Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 112 Walt's Expedition

Chapter 112 Walt's Expedition

Seeing the gold-eating ants pouring into the ground like a black and red tide, Xiao Ran asked the soul-locking orb: "So the queen's treasure guards are these things? They stuff all the gold and silver treasures into their stomachs, do they count?" Guard and steal?"

Locking Soul Ding Lingzhu said: "Bayan, I don't know what a guard is. When that big man fell, I could only feel that there was a desire to keep the treasure, even devouring the treasure thief's life." obsession."

It seems that the queen would rather let the treasure dissolve in the ant's belly, and turn the tomb robbers into a pulp by the way, rather than lose a catty or two of her funeral objects.

From this point of view, this gold-eating ant that melts gold and sells silver is simply the embodiment of the queen's thoughts, cruel and greedy.

When there was no movement below, Xiao Ran, Hu Bayi, Fatty, and Shirley Yang climbed down the rope ladder again.

The pile of funeral objects filled with pearls and jade just now, now there is only a pile of broken jade and beads, which at first glance looks like broken glass all over the floor.There is also a faint pungent smell of acid erosion in the air.

Shirley Yang shined a flashlight on the pile of broken funerary goods, inspected them carefully, and suddenly let out a secret exclamation, not caring whether there was any acid left on the ground, and rushed to a position close to the mountain wall.

When Xiao Ran and the others heard the sound, they were worried about the danger, so they hurriedly followed.

It was only when he walked in that he realized that under the pile of broken jade, he could vaguely see a human skeleton with fragmented clothes hanging on his body.

Shirley Yang was in a hurry to scratch the fragments of funerary objects on the human skeleton, but Hu Bayi stopped her.Holding the shovel, he carefully pulled the fragments away with the tip of the shovel, and after a while, the human bones were completely exposed in front of everyone.

" your father?" Hu Bayi asked carefully.

Shirley Yang didn't answer, but observed carefully.Perhaps because the emotional instincts of this life are still left, Xiao Ran's heart also began to pound.If this corpse is Shirley Yang's father Yang Xuanwei, it means that Xiao Changfeng, Xiao Ran's father, may also have died here.

He even felt a little homely and timid, and didn't dare to ask Suohun Dinglingzhu whether the soul of this corpse had any voice.

When it came to the life of Shirley Yang's father, several people were silent and did not dare to speak. Even the fat man kept his mouth shut. He just flashlighted Shirley Yang with the others.

The air seemed to freeze, and Professor Chen and his party above the platform waited anxiously, but seeing that Shirley Yang found the bones among the funeral objects, they dared not say anything more for a while.

Shirley Yang carefully rummaged around the bones with a shovel. After a few minutes, she picked up a lump of wood and took a closer look, then let out a long sigh.

She stretched out the shovel in front of the other three. On the shovel was a wooden stick handle, and the connection with the wooden stick below was charred black.It may be because of the formic acid exposure just now, the wooden stick has completely melted away.

The three looked carefully, and saw two letters engraved on the handle of the staff: W·S.

"I know WC, it's the toilet. What does WS mean?"

Hu Bayi was worried that Shirley Yang would be annoyed by the fat man's unscrupulous words, so he quickly nudged him with his elbow.But he really didn't know the meaning of these two letters, so he looked at Shirley Yang in a daze.

Shirley Yang replied: "This is the initials of the British explorer Walter, that is, the owner of the notebook. It seems that he died in the temptation of the funerary objects of the Queen Jingjue, and the only escaped companion took his The notes were taken out, but people also went crazy."

They were finally relieved to hear that the corpse was not Shirley Yang's father.

The members of the archaeological team above couldn't hold back their curiosity at all, and before Hu Bayi could blow his whistle, they climbed down the rope ladder one by one.

