Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 121 Escaping from the Dreamland

Chapter 121 Escaping from the Dreamland
Hu Bayi nervously looked for the way around, turned his head and saw the red and green light above his head, and shouted: "What the hell kind of ancient creature is this?"

Luo Ning rubbed his eyes and shouted happily: "The sky! It's the sky!"

Xiao Ran was not surprised that the violent burrow just now could shake the ground away and create a hole for several people to escape.

But is there really a sky above your head?Why this red and green light?Although the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is known as the third pole of the world, it is impossible to really see the aurora...

"Gawazi! Climb quickly! Are you dying?!"

Hu Bayi's urging voice interrupted Xiao Ran's thinking. Looking at the water surface getting higher and higher under his feet, the billowing hot air was rushing upwards like a steamer. The few people dared not stop any longer, and hurriedly climbed up the slope. climb.

"Comrades, persistence is victory! There is no unparalleled road!"

Hu Bayi was still pumping for everyone, the vibration under his feet became more and more intense, and the smell of sulfur in the air made people dizzy.Xiao Ran didn't dare to be negligent, if he really fell into the natural cauldron under his feet, in reality he would also die from hyperthermia and heart failure.

The closer the red, green and green light above the head got, the more strange it became, illuminating the faces of several people like ghosts.But the slope under Xiao Ran was like a mixture of mud and quicksand, not only loose but also sticky and slippery. Sometimes he climbed up a few steps and then rowed down, sometimes he couldn't pull out his feet, and even his whole leg got stuck in it.

Xiao Ran knew that this was the overlapping of Hu Bayi's dreams again.Although finely divided volcanic rock soaked in water vapor is indeed slippery and sticky, it should never be so slippery as quicksand and wet as mire.

Xiao Ran felt that his hands were scalded and scalded, and they were already stuck to the gloves.He took off his gloves to see the broken palms, but he saw a terrifying scene in the abyss below him.

It was supposed to be a steaming underground river, but there was no river water at this time. There were only countless black snakes entangled and rolling below, and the number continued to rise as the number increased.

Those black snakes devoured and glued each other, and gradually turned into a huge snake head like a mountain pass, with a big mouth spit out black and red letters, and the sour smell kept coming up.

Looking back at the front, Hu Bayi, who was originally climbing up like a [-]-meter sprint, now looks like a clumsy panda who is not in a hurry to eat, hunched over and slowly crawling on the ground. Luo Ning, who was originally behind him, almost surpassed him. him.

This Hu Bayi!Why did he suddenly start thinking wildly at this time!
Xiao Ran hastily crawled forward a few steps, and slapped Hu Bayi's buttocks. Hu Bayi was frightened, like a person who was woken up in a dream, and continued to speed up without even turning his head. climb up.

Xiao Ran looked under him again, the snake's head was gone, the river was still steaming and sulphurous, but the water surface was less than ten meters away from him who was the last one in the team.

Fortunately, the red and green sky was close in front of him, but Xiao Ran felt a tingling pain in his ankle at this moment, and the previous sprain happened again at this moment.

He just gritted his teeth and dragged the sprained leg, trying his best to follow behind the team, and every time he moved forward, he had to insert half of his palm into the loose debris to avoid being boiled by the violent earthquake in the boiling water.

Hu Bayi and the big man had already climbed out of the cave, covered their eyes while looking at the shining sky, then quickly turned around and untied the armed belt and load-bearing belt, tied them into a rope and hung down.

Luo Ning, who was weak in physical strength, had almost lost his strength, but he still turned around and gave Xiao Ran a hand, and both hands finally grasped the rope.

But Hu Bayi and the big man above were holding back until their faces turned red, and they couldn't pull them up at the same time.

Seeing that the mountain pass, which was only more than one meter wide, began to close slightly due to the vibration, Xiao Ran was heartbroken, let go of the rope and fell back to the steep slope below.

He propped Luo Ning's feet on his shoulders, looked at the approaching hot groundwater, and pushed Luo Ning up with all his strength.With the help of three men, the lighter Luo Ning was easily pulled up.

Enduring the severe pain in his ankle, Xiao Ran jumped up and grabbed the rope with one foot, but the gap in the mountain pass was less than half a meter at this time, and the billowing hot air rushed upwards like a hair dryer, and he felt that he was stuffed alive into the steamer inside.

Hu Bayi, the big man and Luo Ning in front of him, or Hu Bayi, the fat man and Yingzi, all had tears in their eyes, gnashing their teeth and trying to pull him out.But he felt that he had been scorched by the waves of heat and had no strength at all, and it was extremely difficult for him to even breathe.

It seems that this is the end, I didn't expect my final ending to be so strange, so inexplicable, that I would die in someone else's dream.

Hu Bayi's eyes were scorched by the hot air gushing from the mountain crevices, and he lowered his head to wipe away his tears.But the moment he lowered his head, something behind him made Xiao Ran wake up instantly.

The round object emitting red and green light is not a sun at all, but a round flower with four red leaves on the outside, green petals inside, and a dark stamen in the center. Eye.

Smash the sun, smash the eyes.

He remembered the message that Yau Jiu Kuo had given him when he was trapped in this nightmare.It turned out that the so-called sun and eyes were actually this.

Xiao Ran felt that he was on the verge of unconsciousness, but this surprise discovery still made him smile.At this time Hu Bayi has raised his head.He pointed to the back of the surprised Hu Bayi, and Hu Ba subconsciously turned his head to look.

At this moment, the black eyes in the red and green petals showed a corner again.Xiao Ran waved the knife in his hand, and threw it towards that eye with all his strength.

The knife brushed Hu Bayi's ear and flew out. At the last moment when the seam was closed, Xiao Ran heard a strange roar. The sound was not like any human or animal sound, but the friction of leaves mixed with the sound of a snake spitting out a letter. "Hissing" sound.

The pressure of the mountain wall and the scorching heat made Xiao Ran, who was plunged into darkness, gradually lose consciousness.He felt that he had fallen into the boiling water, and his whole body was scalded with severe pain.

He sank in the scalding water, but it didn't take long before he felt the temperature around him plummet again, a stream of cool water flowed down his mouth into the esophagus, and the scorching heat of his body disappeared instantly.The coolness also poured into his lungs, making him cough uncontrollably.

"Wake up! Wake up..."

In the haze, cheers from many people came, and there was a faint light in front of them.Xiao Ran sat up abruptly, and his blurred vision gradually became clear.

He was sitting in Fatty's arms, and next to him, Hu Bayi was also struggling to get up under the care of Shirley Yang. Professor Chen and Ye Yixin were watching them with concern.

And Hao Aiguo, Chu Jian, and Sa Dipeng, who were tied together by them and sat on the ground against the stone statue with giant pupils, also raised their heads slowly at this time, their eyes full of confusion and confusion.

Xiao Ran raised his head and looked into the distance, and there was an engineering shovel inserted straight into the middle of the stamen surrounded by the red and green petals of the Corpse Konjac.

(End of this chapter)

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