Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 104 The Incarnation of the Ant Race

Chapter 104 The Incarnation of the Ant Race

Xiao Ran breathed calmly, and said to the people around him: "It's okay, maybe it's just tossing with a bucket, digging sand, tossing with those broken snakes, squatting down to push that stone pier, a little hypoglycemia, just sit for a while... ..."

Hearing what Xiao Ran said, Shirley Yang took out a sugar cube from his pocket, stuffed it into Xiao Ran's water bottle, shook it, and handed the water bottle to Xiao Ran.

Xiao Ran took the kettle and smiled, then waved his hand to indicate that he was fine.Seeing this, Professor Chen, Shirley Yang, Hu Bayi and others went to study the murals again and asked Xiao Ran to sit and rest for a while.

Xiao Ran was really a bit out of spirit after the fantasy duel just now, like a neurasthenic patient who just woke up from a night of nightmares, dizzy and weak, unable to concentrate.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, while sipping sugar water, the dizziness gradually disappeared.

He asked Suo Hun Ding Lingzhu intently: "So your name, I mean the name of Prince Gumo, is Mo'an Tuyu?"

Locking Soul Ding Lingzhu replied: "Yes, Bayan, or it used to be this name. Now the name is not important to me. My only goal is to eliminate this banshee who has cursed my family for thousands of years."

"Then she will appear so suddenly and kill me with phantoms?"

Xiao Ran still has lingering fears about what happened just now, if it is the real world now, he can at least guarantee that he can escape unscathed.But in the illusion of losing his soul just now, he felt that he was a fish on the board. If it wasn't for the help of the soul lock and Ding Lingzhu, he would have fallen to the ground and died of a heart attack. His death was an accident.

Locking Soul Ding Lingzhu timidly said: "You have already entered her temple, the deeper you go into her domain, the stronger her influence will be. Bayan, you are different from other people, you can perceive things that ordinary people cannot perceive, so It is easier to be influenced by her. Fortunately, she is just a living dead person now, and she can only exert influence through some hints. Bayan must not stare into the eyes like just now."

It seems that Xiao He is really successful, Xiao He is also defeated. His ability to perceive these ancient objects and unknown forces is different from ordinary people, but it is tantamount to giving these unknown forces a bridge to connect his spirit.He suddenly remembered that on the fourth floor of the Kwantung Army's underground fortress, he was almost lost in some kind of illusion when he faced the giant three-eyed tower belly slug.

From this point of view, the point that Professor Chen has repeatedly emphasized is indeed true, the queen's power comes from her eyes.On the road behind, as long as he sees something like this eye, he can try to avoid it as much as possible, and he has to use his ability to inquire as little as possible.

After all, it is easy to fall into her way after entering someone else's territory.

Oh, and I have to tell Shirley Yang not to get in touch with her. In a sense, she is also a unique "summoner", and Queen Jingjue has a soft spot for Zagramar's slaves.

Xiao Ran also recovered at this time, and said to Suohun Dinglingzhu: "Thank you, Suozi! If it weren't for you just now, I would probably have fallen into the hands of that **** queen."

Locking Soul Ding Lingzhu humbly replied: "Honorable Bayan, I'm sorry I didn't help much, those powers come from other things..."

Xiao Ran suddenly remembered that his second uncle stuffed the Tianzi stone in his bag before entering the city and gave it to him.He touched the inside of the clothes on his abdomen, and there was indeed a boxy thing in the cloth bag.

I didn't expect that this thing could really suppress evil spirits. If it was a whole Faqiu seal, the queen probably wouldn't be able to torment him for so long.But this mound seal is strange enough, and it can turn into such a strange thing, opening its mouth to bite him awake...

"And there's more than one thing." Suohun Dinglingzhu suddenly continued.

Xiao Ran was stunned for a moment, more than one?Besides the fragment of Faqiu Yin, is there something else helping him?
The image of the tentacle connected to the ball appeared in his mind, and he suddenly remembered, isn't that the yarrow nine? !

He pulled open the clothes on his chest and took out the nine-tailed brass buttons. The tentacles around the guy's eye marks were struggling to return to their original positions. It seemed that he had tried his best just now under the pressure of the Queen of Essence.

"Tsk tsk, Xiao Jiu, I didn't hurt you in vain."

After speaking, Xiao Ran stuffed the pendant back into his clothes, and patted it lightly with his hands.

The fat man next to him was still arguing with Hu Bayi, he leaned over, only to hear Hu Bayi say: "What do you see, you gnawed dry biscuits and turned your brains into walnuts? How could there be Xiao Ran on the wall?"

The fat man excitedly defended: "I really saw it! It disappeared in the blink of an eye. The painting is very realistic. That clothes and backpack are really Xiao Ran!"

Xiao Ran hurriedly came up to smooth things over: "Since we entered this black desert, one evil thing after another, who knows if it's the cover-up trick of that terrific queen again... Hey, fat brother, it's not about you." ?"

Xiao Ran pointed to a painting depicting a palace banquet, a huge roast pig with naan stuffed in its mouth was lying in the middle of the long dining table.

Everyone laughed when they saw it, and even the fat man laughed angrily.But Professor Chen frowned when he looked at the painting that the fat man was talking about.

That painting is a huge cave, a staircase as thin as a thread, spiraling down the cave wall.

Shirley Yang looked at the mural depicting the cave, and thoughtfully said: "This cave...could it be the origin of the name of the Ghost Cave Clan? You said that the Ghost Cave Clan came from a cave."

Professor Chen nodded: "Perhaps this is the cave in the legend of the Ghost Cave Clan. The spiral staircase on the wall of this cave is as thin as a silk thread. Maybe the real proportion is even exaggerated than this. Such a big hole is definitely not thousands of years old. It can be excavated by previous manpower, and we can roughly judge that this hole is a ghost hole.”

Hearing what the professor said, the fat man laughed: "It's such a big hole, and according to what the professor said, the real hole may be bigger than this, so the earth is not hollow? If we get into this hole, We can only defeat the US emperor in one day, liberate the American people, and even save the plane..."

His words made the three students cover their mouths and snicker, but Shirley Yang turned a deaf ear and said to the professor: "If the ghost cave people really come from this dark underground cave, then their worship of the open field of vision may be like our worship of the sky." It’s the same as my longing. Those giant-pupil portraits may be derived from this kind of worship.”

Professor Chen nodded and said: "I remember Xiao Ran said that the statue with giant pupils, named Karaquman, has something to do with ants. Ants also come from the deep underground kingdom, possessing amazing power and physical strength. The disproportionate eyes, as well as the social hierarchy headed by the queen, etc., we can infer that the Guidong people will humanize or deify the ants to a certain extent, and turn them into one of the national totems."

Xiao Ran recalled that in the Black Stone Pagoda, those stone statues that marked the hierarchy of the Jingjue Kingdom were indeed the giant-eyed statues of the Kalaqu Man representing the Ghost Cave Clan.It seems that compared to the people in the Central Plains who claim to be the descendants of the dragon, the Guidong tribe may call themselves the incarnation of ants.

Professor Chen adjusted his glasses and said, "But this cave reminds me of another possibility..."

(End of this chapter)

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