nine coffins

Chapter 995 Purple Clothes!The 4 Great Patriarchs of the Northern Cold Sect

Chapter 995 Purple Clothes!The Four Patriarchs of the Northern Cold Sect

Sea Desolation Divine Continent.

Back then, the war between the sea and the wilderness disturbed Shenzhou, and the battle against the holy mountains of the three worlds even brought down the holy city of Ziyou.

In the end, Amu speeds up time, Leng Yu is promoted to Eternal Realm, the sea is transformed into a white dragon, Dragon Saliva escapes, Murong Huang is defeated, and Ziyou City disappears without a trace.

Therefore, when Amu left the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms and entered the Boundless Heaven Continent, Haihuang Shenzhou entered another era completely.Ziyou City has ruled the Sea Desolation God Continent for tens of thousands of years. Now that Ziyou City has disappeared, Shenzhou has naturally undergone tremendous changes.

The Immortal Tribulation Lock opens early, and the sea is full of aura.This has created more promoted monks, and even more immortal sects.

Of the original seven immortal sects, the Immortal Ghost Sect and the Eastern Family completely disappeared.Although the Yun family and Miao family in Qingyuan suffered heavy losses back then, they have shown a strong background after the calamity.

Today, although there are various sects rising on Qingyuan, only these two great families can stand against each other.

The Qingyuan Yun family has a faint tendency to surpass the Miao family by relying on the trading network of spirit stones and spirit coins in all regions of Shenzhou.With the backing of powerful spirit stones, the Yun Family's Tribulation Realm cultivators, and even True Immortal cultivators, can be said to emerge in large numbers.

However, 500 years ago, the Miao family came out with a unique genius who realized the secrets of heaven with the technique of forbidden pictures, and finally broke through the realm of heaven.

Celestial first level!
This can be called the number one monk in the sea in the post-Ziyou era, which is enough to shock many people.

The Wuji Immortal Palace in Yunmo in the southern region was extremely low-key. When the greedy wolf wiped out the Wuji Palace, it was severely damaged, and since then it has hardly asked about Shenzhou.Legend has it that Yu Qiumu, the master of the Promise Palace, has completely retreated.

Dongfang Chongling Brahma Temple is still ancient and peaceful, and has always been peaceful in Dongling.Many mountains still block many.

But in the entire Sea Desolate Continent, the most transcendent existence is the Northern Cold Sect.The entire Sea Desolation Eastern Territory, and even the entire Sea Desolation Divine Continent must follow the example of the Northern Cold Sect.

Now, the Northern Cold Sect has incorporated the original Arctic Fairy Sea into the sect.Because, Amu and Lishui have long been legends in Shenzhou.

In the Beihan Sect, there were two monks like this, enough to overwhelm everything.

Back then, in order to contain Amu, Dongfang Huan and Dongfang Muxiu led the Dongfang family and countless armored black clothes to attack the Northern Cold Sect with Su Xin as their internal response.

In a great battle, the Dongfang Clan was wiped out.However, the entire Northern Cold Sect's mountain gate was completely destroyed.The former five peaks and four caves, except for Tianzang Peak, have long since changed beyond recognition.

As a result, the northern cold sect withdrew to the north and the Arctic Xianhai was completely merged into one sect, and the name was still the northern cold sect.If this is the influence of Amu and Li Shui.

However, the main mountain gate of the Arctic Sect is still located in the original Arctic Fairy Sea.

The two factions are originally connected with each other, and now they are completely merged.The current Sovereign of the Northern Cold Sect is Fengchi, the original Sovereign of the Arctic Immortal Sea.

As for Han Qianli, Bai Yifeng, and even Beiji Xianweng and others, they have already retreated and ignored world affairs, and some early monks who have been unable to break through for a long time have already passed their lifespan.

However, everyone knows that the number one master of the Beihan Sect on Haihuang is that purple robe.

Han Bingyi, Dongfang Muxiu, who had severely injured the fifth level of Xuanxian in the battle, was only later defeated by Dongfang Huan.Legend has it that after the war, Han Bingyi was brought back to the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms to practice.

