thing is that there are countless scarecrows erected among the various fairy grasses on the green field.

All scarecrows are life size.However, these straw people do not have the same grass color.

Emerald green, golden yellow, fiery red, and many silvery whites.

It was a spectacle.Four-color scarecrows, tens of thousands.They are arranged in a special order above the green fields.It looks like a formation, or a strange pattern.

In fact, if one looks down from a high enough sky, one will find that those scarecrows actually form the beautiful face of a woman.

Strange Scarecrow, Strange World!

A small stream twists and turns on the green field.It seemed to come from the great white mountains in the distance.

It is strange that the stream flows slowly, but it is silent.At the same time, the stream water seemed extremely clear.However, if you go closer and look into the water, you will find that the stream is not transparent, but more like bottomless.

Under the stream, there is no trace of green fields.However, if you reach out your hand, you can touch the green grass under the water.

However, what is reflected in the stream is not the current world.There seemed to be countless mirror images flowing in the creek, but there was no trace in an instant.

A drop of water hides the world?And who can see clearly, everything in the stream?
At this time, a strange bird flew across the sky.Pointed beak and long wings with hooks under the wings.It looked up to the sky and screamed, bringing out a long cry that pierced the sky.


The cry was not harsh, but extremely special.It seemed to be calling for something.

When the wind blows, those scarecrows can swing with the wind.They have different appearances and expressions. They seem to be crying and laughing, joyful and sad.

Even, the gestures of many straws are different.Some seem to dance with hands and feet, and some seem to sit silently.In this world, there is no sun, but there is an inexplicable light.

At this time, suddenly, countless mist gradually rose from the center of the scarecrow.The water mist continuously rose and gathered, and then gradually transformed into a human figure in the void.

That is a woman!
The slim figure and exquisite curves are looming in the mist.

Then, the mist condensed and the rest dispersed.

A woman in a water-colored long dress, with her bare arms, was transformed into an illusion.The woman's face is not very stunning, but it has a charm and romance.

That is a different kind of beauty.Elegant and refined, warm and affectionate.That woman's fairy charm is probably not inferior to any woman in the Three Realms.

She is the master of this world!
Just after she transformed, the woman frowned slightly, looked around, and looked at the birds in the sky.

Baishan, clean water.Green field, creek.

All these are reflected in the woman's eyes, but there are not too many waves in her eyes.

"Dameng woke up, how many years have passed?" The woman smiled and said to herself, "It seems that everything here hasn't changed much!"

Finally, the woman's eyes fell on the thousands of scarecrows, her expression was complicated, and she sighed faintly.

"Poor, Scarecrow!" A complex and incomprehensible smile flashed across the corner of the woman's mouth.Then her eyes turned to the magical stream.

"Huh?" The woman seemed to have discovered something, and then took a light step in the void.

In an instant, the woman arrived at the foot of Baishan Mountain in the distance.The stone quality of those Baishan Mountains is quite special, the light milky white is not glaring, it is extremely soft.

ding dong -- ding dong --

In the crevice of a cliff in that Baishan, the spring water dripped down.

That is the source of the brook on the green field.However, that is a strange source, because there is no snow on the Baishan Mountain.

That spring water, I don't know where it came from.

Drop by drop, very rhythmic, quite pleasing to the ear.Then, they converged into a Wangqingtan at the foot of the mountain.

The feeling of the clear pool is exactly the same as that of the stream on the green field.At a corner of the clear pool, the water slowly flows away and becomes a brook on the green field.

Endless inexplicable light swayed with the waves in the pool of water.It seems that the pool is not water, but many worlds, even many chaos.

"Oh?" Looking at the pool of water, the corner of the woman's mouth curled into a smile, "No wonder, I will wake up? Could it be, is that person coming?"

While talking, looking at the pool of water swaying slightly, it seems that there is a force that makes the pool of water slowly rotate.

An inexplicable force is penetrating everything.

"Time against the current? Is it really here?" The woman smiled softly, "It seems that all my waiting for so many years is not in vain! Canghai Immortal, you are right!"

The six rays of light rise up in the pool, like a door.The power of time was incomparably strong.

Everything is coming!Everything, meet unexpectedly!

The woman took a deep breath, but there was no sadness or joy in her eyes.


At this moment, the pool parted, and a black light rushed out of the pool.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Black Daze, white isolated island.To be precise, it should not be a white island anymore.Because, there is a small island on the black big lake that is far away from the white island.

