Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 102 The Eye of the Mural

Chapter 102 The Eye of the Mural
The fat man stood up holding his buttocks, swung his legs, and couldn't walk very easily for a while.

Seeing everyone sniggering, he suddenly felt dull, and sat down on the ground: "Leg hurts, I can't walk!"

Hu Bayi kicked him, and said with a smile, "I'm still losing my temper. But we've been tossing around for so long, it's really time to take a break. This is not a place to rest, let's go out first!"

Xiao Ran estimated the time, it should be noon now, if everything goes well, there is still enough time.

Look at Professor Chen, Hao Aiguo, and Ye Yixin, who are already weak, and they are all out of breath at this time, and their speech is somewhat weak, presumably due to hunger and thirst.

So everyone had no choice but to obey Hu Bayi's arrangement, and went out of the main hall again, in a well-ventilated place near the exit, simply gnawed on dry food and drank some water, and waited for sufficient physical preparation before going down.

Thinking about the dangers he might encounter in the future, Xiao Ran couldn't hurry anymore.From the bottom of his heart, he hoped that this trip would allow everyone to survive, but if he brought several old and weak members, even with the help of Hu Bayi and Fatty, he still had no idea.

During lunch, when everyone talked about Hu Bayi's ability to divide gold and Ding acupoints in finding secret passages, they all praised him.Hu Bayi was full of humility, and said: "I am nothing more than making use of what I know, and I am not good at learning skills. In the end, I have to thank this trip to the desert, which gave me the opportunity to practice."

A capable person is humble, that is true humility.His low profile made everyone admire him even more.The curious Sa Dipeng asked: "Leader Hu, what method did you use to find that secret passage? How can you be so accurate? Tell us in detail."

Hu Bayi smiled slightly and said: "When I saw the order of the sixteen large stone pillars, I thought of the ancient giant gate array, which is such an arrangement. The so-called giant gate array means this arrangement, Most of them are used on the passages at the door. The formation of the stone gate coincides with the number of Luo numbers and the arrangement of the stars in the sky, and it is also related to the location of the layout, the person who arranges it, and the people who arrange it. It's deep and complicated, and it's useless to tell you...don't forget, you don't usually need it."

From the time he started talking, the three students took notebooks and recorded it seriously. It was indeed the first time for Hu Bayi to practice these techniques.

Professor Chen nodded again and again, looked at Xiao Ran and Fatty Wang, and boasted thoughtfully: "The three chief and deputy team leaders we recruited this time are not ordinary people. Comrade Hu has skills, and Tianxing Fengshui can help us divide the Jinding points Find the way. Xiaoran is wise and familiar with his father's research on the culture of the Western Regions. He helped us prepare a lot in advance along the way. Comrade Wang...has courage. The three are wise and brave. As Xiao Yang said, you cooperate seamlessly , so that we can always protect us nerds."

When the fat man heard that Professor Chen praised him, he finally became happy again: "If you say that Professor Chen is a great professor, let's see how good he is! The same thing is said by different people, but the taste is different." ..."

Hu Bayi and Xiao Ran looked at each other, knowing that Professor Chen was trying to smooth things over.Although the role of the fat man is indeed not small, he is also a well-known troublemaker, and it seems that he is about to get angry with Shirley Yang again.

Seeing that everyone was eating and drinking, Hu Ba got up and greeted him: "Comrades! The dark road ahead is dark and long, and we have to hurry up while the sky is shining!"

Hu Bayi told everyone to pack lightly, but under Xiao Ran's repeated request, they still brought the heavy portable searchlights with them.

A group of people went down the secret passage again, and Hu Bayi saw a stone lever beside the entrance.He pulled hard, and a lot of dust fell on the stone pole, but with a "creaking" sound, the floor tiles at the entrance unexpectedly rose slowly. Below the floor tiles was a solid bronze mechanism, which controlled the up and down of the floor tiles like an elevator. .

Professor Chen lamented that this exquisite queen is really extraordinary. I don't know whether it was designed by myself or recruited skilled craftsmen to design such a sophisticated and durable mechanism, which is still intact after 2000 years.

Hu Bayi pointed to the exquisite and tight parts between the brackets, and added: "Although the design principles of these brackets use some easy-to-number principles, the design concept is completely different from our common style. style and even a part of Gongshuban’s craftsmanship concept. If these designs come from Queen Jingjue herself, then she must be an unborn genius.”

Hu Bayi believes that this queen is so skillful and controlling people's hearts, maybe there is some mechanism hidden in the secret passage.Professor Chen has a different opinion on this, because this is obviously a passage designed for the queen and other dignitaries and priests, and he should not make trouble for himself by doing so.However, in view of the various dangers before, he still agreed with Hu Bayi's arrangement, and everyone kept a distance from each other and proceeded cautiously.

After walking less than [-] meters, the black stone steps came to an end, and a five-meter-wide and three-meter-high corridor appeared in front of them, which opened up everyone's hearts a lot.

The flashlight hit the bricks and stones next to it, and there were faintly shining lights.The fat man touched it with his hand in surprise, and asked Hu Bayao: "Old Hu! Look, is this a gold brick? Is it mixed with gold sand?"

Seeing that he took off his gloves and wanted to pick a small shiny particle, Xiao Ran quickly reached out and grabbed him: "Brother Fat, do you still want to pick one and bite it to see how fine it is?"

The fat man was stunned: "I... I just want to see it, isn't this considered destroying cultural relics? This is called appraisal, yes, let's do an appraisal..."

Xiao Ran held back a smile and said, "No need to identify it. At this time, the sky bricks in the Western Regions were common in building walls in the ancient Western Regions. They are made of ordinary rammed earth, cow dung, and cool sand. They are dry and hard, and will become stronger with time. You see Those glittering particles are translucent cool sand, and when you shine a little light on the loess bricks, do you still want to identify it?"

The fat man looked at Xiao Ran, then at Hu Bayi, seeing Hu Bayi nodding his head seriously, he had no choice but to put on the gloves resentfully, and Ye Yixin who was behind burst out laughing.

At this time, Professor Chen, Hao Aiguo and others were attracted by the murals on the wall.

Those murals are full of large and small eyes, which are either open or closed.Some eyes are also painted with eyelids and eyelashes, which is enough to show that Jingjue Ancient City worships the eyes extremely.

"It seems that my estimation is correct. At the end of the steps paved with Zagrama Mountain, there are these murals of eye totems. It can be seen that this secret passage is for the Queen Jingjue and the priests." Professor Chen said excitedly.

Hao Aiguo raised his glasses on the bottom of the wine bottle with trembling hands, and his tone was more excited than Professor Chen: "These murals are kept in such good condition without a trace of falling off, thanks to the fact that the place is closed all the year round and the air is not circulating. Seeing such exquisite and intact murals..."

Xiao Ran thought to himself, he really did not expect, even he did not expect that Hao Aiguo would be standing here alive at this moment.

He looked at the eyes in the mural, and suddenly felt a little dazed. These eyes blinked continuously, and finally gathered together, turning into a huge eyeball staring at him.

A cold voice sounded in his head: "You... don't belong here... Get out!"

(End of this chapter)

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