Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 137 Doomsday Comes

Chapter 137 Doomsday Comes
Xiao Ran straightened up like a carp, took off his gas mask, took a few deep breaths, straightened out his breathing, then hooked the Guan Shan knife on his toes, and the Guan Shan knife flew into the air and landed firmly in his hand superior.

He also simply swung the knife a few times, and felt that his strength had temporarily recovered by seven or eight points.Looking at the unruly black glasses in front of him, he asked coldly, "Where is my second uncle?"

The black glasses tilted their heads and pretended to think for a while, and said, "You mean the man with the braids? He is safe, but if you delay, it may not be so safe."

A burst of yellow sand suddenly blew past, blocking the sight of the two of them.Xiao Ran no longer hesitated, swung the knife and leapt forward, slashing straight ahead.

Unexpectedly, a burst of cold light came towards him, and a short knife pierced the wind and sand, and came straight towards him.He quickly turned sideways to withdraw his strength, and turned from attacking to dodging, but then he was kicked hard on the waist, kicking him back again and again.

"Be careful!"

The black glasses emerged from the dust, and stabbed towards Xiao Ran with the dagger in hand.

Xiao Ran hurriedly took a step back to stand firm, and put the blade sideways in front of his face.Unexpectedly, the black glasses slid on one knee, slipped past him, and dodged behind him.

Just as Xiao Ran was taken aback, he felt a sharp stabbing pain in his back, and a powerful force made him stumble forward a few steps, before bending over and falling on the sand.

He endured the pain in his back and got up, only to see that the black glasses were still attacking him, but he didn't stab with the tip of the knife just now, but stabbed Xiao Ran's back with the handle of the knife.

There is still a playful smile on the face of the black glasses, the expression is like a cat playing with a mouse.He relaxed his body and stood up again, without any defense in his body, but full of flaws, with a short knife in his hand, he once again hooked his fingers at Xiao Ran: "No way, you, come again!"

Xiao Ran was irritated by the opponent's arrogance that disdained to defend, he swung the Guanshan knife again, shouted and rushed towards the black glasses.This time he also learned the trick. When he was less than two steps away from the black glasses, he suddenly bent his knees and squatted down, using the sand to slide towards the opponent's lower body.

Unexpectedly, the moment he bent down, the black glasses seemed to have anticipated his action, and at the same time, he jumped up with a somersault, then turned around quickly and raised his foot, and kicked Li Ran hard on the back. into the sand.

"Okay, man, have you learned how to use flowers this time? Is that so?"

While talking in the black glasses, he imitated Xiao Ran's skating.He kneels and slides forward in two steps, then gets up and runs two more knees and slides, like an adult imitating the antics of a child.

Xiao Ran was completely irritated, but all his actions seemed to be in the expectation of the other party. He felt like a clumsy bear catching a fly with compound eyes.

But it was useless to attack and outwit him, Xiao Ran was already in disarray, he waved the long knife recklessly, and rushed towards the black glasses with blood red eyes.

The black glasses that were still gliding on the sand saw him rushing over, stood up slowly and said: "The look in this look must be fierce, but it scared me to death..."

This time, he didn't dodge or jump anymore, but raised his dagger with a smile to receive Xiao Ran's attack.

One slash, two slashes, three slashes... Xiao Ran slashed like crazy, but the black glasses just looked at him with a smile, blocking every attack methodically.The strength and speed of Xiao Ran's attack full of shame and indignation should not be underestimated, but in the hands of the black glasses, it seemed to be like a frail child wielding a spoon.

After an unknown number of rounds, the black glasses finally stopped blocking, but stretched out his hand to grab Li Ran's wrist, and squeezed it hard, Li Ran felt his whole arm go numb, let out a low growl of unwillingness, and Guan Shandao fell to the ground in response.

The black glasses took advantage of the situation and kicked Xiao Ran's knees. Xiao Ran's knees softened and he fell to his knees in an instant. He felt like a prey at the claws of a beast. He was powerless to resist and could not escape. above.

"You have a good talent, but you still need a little training. I thought you...huh?"

The black glasses grabbed Xiao Ran's hand, and he was attracted by his two extraordinary fingers.He scrutinized it carefully for a long time, then said with a smile: "I thought it was right, you do resemble him, but you are only a half-finished product. I decided to let you go..."

As soon as the words fell, he suddenly turned sideways.Immediately after a gunshot, Hu Bayi in the distance exerted all his strength in weakness and fired a shot at the head of the black glasses.It's a pity that even this blow was dodged by him, and Hu Bayi fell limply on the sand again.

"Use a gun, it's boring, don't play."

The black glasses dragged the exhausted Xiao Ran all the way to the camel caravan, and stopped beside a camel.He patted Li Ran's face, pointed to the hump covered with tent cloth, and then pulled off the cloth.

The second uncle sat upright on the camel, his face was a little pale, but he was shaking as if he was asleep just like An Liman.

The black glasses took out a bottle and threw it in front of Xiao Ran, saying: "Eat half, wipe the half. Water him to wake him up, just ask him if you need anything."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Xiao Ran's backpack not far away, flipped through it, took out the ancient sheepskin book, and read it page by page.At the end, he grinned: "It's so boring to just go back safely. Let me have some fun..."

Xiao Ran was startled suddenly, he knew what the black glasses wanted to do, but the fight just now had exhausted him for a while.Just as he stood up, he fell to his knees in darkness.

In front of him, the black glasses threw the parchment on the ground, then swaggered to the end of the camel caravan, got up and rode on the last camel.Xiao Ran saw that on the camel, apart from a few bags, there was also a wooden box half a person's height, which was enough to hold a child's body.

"How do you say it in your current words? Gude'er said goodbye. You don't have much time, so hurry up and wake them up, we will definitely meet again in the future..."

The black glasses drove the camel, passed by Xiao Ran, kicked him again, and then disappeared behind the sand dunes in the distance.

At this time, the sun was already half-submerged into the horizon, and a ray of wind blew, and then the continuous yellow sand was gradually lifted up, casting a layer of shadow on the originally magnificent sunset, which was a signal that a black sandstorm was coming.

The ultimate sandstorm predicted in the parchment, the divine punishment that could completely bury the sacred mountain Zagrama and the ancient city of Jingjue until the end of time, was finally summoned by the black glasses of unknown origin.

Xiao Ran quickly got up and splashed water on everyone to wake them up. Everyone struggled to get up, washed their faces and noses with water, and recovered quickly.

Xiao Ran ran to An Liman's side again, and sprayed water all over his body with a "poof".An Liman was startled awake, looked at the tumbling yellow sand on the horizon, and shouted in surprise: "The black sand storm is coming! Hu Da handed this place over to the devil, if he doesn't run away, he will be buried in the yellow sand hell!" "

Xiao Ran rushed to the side of the second uncle and woke him up.The second uncle woke up staggeringly, before Xiao Ran had time to think about it, he stuffed the bottle into the second uncle's mouth and filled half of it, and then asked the second uncle: "Where is this painted?"

The second uncle shook his lips, and stretched out his right hand in front of Xiao Ran.His hands seemed to have been poisoned, and the entire palm was swollen to purple.Xiao Ran didn't dare to delay, so he quickly applied the remaining medicine on the second uncle's hands, and tied the second uncle's legs tightly to the camel.

Seeing that the sandbags were approaching, everyone seized the time to get on the camels. An Liman blew a long whistle, and using the gas lamp as a signal, he led the camel team and fled westward.

(End of this chapter)

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