It's just that the small island is much smaller than the white island, and it's blood red.Back then, the blood ring of the third prince of the ghost family fell into the Black Sea, and this small island appeared.

With Baidao as the center, there are still several shining places in different directions.In the black Daze, there are steam drums.There, it seems that there are still a few islands that are about to emerge.

The two most obvious places, one is emitting a blue light, and the other is shining with a black awn.At the same time, there are many ancient runes sealed in every shining place.

No one knows what's down there.

It was gloomy, and there was no sky and earth in the nether world.

In the distance, the ancient city of Fengdu was no longer visible.The former Wangchuan seems to be still there.However, there was no sound of water.Outside Wuhun Mountain, I don't know if there is that young man who is unwilling to reincarnate.

The atmosphere of the whole nether world is completely different from that of the past.Because, at the moment when Mo Zi Xiao Luo fell, the entire Nether world changed.

Demon blood resonance, open the seal.Bai Dao turned, Mingzun turned around.

At that moment, the Nether World was no longer the Nether World.It is approaching its truth step by step.

At this time, a man was suspended in the nether void.He is slender, dressed in black, and has red hair like a dragon.That was none other than Shura Dragon Saliva.

Tens of thousands of years ago, Dragon Saliva once stepped onto the throne!Using the entire Demon Continent to restore the Demon Coffin was an astonishing feat.

Now, Dragon Saliva's cultivation has long since recovered, even better than before.Within the Three Realms, unless there is a real venerable, there is probably no one who can be a match for Longxiu.

"Holy One!" Long Saliva bowed slightly in the void.

On the white island, the man in black had already turned around.

As handsome as a demon, with long hair like a waterfall!That was Xiao Luo's face, but Mingzun did not open his eyes, and was still sitting cross-legged, just like countless years ago.

"How is it?" Mingzun asked.

"The power of time should not be underestimated. When the subordinates arrived, almost everything dissipated, and in the end they only caught two obsessive breaths. As for the two mindful bodies mentioned by the Holy One, they have long been reduced to nothing and cannot be collected." Said He said, flipping the dragon saliva with one hand, it is a kind of soul collecting bottle.

In the soul bottle, there are two auras, one green and one black, like twining wicks, they are naturally the two auras of obsession.This is also the only remnant after Amu reversed the time.

"The power of time? Absurd, ha ha!" Mingzun sneered, disapproving, and then said slowly, "Forget it! Two obsessive spirits are better than nothing. Sacrifice them—"

Longxi responded, and then shook one hand, the soul bottle was already floating in the void.

Look again, Mingzun's long hair moved slightly, and his hands formed seals.


In the void, the soul bottle suddenly shattered, and two beams of energy flew out, one green and one black.


At that moment, water splashed on the black lake.Especially where the green and black light was shining just now, the light is even more shining.

As soon as the formula in Mingzun's hand changed, he drank in a low voice.

"Demon! Demon! Return!"


The two beams of energy, one green and one black, sank directly into the place where the green and black light shone.


The entire Daze is shaking.Above the Black Sea, a small island is about to emerge.

A strange color flashed in Long Saliva's eyes.Although this was not the first time he had witnessed the appearance of a small island, he was still shocked by the power possessed by Hades and the magic of this netherworld.

Outside the White Island, two small islands appeared at the same time.However, the height of these two small islands is far lower than that of the first small island.

It can only be said that the two small islands have emerged.Obviously, the power of those two obsessive qi is not enough.Even so, the light emitted by each of the three small islands still resonated in a certain way.

Buzzing buzzing buzzing buzzing buzzing buzzing buzzing buzzing

The island shook Kurosawa, causing big waves.Under the black big lake, there seems to be a strange force swimming.The entire Daze, centered on the white island where Mingzun sat alone, slowly turned.

"Huh—" Mingzun accepted the formula, and let out a long breath of foul air.

"Holy One!" Longxi called out in the void.

"Although they come from the same source, the power is too different! However, the island has already gone out to sea, so we can barely do it!" Mingzun paused and said, "Now, just grab any last kind of power. Then, Then with Ziyou's power, I can get out of the cage."

"Subordinates understand!" Longxiu responded.

"Amu, where did you go?" Mingzun asked.

"Within the Three Realms, there is no breath!"

"A big battle, no trace again!" Mingzun frowned slightly, but immediately stretched it out, and sneered, "Cause and effect are bound, Amu will definitely appear. Dragon saliva, the sea of ​​bitterness is boundless and the paradise is worry-free. Tens of thousands of years , their freedom should come to an end!"

(End of this chapter)

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