Later, he also returned to the Northern Cold Sect.However, after that, no one knew where Beihan Ziyi came and went.However, there is one thing everyone believes in.

Beihan Ziyi had already been promoted to the Heavenly Immortal Realm, or even higher.However, no one knows her whereabouts.Even in the Northern Cold Sect, very few people know her information.

The former site of the Northern Cold Sect has become the most important branch of the Northern Cold Sect.

Today, the mountain with four peaks supporting one peak is no longer there.However, among the mountains, there are still many monks who open up caves to practice.In addition, the tombs of Ice Fairy, Ziyu and others on Tianzi Peak are still there.

And the most prominent one is the only forbidden area in the North Cold that was not affected by the war that year - Tianzang Peak.

In the great war that year, no side dared to touch Tianzang Peak in the slightest.Tianzang Peak, like Zhenbei Peak back then, has become the current forbidden area of ​​the Northern Cold Sect.

The green air is misty, covering everything.

Ordinary low-level monks can't see through the blue mist at all.In fact, there is nothing special in the blue mist.There is only one lone peak, ordinary and lonely.

The Tianzang lineage closed the fairy mountain and imprisoned the cave.About 500 years have passed since the time of the Sea Desolation.

Today, many monks practicing at the former site of the Northern Cold Sect have heard everything about that year.The stories of Amu, Li Shui, Li Ruo, and Han Bingyi are even more talked about by future generations.

Sky Purple Peak!
To be precise, it should be Zizhu Peak now.Because, in the great war that year, the battlefield was measured in thousands of miles.The Tianzi Peak was once the crown of the northern cold.However, today's Tianzi Peak is no longer what it used to be.

Yufeng Lake on the top of the mountain completely disappeared in the flames of war.However, those tombs of the Zizhu and Tianzi lineage were fortunately unscathed.

Today, there happened to be three female cultivators under Zizhu Peak.

Two blue-clothed women lead a white-clothed repair boy.According to the clothing level of the Northern Cold School, these are two beginners with disciples who have not yet cultivated immortal roots.

The three girls were pretty, and the repair boy in white was carrying a bamboo basket on his back.Two women in blue clothes are guiding him to collect herbs, explaining while collecting herbs.

The female cultivator in white was cute and smart, and looked very serious and attentive.

"Senior Sister Yun, is there really an important tomb on this Purple Bamboo Peak?" During an interval, the female cultivator in white wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked up at the top of Zizhu Peak.

"Of course!" one of the female cultivators in blue replied, "Almost all the sages of our Tianzi lineage were buried on the Purple Bamboo Peak. Thousands of years ago, the Northern Cold Sect fought and the mountain gate was completely destroyed. But the tombs on the Purple Bamboo Peak They are all safe and sound, it should be the magical fortune of our Tianzi lineage!"

"Oh!" The female cultivator in white had infinite yearning in her eyes, "It is said that the two patriarchs, Li Ruo and Bing Yi, once practiced on Zizhu Peak?"

"That's right!" Another female cultivator in blue who was slightly older replied, "Patriarch Li Ruo and Bingyi are both from our Tianzi lineage. I have seen their portraits in our master's study before!"

The tone of the woman in blue was slightly satisfied and proud.

"Really?" The female cultivator in white was quite excited, her eyes sparkling, "Senior Sister Sun, what do they look like? Are there any masters Li Shui and Amu in the portrait? They must have endless fairy appearances, right?"

"Hehe!" Senior Sister Sun scolded with a smile, "Little Junior Sister, what kind of nymphomaniac are you? It's just a portrait! In my opinion, it probably can't fully show the amazingness of Li Ruo and Bing Yi, and of course there is no such thing as Li Shui and A Mu. A master."

"Alas!" The female nun in white pursed her lips, disappointed, "When will I be able to meet the legendary Four Great Patriarchs of the Northern Cold? That's not in vain, I will practice for a while!"

"Hehe!" Senior Sister Yun scratched the face of the female cultivator in white and smiled, "Good junior sister, you are thinking too far. Next month, you can cultivate your eighth-rank celestial root before we talk about it! No, you still want to see the Four Great Patriarchs? Your current life is not called practice."