Professor Chen, who was out of breath, heard the whole process of Shirley Yang's discovery, and sighed: "It seems that the people of the country, in order to protect the Queen's funeral, also used double measures. Except for those gold-eating ants, they are still in the Queen's house." Some kind of unknown drug was placed in the funeral objects. All of us saw the funeral objects just now and couldn't help but want to take these treasures for ourselves. This British man may have been deluded and finally buried himself in the Luckily, it wasn't Xuanwei and the others, so this can be considered a kind of luck."

But looking at the broken pieces all over the floor, Professor Chen couldn't help but sigh again.Xiao Ran felt that after this journey, Professor Chen's sadness was far greater than the excitement of discovering the ancient country of Jingjue, as if he was ten years older again.

Several archaeological team members carefully observed the fragments of the funerary objects, while Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang tried their best to recount the funerary objects that they still remembered clearly.Several young people tried their best to restore its original appearance in the notebook based on the remaining fragments in front of them.

In the process of checking the funerary objects, everyone found three or four mutilated corpses one after another.

Fortunately, the archaeologists have rich experience, and the remains of more than ten years ago can be roughly distinguished from the remains of a few years ago. Moreover, there are some fragments of clothing and tools around as evidence.It was finally proved that these remains were all members of the Walt expedition.

For Shirley Yang, this is good news.

She smiled at Xiao Ran, her face was full of relief.Xiao Ran also returned a polite smile. He knew what Shirley Yang meant, and he was glad that their fathers were still alive, even if the possibility was very small.

But his smile froze immediately, and a strange fragrance suddenly floated in the air.Four words flashed through his mind: corpse-flavored konjac!

This is a tomb-protecting fetish that can only be found on the queen's coffin, and it will confuse people's minds.It suddenly exudes this strange fragrance. It must be that the Queen Jingjue has planned to resort to the last resort to make them lose their minds and die here.

He looked at the remaining powder on the glove, it was from the silver flagon just now, and he knew it immediately.

It seems that the pollen of corpse-flavored konjac or other related things were sprinkled in the pile of funeral objects, so that Walt's expedition team buried themselves in the pile of treasures, and they almost made the same mistake again.

"What's the smell? It's quite fragrant." The fat man sniffed and smelled around.

Xiao Ran hurriedly shouted: "Put on your gas masks! The smell might be dangerous!"

Upon hearing this, Hu Bayi hurriedly urged everyone to put on gas masks.Xiao Ran asked Hu Bayi to lead everyone to stay here first and not to act rashly, and he went to explore the way by himself.

Although Hu Bayi expressed his objection at the first time, according to his previous experience, he knew that this was the most reliable method, and he also believed that under any circumstances, Xiao Ran would be able to escape unscathed.

"Suozi, it's up to you, it's too dark here, help me find the queen's coffin." Xiao Ran secretly said to Suohun Dinglingzhu.

"Go straight ahead and take thirty steps..." Suohun Dinglingzhu said.

Xiao Ran held up the flashlight in one hand, and leaned on the assault rifle with the other. Once he found the shadow of Konjac Corpse, he would give it a shot first.

It was getting darker and darker ahead, and after thirty steps, Xiao Ran's figure had completely disappeared from the eyes of everyone behind him.

In this absolutely private domain of Queen Jingjue, the soul-locking orb was misled many times, Xiao Ran could only adjust the direction according to the prompts of the soul-locking orb.

The fragrance in the air became stronger and stronger, and it seemed that a trace of the smell had passed through the gas mask and was inhaled into his nostrils.

It's getting closer, it's getting closer... He instinctively felt that a terrifying hostility was covering him, making the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end, and an inexplicable dizziness struck him.

He shook his head and raised his foot to move forward.Suohun Dinglingzhu suddenly shouted: "Stop! Stop!"

A strong light suddenly lit up, passed by him, and landed on him again.

Xiao Ran looked down, his legs almost went limp.He stood on the edge of the cliff, and the foot he stepped out was hanging in the air. As long as he continued to move forward, he would fall into the depths of the bottomless hole.

(End of this chapter)

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