Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 128 The Prophet in the Cave

Chapter 128 The Prophet in the Cave
Amidst the shaking of the mountain, Xiao Ran heard Ye Yixin and others sobbing.Although there were frequent accidents along the way, and now it is completely impossible to use known experience to judge the current fate, but Xiao Ran still forced himself to be sure in his heart that this shock will definitely bring everyone a new way out.

"Don't panic! We will definitely be able to get out!"

He shouted hard, trying his best to make his voice strong enough to compete with the roar of the mountain wall, at least a few people close to him could hear it.He was not only cheering everyone up, but also reassuring himself.

We must be able to go out, right...


With a crackling sound, the fat man who had been leaning against the mountain wall suddenly fell backwards.Everyone flashed their flashlights and found that behind Fatty, the mountain vibrated abruptly and created a crack. There seemed to be a space behind the crack, and Fatty rolled backwards and fell into it without guarding against it.

"Come in!"

As soon as Xiao Ran pulled up Professor Chen next to him, he pushed into the crack, while Hu Bayi scanned the crack with his flashlight, and exclaimed, "There seems to be someone inside..."

"Someone is right! Quick!"

Xiao Ran couldn't help saying, he pulled everyone's arms and pushed in, and he was at the end again.When he also got into the space in the crack, there was a sudden loud noise behind him, followed by a series of scattered sounds of falling gravel and soil, and the dust instantly filled the entire space.

The passage behind him had already been sealed by more than a dozen huge boulders. Xiao Ran was glad that he pushed everyone in quickly enough. He tapped the number of people and found that there were quite a few of them, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

He felt a tingling pain at the back of his neck. He stretched out his hand to touch it, and felt a sticky, slippery feeling. There was also a small hard object embedded in the back of his neck. It turned out that the gravel splashed behind him just now. A drop of blood was running down his neck and onto his back.But fortunately, it was a skin trauma. If the stone flake was deeper, I am afraid that I would be paraplegic and incontinent now.

"You are hurt?"

Shirley Yang originally wanted to care about Xiao Ran who had saved everyone, but when he saw Xiao Ran's hands flushed, he shone a flashlight on his bent neck, and bandaged Xiao Ran nervously.

"Brother Xiao, what have you figured out? How do you know that we must have a way out? It collapsed as soon as we came in. You are too amazing..."

Hu Bayi originally just said a word of emotion, but when Shirley Yang heard this, he raised his eyes and stared straight at Xiao Ran, as if he wanted to stare at Xiao Ran for an answer, or he wanted to see some answer from Xiao Ran's eyes.

Xiao Ran smiled embarrassingly, and said: "I just rely on my survival instinct. There is no such thing as a god, just drill into a hole..."

He avoided Shirley Yang's eyes looking directly at him, but he knew that Shirley Yang would definitely not accept his rhetoric.

After a sentence or two, the dust in the air gradually fell, and the field of vision widened a lot.The fat man suddenly yelled: "Old Hu! There are zongzi! It's better to have a couple of zongzi!"

His words shocked everyone, and Shirley Yang's brows were even more furrowed.

Upon hearing this, Professor Chen asked Hao Aiguo to help him up, and together with the others, they lit up the entire space with a flashlight.

After the gap, the space for everyone to hide temporarily is a stone house of more than ten square meters. There is a large stone box with a simple shape in the middle of the ground. It is about half a meter high and one meter long. It seems to be made of ordinary limestone stones. The black stone of Zagrama that I had seen many times before was completely different.

Although the stone box looks grey, there are many stone paintings engraved on it, which looks very exquisite.Half a meter away from the two sides of the stone box, there are two vertical oval boulders, the side facing the box is sunken inwards, and two dark brown shriveled corpses sit cross-legged on these two oval stone seats facing each other.

"These are... two ancient corpses, where are the zongzi?"

With the light in Chu Jian's hand, Professor Chen carefully looked at the two mummies, and raised his head suspiciously.

Hao Aiguo pushed up his glasses and asked, "These two, are they the sages buried in the mountains as An Liman said?"

Hearing what Hao Aiguo said, the archaeologists all nodded.Hu Bayi took over the conversation and said: "Did you hear that fat man? The sages, who have been dead for more than 2000 years, have almost become fossils. Don't talk nonsense like zongzi, the old two don't look like zongzi..."

Seeing that Professor Chen and others were studying the mummy and the stone box carefully, Shirley Yang came over and called Hu Bayi and Fatty in a low voice: "I have something to say to you two, please come..."

Her tone was cold and unmistakable.Hu Bayi and Fatty had no choice but to follow him to a corner not far from Xiao Ran.

"You are clearly grave robbers, and you still want to hide it from me?!"

Shirley Yang suddenly made an attack. Although his voice was very small, it was still difficult to hide the resentment in his tone.After she finished asking this sentence, she glanced at Xiao Ran, as if her distrust and chill towards him were even worse.

Xiao Ran hurriedly closed his eyes and fell asleep, leaving the defense to Hu Bayi, who only waited for the atmosphere to be good before he could say a few words to bring it down.

Hu Bayi was busy defending: "I have told you all the way, I am a family handed down craft, and I am interested in these Feng Shui astrology. Why do you Americans sentence you without any evidence, and you are innocent? Fatty and I are both well-known good young people from all over the world. We have been innocent since we were young. I am a soldier of the people, and Fatty was also a red-banner bearer every year..."

When the fat man heard this, he quickly corrected him: "What is the March [-] red flag bearer? I am a youth commando. Don't listen to the old nonsense. Hey, it seems that Professor Chen needs help..."

The fat man saw Shirley Yang talking to them in a low voice, and guessed that Shirley Yang was someone who didn't want to disturb the archaeological team, so he deliberately wanted to bring the topic to Professor Chen.

But Shirley Yang suddenly said: "The set plate hangs a thousand gold, and Haizi hangs a ring..."

Xiao Ran felt a burst of excitement, it's coming, it's coming, the wonderful lip-smacking scene is coming.He listened to what Shirley Yang and Hu Bayi said to each other, and used the slang words in the fighting business to make a reciprocal exchange.

It seems that Hu Bayi is destined to be led by the nose by Shirley Yang, and he will expose the identity of Captain Mo Jin like a bamboo tube and beans.

Xiao Ran squinted his eyes and glanced at the fat man, only to see the fat man scratching his head, listening to those slang words about the inside of the Golden Gate, his face full of puzzlement.

At the end of the nonsense, Hu Bayi began to deny in every possible way, but he refused to admit that he was a tomb robber.

Shirley Yang had no choice but to go to Xiao Ran and squat down next to Xiao Ran, and said to Xiao Ran who was pretending to be sleeping: "I thought we had the same experience, I always treated you as a younger brother. Are you also lying to me with them? You guys?" I have already collected a lot of information about the Black Desert and the Jingjue Ancient City, so I came here prepared, right?"

Seeing that there was no way to hide and nowhere to hide, Xiao Ran had no choice but to avoid the seriousness and said lightly: "Even if I really have some information, it is impossible to know the exact location of Jingjue Ancient City, and there is no need to risk my life to save you."

Shirley Yang looked at the wounds and blood all over Xiao Ran's body, sighed, and his eyes softened again.

Hu Bayi took advantage of the situation and said, "Brother Xiao is the grandson of Professor Chen, so it's normal to know some archaeological knowledge. Professor Chen said that the three of us are a combination of wisdom, technology and courage..."

Shirley Yang interrupted him and said, "This is not a place for conversation. When we go back, I hope to have a serious chat with you."

At this time, the archaeologists surrounding the stone box let out a burst of exclamation.

(End of this chapter)

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