"Oh!" The female cultivator in white blushed, "Senior Sister Yun, do you think I can really grow an eighth-rank immortal root?"

"It can't be wrong! Our Tianzi Peak's magic mirror has never been missed. You can practice the Root Cultivation Art with peace of mind, and you will definitely grow an eighth-rank fairy root!" Senior Sister Yun said.

"Yes! Junior Sister!" Senior Sister Sun also laughed, "I heard that the two patriarchs, Li Ruo and Bing Yi, both had eighth-rank immortal roots! So, you must work hard!"

"They are all eighth-rank immortal roots! That's great." The eyes of the female cultivator in white lit up again, as if she felt that she and the two patriarchs were at the same level.

Then, the female cultivator in white tilted her head to ponder for a while, and finally knelt down directly under the Purple Bamboo Peak, saying very reverently: "All patriarchs of Tianzi, disciple Miao Long'er bows down! Immortal root. In the future, you can go to the fairyland, and you can see that the four great patriarchs have made our Northern Cold Sect great!"

Senior Sister Yun and Senior Sister Sun did not speak while listening to Miao Longer's prayer, but looked at the top of Tianzi Peak with complicated expressions.

Thousands of years ago, the Immortal Tribulation was unlocked.Sea Desolation monks emerged in large numbers, and the Northern Cold Sect was naturally better than before.Although there are still not many eighth-rank immortal roots, they are no longer as rare as they were back then.

However, even so, if one wants to reach the height of Patriarch Li Ruo and Bing Yi, it can be said that the situation is as high as the sky.You must know what kind of opportunities Li Ruo and Han Bingyi have.

To become a fairy, I am afraid that both talent and opportunity are indispensable.

Back in the day, when they started, which one was not full of ambition?It's just that after nearly a hundred years suddenly, I realized how difficult it is to practice?The fairy road is long and has no end.

How easy is it to go to the fairyland?
Didn't the Four Patriarchs come out only in the tens of thousands of years of the Northern Cold Sect?What's more, those who are as powerful as the Eternal Saint Body and the Eternal Saint Lotus are not only unprecedented, but also unprecedented.

Of course, the two senior sisters will not pour cold water on Miao Longer, they all understand Miao Longer very well, and even wish Miao Longer's dream to come true from the bottom of their hearts.

Who doesn't dream when young?This is right!

Miao Long'er expressed her sincerity, and after saying that, she bowed respectfully to the top of the Purple Peak three times.

"Sage Tianzi, you will definitely get what you want!" A woman's voice suddenly came from the void.

The three were slightly taken aback.

At some point, there was a female cultivator in purple standing not far from the three of them.She also looked up at Tian Zifeng.However, none of the two novice cultivators found her, let alone the cultivator.

"Meet Master Uncle—"

The two women in blue looked at each other, then bowed to salute.Miao Long'er also hurriedly stood up and saluted.

Northern Cold Sect Regulations: Clothes for monks below the spiritual realm.Xiutong wears white, blue at first, and purple after final cultivation.Those above the spiritual realm are not restricted.

In fact, the two senior sisters, Sun and Yun, didn't know this purple-clothed female cultivator who suddenly appeared.However, the purple-clothed female cultivator who can appear under the Purple Bamboo Peak must be a Northern Cold cultivator.

That's why they called them Shishu.

Miao Long'er has only been on the mountain for more than a year, so naturally she followed her two senior sisters, Sun and Yun.However, Miao Longer is not afraid of tigers as a newborn calf.The two senior sisters, Sun and Yun, were all respectful, but she was the only one who dared to look up at the female cultivator in purple.

At this time, the purple-clothed female cultivator turned around.

Miao Long'er felt that the purple-clothed uncle in front of her was really glamorous and beautiful, beyond words.

All the fellow students she had seen before could not compare with it.Even the sub-patriarch of the Tianzi lineage that he once glimpsed from afar is far inferior.

