Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 124 Stuffed in her mouth!

Chapter 124 Stuffed in her mouth!

Hearing what Suohun Dinglingzhu said, Xiao Ran asked: "Can you hold her? How do you do it?"

Suohun Dinglingzhu said: "Bayan, it's very simple, just put me in her mouth."

Xiao Ran thought to himself, this is not easy at all.If she could get so close easily and stuff something into her mouth, wouldn't it be enough to just stuff her with explosives?
Locking Soul Ding Lingzhu continued: "Queen Jingjue also feels my existence. She is obsessed with longevity, so it is not difficult to put me in her mouth, but the key is to hide Mo'an Tuyu well, That is the breath of Prince Gumo."

Xiao Ran asked: "How do you hide this?"

"Bayan, as long as you hide me in your body, the easiest way is to keep me in your mouth..."

Xiao Ran thought that the bead was still in Prince Gumo's mouth not long ago, and now he will put it in his own mouth, and he will find a way to stuff it into the queen's mouth later, a picture that he didn't even want to say clearly flashed in his mind, I couldn't help feeling sick.

Queen Jingjue didn't give him more time to think. The spikes flying out of her fingertips had grown slowly, and she waved again at Hu Bayi who was preparing explosives behind her.

Xiao Ran panicked, and drew out the Guanshan knife to block Hu Bayi, and swung the knife to block twice in succession.

With two sounds of "Dangdang", the two spikes were blocked to one side, but there was another spike that could not be blocked and passed across the outside of Xiao Ran's thigh.His flesh and pants were scratched.

Fortunately, this blow was not deep, it was just a skin trauma, and the strength and angle of the spikes also changed because of this blow, it just fell obliquely in front of Hu Bayi.

Hu Bayi looked at the bloody spikes on the ground, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.If Xiao Ran hadn't stepped forward, this one had pierced his heart right now, and the other two would have pierced his head even more.

"Brother Hu concentrate on doing it, you don't have to worry about other things!" Xiao Ran shouted.

Hu Bayi agreed, and continued to keep his head down and busy with his affairs.Xiao Ran looked at the blade of Guan Shan Knife. The two blocks just now had two clearly visible scratches on the hard blade.

Fortunately, the queen's fingers are not as numerous and refill as quickly as their bullets. They can only throw out three or five fingers each time, and it will take a little time to grow back.

Obviously, she didn't want to use all her fingers as weapons at once, otherwise the defense ability would be compromised, and it would give Xiao Ran and others an opportunity to take advantage of.

But just that moment is enough.Xiao Ran threw his gun to the fat man, and said to him and Shirley Yang: "She is missing three fingers now, keep shooting and cover me!"

The fat man and Shirley Yang aimed at the queen's body and pulled the trigger, and the queen shrank back as before, shielding her two giant claws in front of her.But the hollowness caused by the missing fingers still took a few bullets, and the red wine-like liquid sprayed out from the back where she was pierced by the bullets.

Xiao Ran wiped the blood from his thigh with his hand, and wiped the blade of Guan Shandao all over.

The blade of Guan Shan Knife immediately glowed with a coquettish red light that only he could see. The brightness of this light far surpassed the level of Zhan Shisha. Even the shallow grooves drawn on the blade disappeared, and the whole knife seemed just out of the oven. shining brightly.

"Old Sha, although you can't speak, this blood is at least enough for me to cut twenty knives, right? It's up to you!"

Xiao Ran murmured in his heart, and swung his knife towards Queen Jingjue.

Fatty and Shirley Yang's bullets had just finished firing, and during the interval between reloading, Xiao Ran had already rushed a foot in front of the Queen.

Sensing that someone was approaching, Queen Jingjue opened her sharp claws and swept out, but unexpectedly, her hands missed.Although Xiao Ran had already approached, he immediately bent over and squatted down, just waiting for an opening.

Taking advantage of the gap between the queen's rush, he stood up and raised his knife, aiming at the queen's left hand.With the sound of "click" like a broken wood, the queen's left hand snapped off, and the huge withered claw flew into the abyss, turning into black ash in the air.

The queen's mouth let out a sharp wail again, her masked face was facing Xiao Ran, and Xiao Ran could even feel the venom behind the mask.


Xiao Ran was secretly happy in his heart, and hurriedly took two steps back, retreating to a safe range.

At the same time, the Queen once again waved her severed hand at Li Ran, and Xiao Ran was stunned. Could it be that the Queen is in pain?Use a broken arm instead of a good hand?
It was this carelessness that prevented him from raising his knife in time to stop him.When the queen's severed arm swung in front of him, a thick red amber-like rattan suddenly grew from the severed arm, wrapping him around the waist and pulling him forward.

"Xiao Ran!"

The fat man's voice trembled a little. After changing the bullets with Shirley Yang, he raised his gun again to shoot.But the Queen picked up Xiao Ran and skillfully blocked her. No matter how Fatty and Shirley Yang moved their guns, she could quickly block their sight with Xiao Ran.

The two threw their hands at each other, and the fat man stomped his feet anxiously, repeatedly urging Hu Bayi to get the explosives done quickly.But his urging was just to divert his anxiety. Even with the explosives in hand, Hu Bayi would not be able to blow up the Queen and Xiao Ran to death.

The Jingjue Queen had a hostage in her hand at this moment, she rolled Xiao Ran up to her eyes at a leisurely pace, and looked at the warrior brought by Prince Gumo with great interest through the mask.

Close at hand, Xiao Ran noticed the black mask on the queen's face, and there were many fine and root-like things on the edge, which were connected with the queen's face.I don't know if she was placed in front of the coffin, those priests deliberately sealed her power.

Seeing the fangs protruding from the queen's lipless mouth, Xiao Ran cursed in his heart, the number one beauty is an ugly monster.

I don't know if he sensed the insult in Li Ran's heart, the cane tightened instantly, Xiao Ran felt suffocated for a while, and a fishy sweet smell gushed out from behind, filling his entire mouth.Xiao Ran clenched his teeth tightly, traces of blood dripped down the gap between his teeth and nostrils.

The Jingjue Queen happened to look up at him, and some blood dripped on the Queen's face.She stretched out her long tongue and licked Xiao Ran's blood, and in an instant, as if she had tasted some delicious delicacy, she licked up all the blood, then continued to stick out her tongue, slowly bringing Xiao Ran closer to her face.

With a "bang" gunshot, Shirley Yang saw the opportunity, and a burst shot hit the rattan crown on the queen's head that was connected with flesh and blood, and the bright red liquid splashed in all directions.

The Queen slightly moved away from Xiao Ran, looked at the crowd in front of her, raised her claws to grab the black mask on her face, and slowly tore it forcefully.

Seeing the vines connected to the mask collapse one by one, Xiao Ran yelled in his heart that it was not good, Queen Jingjue was too lazy to entangle with so many people, and wanted to use her eyes connected to the ghost hole to solve the problem at once.

Under the shadows, Xiao Ran even saw the Queen's eyes without lids, which were gradually emerging from the mask.

Enduring the suffocation of being clenched, he raised his foot with all his strength and kicked hard on the queen's mask.The queen was unprepared, and the mask was kicked back to her face, and the edge was firmly embedded in the flesh.

She let out a shrill scream, opened her two rows of fangs, and bit li xuan's face.

"It's now!"

Xiao Ran suddenly let go of his mouth, and the soul-locking pearl mixed with blood flew straight to the throat of Queen Jingjue.

(End of this chapter)

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