Chapter 126

Looking at the posture in front of him, Xiao Ran thought that once the queen was eliminated, there would be no other situations.But now it seems that the large group of Jingjian Ah Han was shocked after all, and it really can't be avoided.

Everyone heard those rustling sounds like the tide, and knew that something was approaching, and the number was absolutely huge, and they fell into panic for a while.

"Professor Chen!"

"Teacher Hao!"

"Leader Hu!"

Everyone shouted to each other, Ye Yixin's voice was obviously crying.

Xiao Ran heard Hu Bayi shout: "Fatty, where's the spare battery? Hurry up and change the battery for the searchlight!"

The fat man shouted: "Don't worry! I'll look for it! Where the hell did I put it..."

Shirley Yang turned on several cold fireworks in succession and threw them around.The weak light made everyone feel a little more relaxed for a while, but after all, the lighting distance is limited, and it is still impossible to see the dark place at the bright edge of the fireworks.

The voice became louder and clearer. Everyone followed the limited light of the cold fireworks, took out the flashlights on their bodies, and immediately took out the things that could defend themselves.

"over there!"

Hu Bayi's flashlight turned to the stone beam that had been blown down before, and locked the source of the sound.

Waiting for the danger to come like this is not an option, Xiao Ran first ran to Chu Jianjian and asked: "Is there any solid fuel?"

Chu Jian hastily flipped through his bag, took out a jar that had almost bottomed out, and said, "There's only a little left..."

"Better than nothing!"

Xiao Ran lit the solid fuel tank in front of everyone, and the flame in the tank ignited, turning into a small bonfire.He turned on two cold smokers and placed them on both sides of the cupping jar, hoping to fool the black snakes into thinking it was a flame belt.

After finishing these tasks, he turned around and ran to Professor Chen behind.Before he could take a few steps, Hu Bayi and the others behind him shouted, "It's a black snake! There are too many!"

Xiao Ran turned his head to look, and saw groups of black snakes rushing up from the edge of the cliff like a black tide. Apart from the snakes less than a foot long that he saw in the Zagrama Valley, there were quite a few more About one meter away, the huge sarcoma on the top of the head has fully grown, and its shape is like the stone eyeball on the Heishi Pagoda in the ancient city of Jingjue.

Xiao Ran estimated the distance, and now it's too late for Professor Chen and others to climb the rope ladder.If everyone turned around and ran away, it would only give those black snakes a chance.

Fortunately, the half-truth and half-fake flame belt had some effect for a while, and those black snakes could only hiss and spit out their words when they saw the several piles of flames in front of them, and they dared not move forward for a while.

Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang set up their assault rifles and fired at the group of snakes that had formed in front.

The cold smoke can't last long, and once the snakes find out that this thing is not fatal, it won't work anymore.

Xiao Ran hurriedly pulled Professor Chen and others back to the mountain wall behind him. At this moment, he could only pray that the crack that was supposed to appear would appear as faithfully as these black snakes.

But no matter how hard Xiao Ran searched, he didn't find any cracks on the mountain wall that were high enough and wide enough for everyone to pass through. He was so anxious that he was sweating profusely, and even began to miss the way he changed the scene like a dreamer in Hu Bayi's dream. Ability.

Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang also finished firing a round of bullets, so they had to retreat while reloading.The black snake at the back sensed the retreat of these humans, and at this moment the cold smoke and fire were gradually extinguished, and they began to surge forward again.

"How many bullets are there?" Hu Bayi asked Shirley Yang.

Shirley Yang simply put down the gun and said, "There is only one clip left."

She looked at the rushing snakes, took out the camera and clicked several times, the dazzling flash made the snakes freeze in place for a moment as if they were frozen.

But there were too many snakes, and the flash light could only work temporarily, and the snakes rushed up again after a few seconds.

"Old Hu! Get out of the way!"

The fat man finally replaced the battery, and shouted at Hu Bayi.The light of this kind of searchlight is too strong, and it can blind people within 100 meters. It is an excellent weapon to deal with these light-sensitive black snakes.

Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang quickly flashed behind the fat man, and the fat man picked up a ten-pound searchlight and turned on the switch, and the flashing light went straight towards the group of black snakes.

The nearby snakes were instantly illuminated and rolled all over the ground, and when they got up again, they could no longer distinguish their direction. Many of them even climbed towards the cliff and rushed straight down to the abyss.

The fat man kept sweeping left and right as if he was carrying Gatling. In front of his eyes were blinded snakes rolling, but more black snakes were still coming up from around the cliff.

"Damn it, this is a snake nest blown up!"

Although the fat man had a searchlight in his hand, he was exhausted after seeing the endless stream of black snakes.Searchlights are meant to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause, and can only make the snakes lose their eyesight.But with so many black snakes rushing forward, if this continues, until the backup battery is dead, there will only be a dead end.

Xiao Ran felt flustered for a while, and now there is only one bad solution, that is, everyone hides behind the fat man, and then retreats to the rope ladder.But there are so many powerless intellectuals in the team, who can guarantee that nothing will happen?
He was thinking about the possibility of this plan, and suddenly felt a chill on the back of his neck, and he didn't know who was blowing on him.

He turned his head and looked, but there was no one behind him, only a foot-long crack on the mountain wall, blowing air outside, just right on his neck.

Xiao Ran was overjoyed, he picked up the knife and hacked on the crack of the stone, and the gravel fell rustlingly. Seeing this, Chu Jian, Sa Dipeng and Hao Aiguo also picked up the shovel in their hands and smashed it with Xiao Ran. stone crevices.

On the other side, the three Fatty kept retreating, getting closer and closer to the mountain wall.Those black snakes also seemed to have a strategy. A smaller snake suddenly climbed onto the big snake's head, wrapped its body around the tumor on the top of the big snake's head, and covered the big snake's eyes like a scarf.

The nearly one-meter-long big snake bounced vigorously only according to the established direction, and came straight to the fat man behind the searchlight.

Hu Bayi fired hastily, and smashed the big snake head-on, and the little snake coiled around his head was also turned into a puddle of minced meat.Hu Bayi shot continuously with the light, hitting the heads of all the big snakes that could be seen in front of his eyes.

But all the bullets add up to less than fifty rounds, and if this continues, it will still only be swallowed.

With a crackling sound, Xiao Ran and the others finally dug the stone crevice into a fissure, and behind the stone crevice there was really a passage with a height of a person.Xiao Ran hurriedly raised his flashlight to take a photo, and saw that the passage was deep enough for everyone to take refuge, so he quickly asked Professor Chen and others to go in first.

"Brother Hu! There is a crack behind, go this way!"

Xiao Ran greeted the three people in front, Hu Bayi looked back, pulled the fat man to adjust the direction, and retreated towards Xiao Ran's direction.

Xiao Ran stepped into the crack, Shirley Yang, Hu Bayi, and Fatty also entered in turn.Hu Bayi picked up a few pieces of rubble and piled them at the entrance of the cave, and asked Fatty to put the searchlight on the pile of stones to make a temporary barrier.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the backup battery of the searchlight gradually ran out of energy, and it kept flickering.Taking advantage of the darkness of the lights, a black snake soared into the sky and rushed towards the people in the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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