nine coffins

Chapter 994 Magic Mountain!Monster Mountain!

Chapter 994 Magic Mountain!Monster Mountain!
Asura Demon Continent.

During the Eternal Night War that year, the Blood Moon Continent was completely affected.However, it has been stable ever since.Shura Palace, Wuhen Valley, and Youfu Palace live in peace and harmony.

The blood moon is stable, and of course the Seven Stars will not have a big fight.Even in the most chaotic Starfield of War, there have been few wars in recent years.Because, Bai Wuming has basically unified the three major star regions in the north.

Years go by.

Shura's time has been nearly 8000-[-] years, and everything at that time has gradually become a thing of the past.However, there are many things that have always existed and never disappeared.Many people have been alive and never died.

It is a dormancy, not a extinction.For example, Immortal Town in the Blood Moon Southern Territory.

In the eternal night battle, the evil spirit and the dragon's saliva competed for the ghost coffin, but in the end they were charmed by the water.The battle between Amu and the Demon Lord attracts a phoenix feather from Tianzhou, and thousands of ghosts.

That battle was undecided.In the end, each guarded his own boundaries and settled down to his fate.

To this day, there are remnants of Taihuang, Zui Moluo, Demon Burial Sect and Immortal Sect remaining in Immortal Town.Outside Immortal Town, there are naturally people from Poxuantian Pavilion and Wuhen Valley waiting in line.

It has been stable for thousands of years, but it has always implied murderous intent.However, the time has not come.

In Immortal Town, houses are scattered here and there, still old and mottled.Everything is exactly as it was back then.

On the other side of the town, the wharf where no giant ship set sail for many years is still there.It's just that the 77 immortal ships are lined up, interspersed with what looks like an ancient city wall.

These boats were all brought by Xiao Luo from Netherworld back then, and they never left.It's just that the former million heavenly soldiers are no longer there.In the end, they all became a soul that gathered in the coffin.

These ships have not moved.Over the years, Immortal Town is about to return to the tranquility of the past.

The biggest difference between Immortal Town and that year is that there is an extra layer of black air, and between this black air is mixed with a faint fragrance of plum blossoms.

That was the smell left behind when Wu'er died.

Wangchuan Immortal Gate.

This seems to be a boundary marker between the Demon Continent and the Underworld.No one will easily break the boundary.

In the ancient town, there are occasional scattered figures, listless and lifeless.And all the other people who retreated to Immortal Town fell into a state of deep sleep.

It can be said that they are all immortal disciples now.

In the once extremely dilapidated yard, there are still the three dilapidated houses and an old tree.

The sloppy immortal old man was sitting cross-legged under the old tree, not at all as relaxed as he was when he slept through the afternoon.

After World War I, the immortal old man returned to Immortal Town and sat cross-legged here.Practice is quite a distant thing for the immortal old man.

Yuan Xian's Nine Great Consummations have long been his limit.Forever!For this immortal old man, it is an obstacle that cannot be overcome.Otherwise, tens of thousands of years have already been promoted.

Therefore, it is better to talk about meditation than practice.He is a pawn of Hades, ready to be summoned at any time.The leisurely life in the past was nothing more than a pretentious gesture to dispatch loneliness.

"Grandpa—grandfather——" With a few calls, the little six ran in.Bare upper body, homemade shorts, dark skin, strong figure.

The little six are exactly the same as they were back then, without any change.In fact, the appearance of all the people living in Immortal Town will never change.

"What's the matter?" The immortal old man slowly opened his eyes.He knew that Little Six would not come if there was nothing wrong. "Could it be that there is another sailing jade talisman?"

"No! Alas!" Xiao Liuzi said in frustration.To this day, he still misses the days when he sailed across the river and returned with millions of heavenly soldiers standing beside the devil.

How mighty, how majestic!Sailors, too, can be great!Sadly, those days seem to be gone forever.The endless waiting made Little Six want to fall asleep.

"Grandfather, there are huge waves on the Wangchuan River. The waves are rare in ten thousand years. There seems to be a foreign object in the Wangchuan River."

"Oh?" The immortal old man sneered, "Could it be that you are too busy and out of your mind? When will the Wangchuan River not have big waves? Do you see the waves of Wangchuan less?"

"No, grandpa! Today's waves are absolutely different." The little six said seriously, "If you don't believe me, just open your eyes and see. There seems to be a mountain on top of the River of Forgetfulness! But, I can't see it clearly."

"Nonsense!" The immortal old man snorted coldly, but he still stood up and walked out of the yard.He knew that there must be something weird.

No one should underestimate the courtyard where the immortal old man lives.With the blessing of Mingzun in that courtyard, even Yongjing's spiritual sense could not see through it, otherwise the immortal old man would not have to leave the hospital for observation.

"Huh?" The immortal old man stepped out of the small courtyard, raised his eyes in the direction of Wangchuan, and his expression changed.

Little Six can see the changes in Wangchuan.The Immortal Old Man sees farther and more realistically than Little Six.

