Chapter 105
Hearing what Professor Chen said, several students hurriedly continued to record carefully.

Professor Chen turned to Shirley Yang and said: "You mentioned the theory of imaginary number space before, so this huge cave may also represent the connection with the Jingjue Queen mentioned many times in all our previous studies involving the ghost cave clan. The space where the eyes are connected. This imaginary space may not exist in an unknown corner of the universe, but in the world we live in.

"Perhaps a long time ago, the ghost cave people were the first to discover this huge space, but they couldn't understand why there was such a big underground cave, just like the ancients couldn't understand the appearance of wind, rain, thunder and lightning. So they took this huge space that they couldn't detect Caves are regarded as some kind of miracle, and then worshiped and sacrificed. The giant pupils of the stone statue may be understood in reverse. It is not that they live in a black hole and hope to see a larger world, but they hope that their eyes can see the bigger world outside the cave. Can see the bottom of the cave.

"In the process of worshiping caves and longing for visual development, some people claim to be able to see the world at the bottom of the cave, just like the emperor of mine called himself the real dragon emperor and was ordered by the sky. These people are regarded by the ghost cave tribe as rulers or Clerics, so it's not hard to see why they use the eyes as a source of power..."

After listening to it, everyone felt that the two understandings were reasonable, and maybe the two understandings did not conflict.Xiao Ran added, maybe these two theories can be slightly integrated, the ghost cave people did come from the cave, but only a few of them have the ability to connect to the cave, so they became the ruling class that controlled theocratic power and political power.

After hearing this, the fat man clapped his hands and smiled, "Brother Xiao, your ability to talk about mountains is really amazing, and you can make up these two things with mud. You can get seasick. If we touch it later..."

Hu Bayi beside him quickly kicked the fat man, and Shirley Yang, who was facing him with doubts, smiled, and quickly answered: "If we find the mausoleum of Queen Jingjue later, we should listen to Xiao Ran's analysis more, I think He was very professional…”

After speaking, he gave the fat man a hard look.

Shirley Yang didn't say anything, and Professor Chen nodded: "Xiao Ran has indeed inherited their family's talent. However, these are only preliminary judgments after all. If we want to make bold assumptions and verify carefully, we still need to see the huge cave with our own eyes. Only for the truth."


Hu Ba nodded, noncommittal, looking at the murals of the huge cave, lost in thought.

Xiao Ran saw that his hand holding the gun belt was slightly clenched, guessing that his thoughts must have returned to the encounter with the nine-story demon building at the bottom of Kunlun Mountain.That experience left an indelible shadow on Hu Bayi.Seeing his living comrades turned into ashes and helpless, it was definitely a great blow to a person like him who valued love and righteousness.

Xiao Ran patted Hu Bayi on the shoulder, and said to Hu Bayi: "Brother Hu, we help each other, auspicious people have their own appearance, and there will be no mistakes. If something goes wrong, we will pull them out ,Do not worry."

Hu Bayi looked at Xiao Ran gratefully, and said to Professor Chen: "There is a way that a gentleman does not build a dangerous wall. You are all rare archaeological talents, and your contributions to the study of Western Region culture will be indispensable in the future. There is no need for us to do this." Dangerous cave, as long as you find the queen's underground palace, record it, and you can go back. We have found the ancient city of Jingjue now, no casualties, and the mission has been successfully completed. You go back and write a report to your superiors, and the rest is up to you. Leave it to the country."

When Professor Chen heard this, he just shook his head slightly. It seems that he must complete his lifelong research.And Shirley Yang came here with the purpose of finding her family, if there is no result, she may not be willing to go back.

Hu Bayi was still counting on the tens of thousands of dollars, so he had no choice but to accept this reality and help people to the end.

The tens of meters of corridor, with the end of the mural, also came to an end.A stone pillar with the same shape as the outer stone palace but shrunk dozens of times stood at the end.

The fat man circled around the pillar, looked carefully, and muttered: "Could this broken brick road be a painting exhibition? It's gone now? Old Hu, let me do it this time..."

Hu Bayi quickly stretched out his hand to grab him: "You want to use explosives again? Don't even think about it!"

The fat man curled his lips: "Who said explosives were used? Isn't this the sixteen dragons? I think the chassis can also be turned, and the secret door must have something to do with it. Brother Xiao turned it last time, and this time I also turned it." Get involved."

Hearing what he said, Hu Bayi was relieved, and said to everyone: "This is the dragon tail of the sixteen dragons that penetrate the ground outside. Just reverse the operation and replace the 'Looking for the Dragon' just now with the 'Shaking Dragon Jue'." ’, the organ will be opened. Fatty, get ready!”

Seeing the fat man laying on the ground and touching the stone seat, Hu Bayi murmured: "Dragon Qi enters the acupuncture point, the yang only meridians converge, and the yin does not unfold..."

As the fat man turned the base to the last space, the sky brick wall behind slowly fell down along with the dust, and the outside air instantly flowed into the corridor.

Fatty got up nimbly, picked up the assault rifle and rushed out first.Everyone followed him and walked out of the corridor one by one.

A throne made of jade was facing away from the exit of the corridor. Everyone walked around the jade throne and looked at the whole space with flashlights. They suddenly found that this was the main hall of the underground palace.

Although the former royal palace is still imposing, the carved beams and painted buildings have been mottled and the paint has peeled off, and there is still a sense of dilapidation and decline.

Professor Chen shined a flashlight on the Jade Seat, and sighed: "Our previous conjecture was correct. This secret passage is indeed the passage connecting Queen Jingjue's palace and the sacrificial temple. If the passage door is closed, we will not be able to see it from the outside. not come out."

"Hey! These floor tiles are all made of jade! Tsk tsk, it's a pity that all these treasures are already rotten..."

Everyone followed the fat man's voice, and saw that all the wooden pottery, copper and iron ornaments, and silk fabrics in the main hall of the palace had been weathered and corroded, either rusty or tattered.

The lamp sockets on the wall and the roof of the temple also fell to the ground due to corrosion, and only some gerbils scurry among the rags.

"There's a ghost!"

The fat man suddenly yelled, startling the gerbils in the corner to run wildly, crawling past Ye Yixin's feet, which caused Ye Yixin to let out a shrill scream, and everyone's scalp went numb for a moment.

"Fatty! What's your name? You look like a ghost to me!"

Hu Bayi scolded angrily, but beads of sweat dripped from his own forehead.

"You guys... come and see..."

After hearing what Fatty said, everyone carefully gathered around him.At this time, Xiao Ran didn't dare to listen to any other sounds casually, so he just put his hand on the assault rifle like Hu Bayi, ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

The fat man raised his gun and lightly touched the clay pot in front of him with the muzzle.Accompanied by a sigh-like sound, the clay pot instantly shattered into powder.

After a few seconds of silence, a burst of laughter resounded in the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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