Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 111 Gold Devouring Ants

Chapter 111 Gold Devouring Ants

Under the focus of the flashlights of several people, several insect eggs had left, and along with the slightly yellowish mucus, a white ant with a round head, a big belly, and saw-like jaws drilled out of it.

It shook its tentacles twice, and then quickly attached to a gold-encrusted jade cup. It sprayed acid from its mouth to dissolve the gold, and its two saw jaws opened and closed continuously, devouring the melted gold soup.It's a pity that the jade biscuit on the jade cup was also acid-etched, and small holes appeared one after another.

"It's the gold-eating ants!" Hu Bayi exclaimed.

More and more gold-eating ants broke out of their shells and flocked to piles of gold and silver artifacts, and even those non-gold and silver chalcedony, pearls, etc. also suffered, smoking and turning into incomplete waste products.

Fatty looked distressed, and wanted to reach out to rescue one or two things, but was stopped by Hu Bayi.

With the continuous devouring of gold and silver, the bodies of those gold-eating ants continued to grow and change color. The first few were the size of gerbils, and their color changed from white at birth to black gold and red copper. It grows a little spike, which looks like it is wearing armor from a distance.

Chu Jian was stunned by the scene in front of him, and the archaeological hammer in his hand fell to the ground.A few gold-eating ants that were close by heard the sound, shook their antennae a few times, and instantly turned their heads around the archaeological hammer. In less than ten seconds, the small hammer only had a scorched wooden handle left.

A few gold-eating ants were still not satisfied, shaking their tentacles and about to climb towards Chu Jianjian, the acid from their mouths stained the trouser rack, and instantly burned several big holes.

Chu Jian quickly swung his legs to shake off the gold-eating ants on the trouser rack.Hu Bayi picked up his assault rifle and shot at the ant pile in front of Chu's gym, at least he cleared the place.

"Go up first, there are too many metal objects on us!" Hu Bayi shouted.

Although these gold-eating ants don't eat human flesh, the jade pearls and agate gemstones that were injured by innocent people just now are enough to prove that when they finished eating the funeral objects of those gold and silver artifacts, the few human beings with various metal products in front of them It will also turn into a mud pile of flesh and bones.

Chu Jian hurriedly climbed up the rope ladder again. The people waiting on the top heard gunshots below, and they all shouted and asked.Seeing Chu Jian climbing up as if fleeing for his life, they threw down another spare rope ladder.

At this time, there were muffled sounds in the pile of funeral objects, and several jars cracked, and more ant eggs were scattered, and they were all about to hatch.

The remaining four people used their guns to clear the way to avoid being hurt by the gold-eating ants, while moving closer to the rope ladder.Fatty and Shirley Yang climbed up first, while Hu Bayi and Xiao Ran were last in line.

Some of the gold-eating ants at the back felt the metallic smell from the living people around them, and turned around to the direction of the rope ladder, slowly gathering towards them.

Hu Bayi had already climbed up the rope ladder, and Xiao Ran looked at the gold-eating ants slowly surrounding him, and thought of an idea in his mind.He picked up a handful of silver wine jugs that had not yet been devoured, and hurriedly climbed up the rope ladder.

A few gold-eating ants had already started spitting acid at Xiao Ran, but fortunately Xiao Ran evacuated in time, only one or two drops were splashed on the soles of his shoes, and there was a dent on the quilt with white smoke.

A few people hurriedly climbed onto the platform and threw a cold firework down, only to see a large number of black and red gold-eating ants had almost covered the entire pile of funerary objects, the sound of melting gold and silver continued, and the jade and jewelry shattered The voice kept ringing.

Professor Chen, Hao Aiguo and others sighed. There are so many exquisite burials, even if you just take a look at them and record them in a notebook, they are rare archaeological materials in the world, which are enough to show the cultural and artistic attainments of the ancient Jingjueguo and the Guidong people.

Now watching this pile of artworks crumble to pieces, archaeologists really want to cry.

Hu Bayi supported Professor Chen and said: "Grandpa, don't be too sad, we just stared at those things for a long time, and I remembered one or two things, and I will definitely recount them to you when the time comes." , we must have enough materials for writing the report. Isn’t that right, fat man? Fat man..."

Hu Bayi turned his head and saw that the fat man was lying quietly behind the platform, motionless and without any response.

Everyone was shocked. Didn't notice just now that a gold-eating ant was picked off the fat man and burned his head?

Hu Bayi rushed over in a hurry, helped the fat man to lean on his knees, and saw the fat man staring blankly at the top of the hollow, with two lines of tears slowly falling from the corners of his eyes.

"Old Hu...I'm fine. Let me lie down for a while and rest. I'm so tired..."

The fat man is as angry as a gossamer, vividly interpreting what it means to lose all thoughts.Seeing the mountain of treasures turned into soup, Fatty was more desperate than those archaeologists at this time.

Hu Bayi was so angry that he put him back on the ground, and cursed: "Look at your bear! You can just rest here! Be a companion for Queen Jingjue!"

With a smile, Xiao Ran took out the silver jug ​​from behind and shook it in front of the fat man's eyes. The fat man's eyes immediately widened, his face was also full of joy, and a tear rolled up from the ground.

"It's ok, brother Xiao! When did you pick it up? This time we didn't come in vain! It really didn't come in vain!"

As the fat man spoke, he was about to reach out to grab it, but Xiao Ran dodged it: "Brother Fat, I worked hard to get this, I have the final say on how to deal with it, and if you agree, I'll let you see it."

The fat man withdrew his hand resentfully, but still nodded flatteredly: "I agree, you have the final say!"

Xiao Ran took the jug to Professor Chen and others, wanting them to record it.When the archaeologists saw the flagon, their faces were stunned, and then they reached out to grab it obsessively.

"Wake up! Don't let this thing fool you!"

Xiao Ran's voice echoed in the huge space, and the archaeologists seemed to wake up from a dream, wondering why their first reaction was to take this thing for themselves.

Xiao Ran talked about the reactions of the few of them on the pile of funeral objects, speculating that Queen Jingjue had done something on the funeral objects, which would lure people who came here to involuntarily attack the funeral objects, and then trigger those messy curses .

The archaeologists quickly took out their notebooks and carefully recorded the shape and characteristics of the jug.Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang also recounted the material and appearance of several funerary objects based on their memories just now.

Xiao Ran took the opportunity to listen attentively, but unfortunately the old silver jug ​​was like a dumb person, unable to speak anything.

After the recording was finished, everyone went back to the rope ladder and looked down, only to see that the hill-like funerary objects had been swallowed up, leaving only fragments of jewelry and jade objects scattered all over the place.And the large number of gold-eating ants are still crawling around the lower edge of the rope ladder unwillingly, as if they know that there is still unfinished food above.

Holding the silver jug, Xiao Ran knocked on the edge of the stone platform a few times, and the gold-eating ants under the platform instantly gathered together, like wild animals waiting to be fed.

Fatty looked at Xiao Ran from the side, and asked in a daze: "Brother Xiao, what are you..."

"Brother Fat, I have the final say on how to deal with it, you promise me."

Xiao Ran smiled secretly, swung his arms and threw the jug towards the cave wall.

After a burst of tinkling, the jug fell along the cave wall to the depths of the cave where the flashlight could not find it, and the gold-eating ants also followed the direction in which the silver jug ​​fell, and crawled towards the abyss below.

"Hey~ah!" The fat man squatted on the ground, beating his head in pain.

(End of this chapter)

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