Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 101 The Secret Way

Chapter 101 The Secret Way
Although everyone stepped aside, Xiao Ran and Fatty stayed by Hu Bayi's side.Although everyone has become one with each other along the way, and different people have some inextricable connections with each other, after all, the three of them are the "iron triangle" of this expedition.

"Sixteen dragons penetrating the ground, the top corresponds to the changes of the five elements and 24 directions, and the bottom changes slightly due to different geographical conditions. The so-called sixteen dragons are also sixteen snakes. For example, it is said in "Sixteen Characters of Yin and Yang Feng Shui Secret Art": Snakes are erratic, Suddenly north and south. Only one of the sixteen snakes is a real dragon through the veins of the earth..."

While Hu Bayi was talking, he was chanting words, as if reciting a text.

Xiao Ran listened to it with great interest, and finally felt lonely after listening to it, so he secretly asked the fat man beside him: "Brother Hu, have you seen this "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Fengshui Secret Technique"? Is it difficult to learn? "

The fat man smacked his teeth and said, "How can I say this? I have seen his old book and glanced at it twice. There are not many words in a thin book, and each article probably does not exceed thirty words. I know those words separately, but I really can’t read them together at my level. It’s old nonsense, ordinary people just have this book, it’s really useless, this thing depends on teacher’s explanation, on-the-spot operation, and individual Comprehension, anyway, I don’t intend to learn from him.”

Xiao Ran understood in his heart that it seemed that some things really required talent.If it is really as simple as Fatty said, the sixteen Feng Shui secrets are all so simple, and Hu Bayi can use it to see so many doorways in the sky and the earth, which shows that the water of this knowledge is not so deep.

At least for now, things related to feng shui can really only be counted on Hu Bayi to do it.

Hu Bayi was really like a typical Fengshui master in Xiao Ran's impression, he was calculating and chanting, walking and moving among the stone pillars, and within about 10 minutes, he stood in front of the four floor tiles on the left side of the temple.

"If I'm not mistaken, it's here."

Hu Bayi took out a geological hammer and tapped on the four bricks one by one. "Knock, knock, knock, boom..." A large square brick of about two square meters near the wall made a hollow sound.

The fat man leaned over, lay down on the ground and carefully took care of this floor tile, and kept blowing the fine sand and broken soil at the joints of the tile with his mouth.However, the joints between the edges of the square bricks and other floor tiles and walls are completely tight, and it does not look like they can be pried apart by external force.

"Old Hu, are you sure it's this brick? It sounds like the bottom is empty, but how do you open it? Or should we put explosives on it?"

The fat man anxiously went to look for explosives again, Xiao Ran hurriedly held him down, smiled and waved to the panicked crowd behind him.

"I said Fatty, you look like a bear, why are you always so impatient? I've been blowing the gold-fixed acupoint technique for a long time, and now you're going to use explosives directly. This won't embarrass us all. Do you? Listen to my command!"

After whispering a few words, Hu Bayi walked to the stone pillar closest to the square brick.

"People who lived 2000 years ago, don't worry about whether they really had this or that technique. Since this tunnel secret door is a mechanical mechanism, it's nothing more than a set of gears and chains plus levers, so it will definitely not make troubles for yourself. This is the closest to the pillar, the mechanism must be here, but I don’t know if it still works..."

Hu Bayi called Fatty and Xiao Ran over, wanting them to help.Seeing that Hu Bayi was already sweating, Xiao Ran volunteered: "How about this, I'll turn the base, and you two should be well protected. If there is any unexpected situation, you can help me."

Hu Bayi felt that he was the leader of the team, and Xiao Ran kept calling on him one by one, so it was too unfair to shrink back at this time.But he really couldn't resist Xiao Ran, so he had no choice but to let the fat man lead everyone to the entrance, and stand beside Xiao Ran to direct and support him.

Hu Bayi wiped off his sweat and said, "First, point the empty side to the dark passage, turn it clockwise five squares, then counterclockwise one square, then clockwise eleven squares, and then counterclockwise two squares."

Xiao Ran knew that nothing would happen, but he still pretended to be nervous and asked Hu Bayi: "Brother Hu, are you really doing well? If any other mechanism is touched, at least the two of us will be involved." ..."

"It's okay! This is what happened anyway, if there is anything wrong, let's withdraw immediately!"

When Hu Bayi said this, he was still swallowing saliva, it seemed that he was really nervous.Xiao Ran nodded to indicate that he was ready, and only heard Hu Bayi recite a few formulas: "Looking for a dragon from a thousand miles away, seek the left and right, five steps along the Yang, follow one of the Yin, and turn around!"

Hearing this, Xiao Ran began to rotate the six-sided stone seat with his luck.Hu Bayi shouted out the number firmly every time he turned a grid.

According to the number calculated by Hu Bayi, when turning to the last frame, there was a series of muffled sounds from the bottom of the stone pillar to the ground between the stone bricks, as if an old machine suddenly started to turn.

After that, no more.

Hu Bayi and Xiao Ran stared at each other, then at the stone brick, wondering why nothing happened.The secret door didn't open, but luckily it didn't trigger other deadly mechanisms.

Seeing that there was no movement here, the people behind also cautiously approached, and found that there was no danger, they all circled around the floor tile to check carefully.

Hu Bayi's expression was slightly awkward, and Professor Chen said upon seeing this: "Just now everyone heard the sound of the machine turning, and Team Leader Hu's analysis must be correct. It's just that no matter how powerful Queen Jingjue is, the mechanism to open the door can only It is made of metal, wood and stone. After about 2000 years, no matter how precise the machine is, it will face the problem of being in disrepair, which cannot be avoided by modern technology. Satellites in space are condensed with the cutting-edge technology of all current human science and technology It is also difficult for the product to have a lifespan of more than ten years."

Professor Chen's words eased Hu Bayi's expression a lot.The fat man was also eager to save some face for his brother, so he simply stepped on the square brick, jumped a few times, and cursed: "What a piece of crap, people will react and bricks will follow suit. This is what happened back then, Fatty I am not……"

Before he could say what he insisted on, the square brick under his feet suddenly sank with a "crack and bounce".Before the fat man could cry out, he rolled and fell into the tunnel below.

"Fatty!" Hu Bayi shouted impatiently.

Fortunately, the fat man was carrying a backpack this time, so he didn't roll down like a cannonball like the Kwantung Army's underground base.But he still rolled twice on the steps, clutching his buttocks and screaming in pain.

Hu Bayi quickly jumped down the tunnel, helped the fat man up and asked, "Are you all right? Did you break your tail bone?"

"Oh, my bones are hard! It's just that my buttocks were scratched by the steps, and my flesh hurts!"

Seeing that the fat man was fine, Hu Bayi called Xiao Ran to go down as well.Xiao Ran flashed the flashlight forward and saw a stone step built of black stone leading to the depth, even the flashlight could not reach the end.

"Mr. Hu, Mr. Wang, and Xiao Ran, the cooperation of the three of them really performs their duties, and they cooperate seamlessly."

Shirley Yang led the others down the aisle, boasting lightly, and everyone looked at the fat man and snickered.

(End of this chapter)

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