Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 120 Yingzi and Fatty

Chapter 120 Yingzi and Fatty

The monster that jumped out of the lake in front of me was the same as the big salamander I encountered before, with mottled skin, thick limbs, a big tail, and a frog-like wide mouth.

The difference is that its back is full of spike-like black hairs, and its abdomen is full of pyramid-shaped protrusions, wriggling and contracting like gastropods.One of the three eye stalks with eyeballs on top had been cut off by Xiao Ran, and yellow-green blood gushed out from the wound.In its roaring mouth, several fine fangs grew layer upon layer.

Xiao Ran turned his head to look at Hu Bayi in shock, Hu Bayi's eyes were a little loose, and he also stared stupidly at the inexplicable monster in front of him.

Could it be that the intermittent words I said just now caused Hu Bayi's memories to overlap, resulting in the fusion of the images of the prehistoric overlord salamander and the three-eyed tower belly?

Hu Bayi yelled and asked Luo Ning: "Isn't this thing harmless? Why is it so big?"

Luo Ning said tremblingly, "This... this is... the Overlord Salamander... a carnivorous, extremely aggressive species that should have been extinct during the... Ice Age..."

Hu Bayi sighed: "It may be that the environment here is isolated from the world, so this prehistoric beast that should have been extinct long ago is preserved..."

Several good guys flashed in Xiao Ran's mind, let alone Hu Bayi's memory disorder in this dream, he created such a stitch monster.It has grown like this, yet Luo Ning can still speak nonsense with his eyes open and forcefully follow the lines.

At this moment, Hu Bayi winked at Xiao Ran and the big man, and the two understood, forming a triangle with Hu Bayi around the monster.According to the current form, it can only fight this monster.

The monster let out a roar, and the hala shot out from its fang-filled throat, and a stench mixed with sulfur spread in the air, making people's eyes sour.

Xiao Ran closed his eyes slightly, and felt a gust of wind blowing towards him, and then his leg was hit violently, and he was thrown to the ground by the huge meaty tail of the monster.

The monster stretched out an eye stalk, and was about to drag Xiao Ran into the water.Seeing this, Hu Bayi and the big man hurriedly grabbed Xiao Ran, and started fighting with the monster.

Seeing his legs getting closer to the water surface, Xiao Ran hastily freed an arm from Hu Bayi's hand, raised his military thorn and slashed at the eye stem.

The triangular army thorn was originally better at stabbing, and the blade did not have such a good cutting function.Xiao Ran's move was completely a stress reaction of exerting all his strength, but he never expected that with such a full swing, the monster's eye stalks would snap off like a rubber band.

He felt that the weight in his hand was wrong, and when he looked down, he found that the military thorn in his hand had turned into a black machete at some point. Although the shape was roughly similar to the Guanshan knife, it was obviously much rougher, as if the pixels had been reduced.

It seems that Hu Bayi's memory is messed up and mixed up, so he helped him at this time.He may have remembered the scene of Xiao Ran cutting off the giant three-eyed pagoda with the Guan Shan Dao when he was in the underground fortress, but his memory of Guan Shan Dao is rather vague.

Fortunately, it was easy to use, taking advantage of the pain of the monster that had lost another eye, Xiao Ran raised his foot and kicked the monster's slightly raised chin.Several fangs in the monster's mouth were knocked off by his kick, and it hastily backed into the water temporarily.

Hu Bayi and the big man hurriedly supported Xiao Ran to get up, but before the three of them stood still, the monster suddenly turned around in a dream, and its thick tail swept across the chests of the three, flying Hu Bayi and Xiao Ran to the nearby stone , the big one fell into the river near the bank.

Xiao Ran was knocked to pieces, but he saw the big man in the river suddenly jumped up, with white steam emitting from his body, his hands and face were red from the heat.

The big man suddenly cursed in Xiao Ran's familiar voice: "His grandma's..."

At this moment, the lava in the crevice of the stone was bright, and Xiao Ran found that the face of the big man turned into Fatty Wang, while Luo Ning, who was shrinking behind the stone, looked exactly like Yingzi.

He turned his head to look at Hu Bayi, only to see that Hu Bayi's eyes were also distracted, and he kept shaking his head. It seemed that he was also dazed by the blow from the monster's tail, and his memory became more and more confused.

Xiao Ran pulled Hu Bayi up and shook him vigorously, Hu Bayi finally regained his energy, glanced behind Xiao Ran's shoulder, pulled him up and shouted: "Run!"

The big man who looked like a fat man, and Luo Ning, who had a handsome face, followed the two of them and ran wildly on the volcanic rock.The volcanic ash mixed with the river water was like piles of slippery mud. Several people kept falling and getting up again.

Seeing the monster getting closer, Hu Bayi looked up at the bumpy cliff, and pointed to it: "Go up!"

Several people climbed to the steep height of the volcanic rock with hands and feet, thinking that with the huge size of the monster, it should not be able to squeeze onto the steep and narrow mountain wall.

Suddenly Luo Ning let out a terrified scream, Xiao Ran and the others turned their heads to look, and saw the monster lying on the rock wall in between, not even using its limbs, but relying on the tower-shaped gastropods on its abdomen, it swam steadily away. Come.Where it crawled, it left a sticky, shiny band of glitter.

Seeing the big jagged mouth approaching, Luo Ning with a handsome face suddenly shouted: "Brother Hu! Grenade!"

Hearing this sentence, Xiao Ran instantly thought of an idea, and decided to give it a try.He grabbed Hu Bayi, made a throwing motion at the slowly approaching monster, and said, "Three...three cannons...God...god..."

Hu Bayi looked at him in bewilderment, and suddenly a sentence came out of his mouth: "Three cannons are firing together, the world is peaceful..."

Hearing what he said, Xiao Ran happily touched his pocket, and actually took out a Type 91 grenade made by devils.

Seeing this, Hu Bayi and the big man took out a Type 91 grenade from their pockets as if they had rehearsed in advance.

The three of them bit off the tabs in unison, knocked the grenade on the mountain wall, and threw it at the monster in unison.

The monster saw three black things that looked like big eggs flying over, and it didn't matter what it was, it opened its wide mouth like a giant toad, and swallowed it whole.

"Bang bang bang" three loud bangs, the monster's body was blown into two sections from the inside to the outside, and it slid down the mountain wall unsteadily, just in time to land on the magma in the crevice of the stone, being crushed Baking creaked, and it shrank after a while.

Fortunately, this trick really worked, although according to Hu Bayi's own memory, the problem can be solved with a grenade.But this monster is different, and who knows what else might go wrong.

Xiao Ran was grateful for the success of this quick-witted move, when suddenly he felt the cliff beside him start to tremble violently, as if thousands of troops and horses ran across the wall behind the cliff, making him unable to stand still.

Looking down again, the steaming river instantly rose, and the smell of sulfur in the air became more intense, and the billowing heat wave hit us from below.

Several people hurriedly continued to climb up, finally found a relatively gentle rocky slope, sat down and panted violently.Behind him, where he had climbed before, the limestone on the cliff was falling in large pieces like falling apart.

"This is a periodic volcanic activity. It may not erupt, but it will cause an earthquake..." Luo Ning shouted loudly.

Seeing these words shouted from "Yingzi", Xiao Ran felt an inexplicable disobedience.Hu Bayi looked at the bottom: "The river below is boiling, no matter whether it erupts or not, we will have to cook dumplings if we fall!"

Xiao Ran felt something strange behind him, turned his head to look, and there was a red and green light a few hundred meters above his head.

(End of this chapter)

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