In the Northern Cold Sect, there is such a woman.Unfortunately, it's just a custom repair.However, this woman gave Miao Long'er an indescribable feeling of ignorance.

That seems to be a real fairy rhyme.She had never experienced that feeling in all the monks she had met.

"Thank you uncle!" Miao Long'er was not too nervous.She heard clearly what the purple-clothed nun said just now.

"What's your name?" The purple-clothed female cultivator looked at Miao Long'er.

"Disciple Miao Long'er! Mysterious Miao, the dragon of Shenlong!"

"A mysterious dragon?" After hearing Miao Long'er's explanation, the purple-clothed female cultivator couldn't help but smile, "That's a good name! You belong to the Tianzi lineage of the Northern Cold Sect, who is your disciple?"

"The disciple has not cultivated the immortal root yet, and has never really apprenticed to the teacher!" Miao Long'er replied obediently.

The female cultivator in purple listened and nodded, and glanced at him.

"Eighth grade to pure water spiritual root! Your aptitude is quite good!" Then turning her head, the purple-clothed female cultivator turned to Sun and Zhou, two beginners, "Who are you from?"

"Disciple is taught by Mengru Fairy!" The two responded in unison.

"Oh!" The woman in purple nodded, but a look of disappointment flashed in her eyes.Because, she doesn't even know who Mengru Fairy is!
Thousands of years have passed, and the past is like smoke.The Northern Cold Sect gradually began to become unfamiliar.

"Miao Long'er!" The purple-clothed female cultivator looked at Miao Long'er again, a soft look flashed in her eyes, because this female cultivator reminded her of herself back then.

In the past, didn't the two senior sisters, Ziyun and Ziyu, also wear blue clothes and lead Xiutong to gather medicine by himself?

"Miao Long'er, if you want, after you develop the immortal root, you don't have to worship under the disciples of other people in Beihan. I can take you as an apprentice, how about it?" the purple-clothed woman looked at Miao Long'er and said.

The woman in purple believed that seeing Miao Long'er today was a kind of fate.

"Really?" Miao Long'er had an inexplicable feeling in her heart, which made her immediately kneel down, "I am willing! Master, please be respected by my disciple!"

Miao Long'er is indeed an extremely intelligent and pleasing woman.The distant future will prove it.The choice of the woman in purple is absolutely right.

The woman in purple smiled and nodded, while Sun and Yun looked embarrassed.

Because, their master, Fairy Rumeng, really wanted to take Miao Long'er as his apprentice, otherwise, how could they let the two of them, the ninth-level beginners, bring a little boy out to gather medicine?

"Hehe!" The purple-clothed woman smiled, "Then it's settled like this."

At the same time, she naturally noticed the changes in Sun and Yun.

"Don't worry! No one dares to object to my acceptance of my disciples in the Northern Cold Sect!" The purple-clothed woman reassured Sun and Yun, and then turned her hand into a bag of advice.

"Long'er, this is for you! It's your apprenticeship ceremony." A purple light fell straight into Miao Long'er's palm.

"Thank you, Master!" Miao Long'er blushed with excitement.Magic weapon?For her, it was like a dream.There must be treasures in this kit.

"Disciple, may I ask Master's Taoist name?"

"Excuse me, my uncle's Taoist name?" Miao Long'er asked at the same time as Sun and Zhou.

"I don't have a dao name. Remember, my surname is Han! I will come again." The woman in purple didn't say anything, but a red cloud rose under her feet.

chirp -- chirp --

That red cloud instantly turned into a peerless horse.The head has dragon horns, and the ribs have wings.The King of War Soul, let out a long hiss.Then, stepping on the endless flying clouds, he went straight to Tianzang Peak.

Tianzang Peak, that was the purpose of her trip.

There are still female cultivators surnamed Han in the Beihan clan, but that horse is definitely a symbol of the identity of the woman in purple.

"Han?" Senior Sister Sun was taken aback, and the purple-clothed female cultivator in front of her instantly merged with the portrait she had seen before, and immediately exclaimed, "Bingyi... Patriarch..., that is the legendary...war spirit horse king... "

Miao Long'er and Senior Sister Yun were stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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