Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 125 The Queen's Fall

Chapter 125 The Queen's Fall
No matter what the trick is, it's a good trick if it works.

At the critical juncture, Li Ran didn't have the heart to think about what was there or what wasn't. He saw the soul-locking pearl spit out from his mouth and flew into the queen's wide open mouth.The queen seemed to have eaten a flying insect, and with a "goo", she retracted her head, clutching her throat and panting violently.

"Bayan, leave her to me, you just do what you want."

Across the Queen's throat, the Soul Locking Pearl made a hazy sound.

Xiao Ran asked: "We plan to blow up her and the coffin together, what should you do?"

After a few seconds, Suohun Dinglingzhu said: "This is my destiny, don't worry about me. If there is a destiny, we will definitely meet again!"

After saying this sentence, Xiao Ran only felt that the Queen's rattan was slightly relaxed.He quickly pulled out the hand holding the knife, ignoring the numbness from being tightly bound for a long time, and swung it towards his wrist again, the Queen's arm snapped off, and Xiao Ran fell to the ground.

Fatty and Shirley Yang rushed over and quickly pulled him behind. At this time, Hu Bayi had already prepared three detonators.

"Old Hu! Wouldn't it be a waste of time if you got one? If you insist on getting three, won't that waste your time?"

Listening to Fatty, a layman guiding the work, Hu Bayi glanced at him and said: "What do you know, if you get a big one, it will easily affect us. If you put these three in the right place, you can blast in a directional way, ensuring that she will take people with her." All coffins will be reimbursed!"

While speaking, the Essence Queen had twisted her body in agony, and the severed wrist had no time to heal. This was a good opportunity to completely eliminate her.

Hu Bayi, Fatty, and Xiao Ran each took a detonator. Hu Bayi briefly explained the timing of the ignition and the location of the explosives for the three of them, and then ran towards the stone beam.

Although the queen was temporarily restrained by the soul-locking orb for most of her actions, her basic defensive instincts were still there. Seeing the three approaching, she blindly waved her giant claws like dead tree branches, blocking the three from moving forward.

Shirley Yang, who was supporting from the rear, shot several times. Although they hit the Queen's body, the Queen didn't seem to care at all.The liquid in the coffin poured into the wound slowly. Although it was much slower than when the queen controlled it by herself, it was still constantly repairing the wound on her body.

Xiao Ran waved the Guanshan knife, and shouted to Hu Bayi and Fatty: "I'll attract her attention, you guys go and put the detonator."

He slashed towards the queen's sweeping giant claws, and with two crisp sounds, the queen's two pointed fingers were chopped off by him.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Hu Bayi and Fatty crawled to both sides of the stone beam, and inserted the detonators into the left and right sides of the stone beam.According to Hu Bayi's previous arrangement, the two ignited the detonators in turn.

"Xiao Ran, throw the detonator to me!"

Seeing that Xiao Ran was still fighting with the queen's one-claw, Hu Bayi had to change his plan.

Hearing this, Xiao Ran took out the detonator that he should have fired and threw it to Hu Bayi.But the queen's sharp claws waving indiscriminately just hit the detonator, and the detonator was bounced far away.

Xiao Ran was distracted, his arm was scratched by sharp claws again, blood stained his sleeves red.He hurriedly leaned down, and when his sharp claws swung again, he saw the opportunity and slashed at the Queen's wrist.

A stream of wine-red liquid sprayed out in all directions, and the queen's remaining hand was also cut off at the wrist.

At the same time, Shirley Yang, who was behind, hastily ran towards the direction where the detonator flew out, and jumped high to catch the detonator.She ran a few steps towards the stone beam, swung her arms like a baseball player and threw the detonator near the stone beam.

"Old Hu, step on me!"

The fat man got up, squatted down with his legs crossed, and folded his hands in front of his lower abdomen.Hu Bayi stepped on his hand and jumped up, caught the detonator firmly, ignited it quickly and threw it into the Kunlun Shenmu, then quickly pulled Fatty and Xiao Ran to the ground.

"Boom...boom...boom" Three not-so-loud explosions sounded one after another, and gravel and coffin liquid splashed everywhere.

Everyone raised their heads, and there was a long crack at the connection between the stone beam and the platform.With a crackling sound, the stone beam gradually tilted downward, and the Kunlun Shenmu also slid towards the abyss.

Queen Jingjue twisted her body unwillingly, stretching out two tentacle-like vines from her wrists with the last of her strength, trying to hold something, but in the end she fell to the ground along with the heavy stone beam and the Kunlun Shenmu. abyss.

At the moment of the fall, the queen suddenly screamed, and the sound grew farther and farther away as she fell.

It's finally over, the queen who used the ghost cave to bully others was eventually swallowed by the ghost cave herself.Her ending perfectly interprets that when you embrace the abyss, the abyss will eventually swallow you up.

That's pretty much the reason.

Li Xiao Ran lay on the ground, heaving a long sigh of relief, ignoring the wound that was still oozing blood.


He suddenly heard a familiar voice coming from above.He quickly raised the flashlight, only to see a dark sphere falling from the sky, he quickly raised his hand to catch it, it was the Soul-Locking Orb.

"Shuozi! You're back! Great, I thought you..."

"Bayan...I'm very tired, I want to sleep for a while..."

The voice of the Soul-locking Lingzhu was full of fatigue and peace of mind, Xiao Ran quickly took out the small pocket in his clothes that contained the fragments of the Faqiu seal, and put the Soul-locking Lingzhu into it.

Sleep well, the great Prince Gumo, Mo'an Tuyu...

"Hey! It's gone! This jade must be valuable!"

The fat man shouted in surprise with a loud voice.Xiao Ran looked at him, the fat man was bending over to pick up the jade pieces on the ground.These pieces of jade should be the fragments of jade clothes in the Kunlun Shenmu, some of which flew out with the explosion.

Hu Bayi hurried over and slapped him, and whispered: "Don't just open your mouth and shut up, it's just how much money, the archaeological team next to you is watching. Let's make money this time with peace of mind, I doubt that American girl has..."

"Leader Hu, these fragments of jade clothes are important cultural relics and national treasures. Thanks to you, we left such important things for this inspection and the country..."

Professor Chen and other archaeological team members have already gathered around, and Shirley Yang also walked over slowly, raised his eyebrows and said to Hu Bayi: "Mr. Hu?"

Her hint was obvious, Hu Bayi took a look at the fragments from the fat man, and handed them to Professor Chen.Fatty was full of displeasure, patted his buttocks and walked away, uttering that classic sentence: "Tangyuan is not Tangyuan, the whole white pill (play)..."

The archaeologists packed their bags, and Hao Aiguo asked Professor Chen: "Professor Chen, what happened just should we write a report? These facts are beyond common sense. People can live in symbiosis with plants, and they can really survive." For thousands of years……"

Sa Dipeng interjected, "Or say it's an alien creature."

Hao Aiguo criticized with a black face: "Xiao Sa, you are studying archaeology, not aliens, so use your brain on the right ground."

Professor Chen thought for a while and said: "Let's write a complete report as a record first, and we must seek truth from facts. After going back to talk with the superiors, we will discuss whether to abridge the report and gradually disclose it. After all, we have no first-hand evidence now. "

Xiao Ran was listening to the team of archaeologists discussing countermeasures when suddenly there was a rustling sound.He thought he was hallucinating, but he saw that everyone was pricking up their ears with tense faces, while Hu Bayi and Fatty were nervously looking at the original position of the stone beam.

The strong searchlight flickered twice, then went out suddenly, and the surroundings were plunged into noisy darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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