Chapter 127

The bouncing black snake was close at hand, and the fat man's face was about to come into close contact with the snake's teeth.

Suddenly a white flash came on, and it was Shirley Yang who pressed the camera shutter again at a critical moment. The flash forced the black snake, which was bared and ready to bite, to instinctively tilt its head to avoid the light.

The fat man also picked up the shovel and slapped it on the snake's head at the same time. The black snake fell to the ground in response. The fat man quickly turned the tip of the shovel and stabbed downward. After two clicks, there was no sound.

Shirley Yang saw that the searchlight was no longer able to support him, so he said to Hu Bayi: "Blow up and seal the entrance to keep the snakes away!"

Hu Ba took a look at the group of snakes still eager to try outside the cave, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! It's better than being bitten to death by a snake!"

Hearing this, Xiao Ran hurriedly pushed everyone into the depths of the cave.Deep in the crack, there is also a large horizontal crack, which is enough for everyone to hide.

"Brother Hu, be careful!"

At this moment, Xiao Ran couldn't care about much, and hid at the corner of the crack with a group of old and weak.Not long after, with the sound of assault rifle firing, Fatty and Shirley Yang also got in, followed by Hu Bayi.

"Cover your ears and open your mouth wide, squat down!"

When Hu Bayi gave the order, everyone followed Hu Bayi's example and squatted on the ground with their heads open and their mouths open.

There was a loud "bang", li xuan only felt that he was hit hard at first, his feet and back were shaking for a while, and then his whole body was like a dice cup being shaken in someone's hand, his internal organs were about to turn over.

Gravel and flying soil rushed into this horizontal crack along with the explosion's air wave, and the entire T-shaped space was instantly filled with dust.

Xiao Ran felt that his ears were constantly roaring, as if the sound of the explosion echoed in his ear canal.Turning his head to look at Hu Bayi on the other side of the passage, he saw that he changed from one to two, and then from two to three, and then the three figures kept shaking, like three souls coming out of their bodies. to reposition.

Hu Bayi shook his head while talking to him, but Xiao Ran couldn't make out what he was saying at all, only saw three mouths opening and closing in front of his eyes, and felt dizzy for a while.

He suddenly felt ridiculous for some of his past thoughts. When he was young, he thought that war was nothing serious, and the fight was over, and he was willing to sacrifice his life.

But now that the explosion is close at hand, this huge physical shock has already made him so uncomfortable. Just imagine what cruel tests those soldiers who experienced the hail of bullets every moment in the trenches had to go through.

Shouting and shouting and killing at every turn is just because you know that once the war comes, it will not be you who will go to the battlefield.

It didn't know how long it took before the smoke and fog in the passage dissipated a little, and there were piles of black gravel on the ground. For a while, Xiao Ran worried that he would really be buried alive in this crack.

As the senses slowly recover, the discomfort gradually decreases.Xiao Ran and Hu Bayi coincidentally took flashlights to shine on the entrance of the cave when they came in. The place was completely collapsed and blocked, and a faint "hissing" sound could be heard outside the cave, but these sounds gradually dissipated.

Everyone signed in sign language and checked each other's physical condition.Xiao Ran, Hu Bayi, and Fatty who were near the entrance of the cave had some skin injuries, but they were all scratched by flying gravel, and they were not seriously injured.Except for Professor Chen's mild symptoms such as tinnitus and dizziness, there is no serious problem, except that there is a little blood in the nostrils and throats.

Everyone drank a few sips of water and took a short break.At this time, there was a slight vibration, and it continued continuously.The gravel and fine soil on the top of the head and on the mountain wall also fell from time to time, and several tiny cracks also appeared on the stone wall.

Xiao Ran got up with his eyes wide open, and hurriedly pulled up Shirley Yang who was the closest. Seeing this, the others also helped each other up.Hu Bayi hurriedly beckoned everyone to leave with him. It seemed that there would be another danger of landslides here.

The cracks on the mountain wall continued to expand, and larger and larger black stones fell down.Hu Bayi led everyone to climb towards the upward side, but because of the shaking of the mountain, they had to use their hands and feet to climb up.

Xiao Ran asked the archaeologists to walk in front, and he was at the end of the line. Several times he felt black stones hit the ground along his back and heels.Xiao Ran glanced back and saw that the passage behind him had been completely buried by black gravel. He couldn't help but feel lucky that he acted in time.

Everyone tried their best to climb up. Fortunately, Fatty, Shirley Yang, and Chu Jian, who were physically strong, happened to be in the middle of the team, pulling other weaker players from time to time, and staggered up.

Having experienced sandstorms, avalanches in dreams, earthquakes, etc., Xiao Ran had to admit that no matter how much ordinary people do their best, they can only obediently bow their heads in front of nature, humble like ants looking for a way out.

I don't know how long it has been climbing, but the speed of the team has obviously plummeted.Even Xiao Ran's gloves were scratched by the gravel on the ground, blood seeped from the cracks, and the wounds on his arms and thighs were stretched open again. He felt like stars were popping up in front of his eyes, and his heart seemed to be about to jump out.

The shaking of the mountain body was also reduced a lot at this time, and everyone had no strength at all. As Hu Bayi in the front fell down one by one, everyone fell to the ground one after another, panting violently.

A large amount of earth and rocks suddenly fell from the top of Xiao Ran's head, Xiao Ran raised his head blankly, his mind was blank, and he couldn't take a step forward.It seems that he really has to be buried alive, even if he was buried alive for a short while, I hope everyone still has the strength to dig him out...

He suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his chest, and an inexplicable force drove him to jump up suddenly.When he fell, the broken soil only buried him up to his waist, and he felt like a rooted seedling, unable to move and could only lie on the ground.

At this moment, the spreading of the cracks in the mountain finally stopped, and the others turned around and saw Xiao Ran who was half buried, with panic all over their faces, and quickly dragged their almost powerless bodies, and hurriedly dug him out.

Xiao Ran was lying on the ground panting heavily, fortunately that jump just now, otherwise, with the speed at which everyone dug him out now, he might have suffocated to death long ago.

Thinking of this, he put his hand on his chest, and held the Nine Dragons Pendant.Achilles protruded a tentacle from the edge, and poked Xiao Ran's hand, which was regarded as a response.

"Old Hu, am I dead? How do I see the sky is black..."

Fatty's panting voice came from the side, and before Hu Bayi could speak, Shirley Yang replied: "Don't talk nonsense, you are lying in the cave, and there are black stones from Mount Zagrama on it, it must be black. "

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly realized that she could hear the voice, and hurried to care about the members of the archaeological team.Xiao Ran looked at the back of her feeding water to everyone, feeling warm in his heart, but immediately realized that something was wrong.

"Is this a sign of my lack of maternal love..."

Hu Bayi shook his head and patted the dirt on his head, and joked to Shirley Yang: "You are an American, you are superstitious, and you are taboo to say you are dead..."

Shirley Yang frowned and said, "My family is very traditional..."

Before he could finish speaking, the entire cave suddenly trembled violently again, and tiny gravels fell one after another, and despair filled the cave instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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