The water of the Wangchuan River comes from the nether world and flows into the world of Mozhou.In the entire Shura world, there is probably no one who knows more about Wang Chuan than the immortal old man.

On Wangchuan, there has never been a mountain and there cannot be a mountain.Because Wangchuan is not a river at all.

However, at this time, as far as the immortal old man could see, he actually saw an incomparably majestic mountain.The high mountain was completely black, with jagged rocks and steep cliffs.

A dark mist envelops the mountain.

The Black Mountain stands abruptly on top of the River of Forgetfulness.Forget the water of the river, the stormy waves beat the shore.The mountain stood still, as if it had stood for thousands of years.

"..." A look of astonishment flashed in the eyes of the immortal old man, "little six, did this mountain just appear?"

"Yeah!" Little Six nodded, "Half an hour ago, Wangchuan changed, and the waves swept the sky. The 77 immortal ships were shaking at the pier, and they appeared soon...Grandfather, can you see it? That's really a mountain. ?"

"It's a mountain!" The immortal old man looked complicated, and nodded slowly, "The legendary... magic mountain! Little six, it won't be long before Immortal Town will wake up again. Because Mingzun is about to visit this world... ..."

"Ah!" Xiao Liuzi didn't know whether he was shocked or delighted.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Desolate China.

No matter how east the Dongling is, it is naturally an endless sea of ​​suffering.According to legends in China, the Sea of ​​Bitterness is wider than the Sea Desolation Continent.There is no way to verify this point.However, no one really came to the end of the sea of ​​suffering.

There is no limit to the sea of ​​suffering!

However, there is an island above the sea of ​​bitterness called "Worriless".If you start from Dongling to Wuyou Island, you need to pass through Bodhi Island, Qingshan, Six Great Formation and a big river.

This is the so-called "outside Bodhi Island, the green hills are not covered, six roads to the east, one river and one river", and it was this route when Amu went east to the paradise.

It's just that the Bodhi laymen on Bodhi Island have already been beheaded by Amu, and the rest are still there.

At this time, the morning light was shining for the first time, and the golden light was rustling.

It was a rather refreshing morning.

The great river, the last barrier of the island of worry-free, flows in the sea of ​​bitterness, day and night.The river on the sea is an unrivaled wonder.

At this time, one person walked slowly on the big river, like walking on flat ground.

A middle-aged man with a dark complexion and a short beard.A short brown skirt, sleeves and trouser legs rolled up.With a bamboo hat on his back, he holds a black fishing rod in one hand and a bamboo fishing rod in the other.

That demeanor is back to nature, like a great immortal.

It was none other than the Fisherman of Paradise.It's just that this time the fisherman didn't sing the loud fisherman's song, but looked at the west with a slight frown.

From east to west, passing through the array of six paths, the fisherman can actually see the green hills.On the green hill, there is a white-clothed mother-in-law stationed there.

However, at this moment, the fisherman's eyes did not stay on the green hill at all, but looked further away.

Because, inexplicably, there is a mountain above the sea of ​​bitterness.

A green hill, higher, greener, and steeper than the original green hill.

That mountain did not originally belong to the sea of ​​bitterness.However, at this time, it took root in the sea and pointed directly at the void.A faint green light spread out on the top of the mountain.

Under the bamboo hat, the fisherman narrowed his eyes slightly.The fisherman is definitely a special existence in the paradise.Although he seems to be only at the fifth level of the original immortal, but only he himself knows his true combat power.

When Amu sacrificed the mysterious dagger and the magic coffin, neither was his opponent.Finally, relying on the magic order, the fisherman did not make things difficult for Amu and let him cross the river.

That day, the fisherman could still laugh loudly even in the face of Mo Langling.Even Amu admires the fisherman's demeanor and mind!
However, at this moment, the fisherman looked at the abruptly rising green hill, but a hint of worry flashed in his eyes.It was a heartfelt worry.

"Monster Mountain!" The fisherman spit out two words slowly, then turned his eyes back to the green hills of the paradise, and said to himself, "Grandma, your catastrophe has arrived!"

At this time, the white-clothed mother-in-law was also standing on the top of Qingshan Mountain, looking west.

White clothes are like clouds, and silver threads are better than snow.People in Paradise, like people in Tianzhou, have a kind of tolerance that Haihuang and Shura people don't have.

That is a real fairy spirit, born with it.

Yuan Xian triple!The realm of the white-clothed mother-in-law is a step closer than before.

The white-clothed mother-in-law naturally also saw the green hill rising overnight from the distant sea, but the white-clothed mother-in-law's expression was quite calm.

"The legend is true!" The white-clothed mother-in-law smiled faintly, "It seems that Wuyou Island will sink one day! Patriarch Green Soul has stolen countless years of peace for us. Now that the catastrophe has come, let me be the first Let one fall for the Promised Land!"

At this time, the fog on the demon mountain was thick.

(End of this chapter)

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