Chapter 129 Extra People

Seeing that Hu Bayi, Shirley Yang, and Fatty had all rushed to the side of the archaeologists, Xiao Ran also endured the pain on his body, and hurriedly got up and walked to the side of the stone box.

"What happened?"

Shirley Yang looked at the slightly trembling archaeologists, and exchanged glances with Hu Bayi and the others.

Ye Yixin looked at the other archaeologists who looked like chickens, swallowed and said, "Professor Hao just said that these two mummified corpses are the ancestors buried here, so Professor Chen followed this line of thought and interpreted it for us. Take a look at the engravings on the box. These paintings are all prophecies. This child is actually the disciple or son of the late saint, that is, the prophet. This old man is his servant..."

The fat man was puzzled and said, "I thought you found some invention... no, cultural relics. What son's servant's, these don't scare you like this, do they?"

Ye Yixin shook her head and said, "No, it's the last..."

Seeing that her mood was a little unstable, Hao Aiguo helped the pale Professor Chen to sit down, and then said: "If the predictions in these paintings are true, there are people in our team who don't exist."

"There are too many people?!" Xiao Ran asked.

Although I don't know the reason, the prophecy on this stone box is true.It was originally shown that Hu Bayi and others came to this tomb, excluding Hao Aiguo, Sa Dipeng, Chu Jian, who should have died, and Xiao Ran himself who did not exist. There were five people in the team at that time, but the fabled number was only four, so Ye Yixin, who was still alive among the five, died later in the tomb.

Xiao Ran has been trying his best to keep everyone alive, but when he entered this tomb, he still had the worst intentions.There are nine of them in a group, maybe there will be a few less on the stone box, and some people will still die here in the end.

But never expected that there would be more people?

"Whether he exists or not, I've circled around twice, and I can't see a way out. Just tell me, is there a way to get out of this plague-stricken place? Maybe it's in this broken box in……"

As the fat man said, he was about to open the stone box, but was stopped by Hu Bayi.He looked at the people on the left and right, and said to the fat man, "How can you do it every day? Open this thing randomly, and if there are any poisonous insects in it, we have to fold it here."

The fat man withdrew his hand angrily, and Shirley Yang illuminated the paintings with a flashlight and said, "There may not be poisonous insects behind the scenes, but there are indeed some problems with these paintings..."

Xiao Ran also stretched his head over, watching Shirley Yang's flashlight slowly scan over the paintings.

The first few paintings all use stickman-like lines to outline many people, under the guidance of a child, avoiding the approaching tornado natural disaster, and then bow down at the child's feet one after another.The simple narrative painting proves that this child is a prophet who can make everyone seek good fortune and avoid evil.

In the fourth painting, a child stands next to two adults, and another person kneels in front of them.The depiction of this old man is slightly more complex than the stickman in the previous paintings. Under the circle representing the head, some small grooves are carved to represent the beard.

As for the two adults, their clothes, facial features, and false hair are complete, and they seem to be the legendary sages.And that old man should be similar to a personal servant.

From this point of view, the old and the young sitting opposite each other guarding the stone box are indeed old servants and young prophets.

In the following picture, there are no two finely portrayed sages. Most of them are children in the center and old servants standing beside them.Through his own abilities, the little prophet helps ordinary people like stick figures escape natural disasters such as sandstorms and earthquakes, as well as invaders represented by people holding weapons, and even plagues represented by grimaces.

There are also several paintings depicting the prophet helping the people find water sources, digging out mineral deposits such as gems, etc.

These paintings show the miracles created by the prophets, but in the next few paintings, ordinary people fell to the ground one after another, and the old and the young sat opposite each other in the tomb, unable to care about the outside world.

The flashlight stayed on the last painting, which was rather strange.The painting shows more than a dozen people standing beside the stone box, and one of them is still opening the box with his hands.

"One, two, three... fourteen? How could there be five more people?" The fat man asked puzzled after counting carefully.

Hu Bayi stroked his chin and pondered: "Could it be that... this painting has nothing to do with us? It's not about us at all?"

Shirley Yang shook his head, pointed to one of those people and said, Look what this is.

Everyone looked at the person she was pointing at, and saw a small cross engraved on that person's chest.

"This little fork...what can it explain?" Hu Bayi asked.

Shirley Yang said: "This is not a cross, but a cross, which represents my belief. Also, at the feet of these people, do you see this sign, does it look like a flashlight?"

Xiao Ran took a closer look, and at the feet of those people, there was indeed a very freehand small sign, which was connected with a C-shape horizontally.It seems that the person who carved this picture was trying his best to show that these people are their current team.

"In addition to this, there is another strange thing. The people, objects and scenes in these paintings are all scratches. At best, some are more detailed, but they have no color. Individuals come in all colors and are smaller than other people, so what do they represent."

Xiao Ran looked at the last five people, although they were not obvious, they did show five different colors, and they followed closely behind one of the other nine people.

Five people?Five people……

He suddenly realized, could it be said that these five people represent the artifacts on his body?But why five?
He thought carefully, Achilles Jiugui, Guan Shan Dao, Yin Yang Mirror, Soul Locking Lingzhu...

Xiao Ran suddenly remembered that at the Zagrama Pass, he had picked up a dagger that could not be pulled out, and it was quietly tied to his calf at this moment.Is there another figure that represents him?
It seems that this thing really has some background, but in any case, it is better to have more people than less people.These stick figures are arranged here, and the numbers correspond one by one, which makes him feel at ease.

"I said... Since we can't come up with an answer, instead of guessing here, we might as well open this stone box and see what's inside. Maybe these figures represent only imaginary numbers."

Xiao Ran took the opportunity to propose a new plan, and Fatty jumped out first to express his approval.

Perhaps it was the previous duel with Corpse Fragrance Konjac and Queen Jingjue that left a psychological shadow on everyone.Except for the two of them, everyone else had reservations about opening the stone box, even Hu Bayi was ambiguous.

Xiao Ran thought to himself, since everyone is unwilling to open it, then he doesn't really care.Anyway, the queen was gone, so he didn't have to worry about the sandstorm coming.

Opening this broken stone box and taking out the sheepskin book inside is nothing more than a curse that makes the sandstorm come. It's better to wait for the next earthquake to shake a new crack, and everyone escapes happily...

He was thinking this way, when suddenly a figure flashed in front of the stone box, and opened the stone box under the surprised eyes of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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