Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 103 Confrontation

Chapter 103 Confrontation
The eye in the mural slowly bulged out of the wall, like a spherical fish slowly jumping out of the water, suspended in the air, staring at Xiao Ran.

That eye is very much like the jade eye in the stone palace, with blue eyes and blue pupils, surrounded by red bloodshot eyes.

Xiao Ran seemed to be fixed by the blue pupils, he couldn't make a sound, and he couldn't make any movements by himself, he just walked forward slowly with the crowd as his eyes moved back.

Professor Chen next to him is still introducing the murals of the ancient Western Regions.He calmed down his excitement and said to everyone: "As early as the early nineteenth century, the ruins of the ancient city of Xijiang were discovered by many so-called explorers in the West. There are also a large number of murals in these ruins, which are also similar to the paintings in front of us. Same, with very strong religious overtones.

"It's a pity that due to the current situation at that time, we were unable to effectively protect the relics far away in the western Xinjiang. This allowed the Westerners to take advantage of the loopholes. Many murals of the relics were looted. The well-preserved ones are now in foreign museums. Some of them sank halfway into the sea, and even after being transported, it was found that the murals had oxidized and fallen off, so they had to be abandoned. This is a catastrophe for the culture of the ancient Western Regions. Now we can see such well-preserved murals, or the 36 countries of the Western Regions The most ancient and mysterious murals of the Jingjue ancient country in the world, it is definitely a discovery that shocks the world!"

Hu Bayi suddenly said: "So that's it. It seems that there should be some information about Jingjue Kingdom and their queen in this mural. Let's look for it carefully. Don't encounter any new situation and get caught blind..."

Hu Bayi carefully illuminated them with a flashlight, but before Xiao Ran's eyes, the contents of those murals came alive like a movie.

He saw a group of slaves kneeling down in a black hall with their hands tied behind them.One of them walked forward as if possessed, put a jade pendant on a jade eye, and put his hand on it.

The jade eye emitted a strange light, and a black hole appeared above the hall, and some giant-eyed meat eggs fell from the black hole.Countless black snakes crawled out of the eggs, and instantly covered the slave's body, constantly raising their heads and biting.

The slaves screamed and struggled in pain, and soon turned into black and purple corpses.

Turning the screen, I saw countless black snakes fluctuating densely like hair growing from rocks on the pitch-black Mount Zagrama, and the eyeball-like sarcoma on the back of the black snake's head was slightly bright under the moonlight.At the foot of the mountain, all kinds of wild beasts such as sand wolves, rats, camels, gazelle and so on bowed down and bowed tremblingly, as if they were meeting the king of beasts.

Hu Bayi sighed: "Didn't we all see these before? It seems that what Xiao Ran said about the sacrificial vessels before is correct. These elite people worship this kind of black snake as a patron saint. That kind of jade eye ritual summons the black snake and sacrifices a living person. It's that black hole, what does it mean?"

Professor Chen said: "Perhaps it represents the imaginary space. Yuyan can open the door of another dimension through rituals and summon this kind of black snake. This kind of black snake with tumors on the back of its head must not belong to our world. It's just Unexpectedly, after such a long time, this ritual is still effective, and those black snakes still exist..."

But at this moment, before Xiao Ran's eyes, the picture changed again.He saw himself walking on a stone platform with unfathomable abyss on either side.In front of him, a masked man was sitting on a high throne, beside a brightly colored one-eyed giant snake, staring at him with blood-red eyes.

The gloomy voice sounded again: "You are not a tribute from Zagramar, nor are you a thief who plots for the treasure of the have a familiar is you!"

In front of Xiao Ran's eyes, the picture turned to his own face, it was a barbarian face with curly beard, young and dark, but there was a stubbornness on his face that would rather die than surrender.

"It's me, I'll bring the warrior back and end your curse once and for all!"

It was the voice of Suohunding Lingzhu who said these words.

The fat man who was looking at the paintings suddenly pointed to a painting and said, "Hey, look! Why does this person look so modern... Isn't this Xiao Ran!"

On a mural, the scene that Xiao Ran saw suddenly appeared. A young man wearing modern clothes and carrying a backpack was kneeling on a stone platform, facing the empty throne.Below the stone platform is a huge cave.

That person's clothes and appearance were all similar to Xiao Ran's, and there was even a long black knife tied to the side of his backpack.

At this time, the illusion in front of Xiao Ran was still continuing, he saw the long snake stretched out its tail and rolled him up, hanging above the abyss, his hands and feet could not move, as if he was in a nightmare.

He saw the veiled queen slowly approaching him, stretching out her nail-clipping hands, and slowly reaching for his chest.

"Mo'an Tuyu! I want you and your warrior... to die!"

Locking the Soul and Ding Lingzhu, or the prince of Gumo Mo'an Tuyu shouted: "Bayan! Resist quickly! Otherwise you will really die here!"

Xiao Ran felt that sharp touch approaching his chest, his heart was full of despair, but he couldn't exert any strength.

Suddenly, a gust of hot air rose from his abdomen, and he saw a golden light coming out of his clothes, and his hands and feet, which were originally unconscious, suddenly felt numb, as if bitten by thousands of insects.

Queen Jingjue was caught by the flash of golden light, and hastily withdrew her hand to cover her face.Seeing that she could not directly hurt Xiao Ran, she slowly lifted her veil.

The pale and bloodless chin and cheeks contrasted sharply with the bright red lips, and there was a cold grin on the corner of her mouth.

Xiao Ran remembered the situation in Prince Gumo's mural, once she showed her eyes, she would be thrown into the so-called imaginary space.He reached out to touch the Guanshan knife next to the backpack, but his hands and feet were still numb, his fingers had no sense of touch, and he couldn't exert any strength.

Suddenly there was a stabbing pain in his chest, and he looked down to see a ball-shaped thing with tentacles sticking out from his chest.

The ball slowly opened, and it turned out to be a mouth full of fine fangs.The tentacles popped out like snakes, and the ball bit the Queen Jingjue's hand, and black blood splashed like a pure sight of Ah Han.

What is this? !

Li Ran didn't have time to think about it. The annoyed Queen waved her hand, and the snake wrapped around Li Ran slowly let go of its tail. Li Ran was startled, and if this continued, he would fall into the dark abyss.

At this moment, the spherical mouth stretched out suddenly, biting his right hand.As soon as he ate the pain, the sensation in his hand also recovered.He hastily stretched out his hand and pulled out the Guanshan knife, at the same time, the colorful giant snake's tail also loosened.

He felt his body sank, and he didn't care about other things, and swung the knife fiercely at the queen before falling.

After a shrill scream, the queen and the eyeball in front of her disappeared.Following the feeling of falling, Xiao Ran's legs went limp and he fell to the ground, his heart was beating violently, and gold stars were flying in front of his eyes.

Were those just illusions?Or is his life hanging by a thread?He raised his right hand and froze for a moment.

On the back of the hand, there is another row of fine red dot marks, just like the fangs of the spherical mouth just now.

"Xiaoran, are you okay?"

Professor Chen saw that Xiao Ran fell suddenly, so he hurried over to take care of him, and Hu Bayi also ran over to help Xiao Ran sit up.

The fat man on the side was still staring at the mural, rubbing his eyes and wondering, "Hey? Why is it gone again? Am I dazzled?"

(End of this chapter)

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