Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 138 An Liman's Amulet

Chapter 138 An Liman's Amulet

Under the command of An Liman, the camel caravan ran wildly as if frightened, but the destructive roar of the sandstorm behind them was still approaching rapidly, and the wind was like a thousand troops holding long knives and sharp arrows, constantly and violently whipping people and people. Sometimes, the camel is like a huge and rough hand, pushing these unwelcome guests and urging them to roll faster.

The sand and dust engulfed the entire sky under the gust of wind, and the sun also set early. Finally, there was no light between the sky and the earth, and the visibility was less than five meters.If it wasn't for the fact that the camels were tied together with ropes, Xiao Ran even suspected that he would have been separated from everyone else, running madly alone in the sandstorm alone.

The fine sand blew over the head and face. Even though everyone wore goggles and scarves, the sand still got into the nose and mouth.Xiao Ran was afraid that he would inhale too hard, and when the sandstorm stopped, his lungs would be filled with dust, so he could only inhale carefully at the slowest speed, and then exhale vigorously and quickly.But after doing this several times, I almost made myself hypoxic, and finally had to breathe normally and resigned to fate.

After running for an unknown amount of time, the camels were startled and tired, and coupled with the strong wind, An Liman's whistle had no effect.He jumped off the camel and held the gas lamp, quickly ran past the camel team, gestured to everyone, and then led the camel to besiege the city.

Hu Bayi instantly understood An Liman's meaning, and made a few simple and easy-to-understand gestures to everyone, to the effect that he would set up camp on the spot, build a sand-proof wall around the camels, and avoid sandstorms among the camels.

Professor Chen is too old, and with the bumpy escape before, he has no strength at all.The second uncle is still in a semi-comatose state of poisoning and can't help.Ye Yixin and Shirley Yang put blankets on them to avoid the sandstorm on the spot.The others, one by one, began to build a sand wall around the camel with a shovel.

At this time, the dozen or so camels were crowded together, and An Liman wrapped the blanket on their heads, and they had settled down and stopped struggling. Instead, they knelt firmly on the sand pile. , They will move their bodies to let the sand flow under them, calmly like an old monk in meditation.

The crowd surrounded the old and the weak, women and children, and wrapped their bodies in blankets.The wind and sand whizzed by, and no matter how tired we were, we dared not fall asleep completely. It seemed that within a few minutes, our legs would be buried by the blown sand, so we had to imitate the camel and move our bodies every once in a while.

As the terrain under him rose, in order to let the wind out as much as possible, Hu Bayi, Fatty, An Liman, and Sa Dipeng, Xiao Ran, Hao Aiguo, Chu Jian, and Shirley Yang, who volunteered later, took turns to dig defenses The sand wall continued to toss until the next morning before the wind and sand gradually subsided.

At this time, everyone was exhausted. Looking around, the continuous sand dunes were full of ripples blown by the wind. It was really beautiful like golden waves under the blue sky, but everyone had no energy to appreciate it anymore.

Thinking back to last night, Xiao Ran suspected that it was because of his nervousness, or because the influence of the corpse fragrance konjac was still there, he could always hear the unique whistling and screaming of Queen Jingjue in the gusts of wind.

Everyone came out of the blankets one after another. Professor Chen's physical strength has recovered a little bit. At least he can stand up and shake off the sand on his body, and pour a dozen mouthfuls of clean water from his neck.The second uncle has also completely recovered his mind. Although his face is still pale and his right hand is swollen, the bruising on his lips and hands after poisoning has receded.

An Liman knelt on the blanket with his palms facing the sky, closed his eyes and praised Hu Da's kindness and protection loudly, while Fatty and Hu Bayi got up to count the remaining supplies on the camel.

After counting, the two were so angry that they scolded their mothers.The archaeological team entered the ancient city of Jingjue for only one day, but at least half of the water and dry food left outside were gone.

The fat man ran up to An Liman angrily, and asked loudly, "Old man An, we were born and died inside. Are you taking a bath outside or celebrating the New Year? Why are there so many shortages of dry food and water?"

An Liman got up slowly, without even looking at the fat man, and said, "I took a bath last month! Chinese New Year, it's not Hu Da's holiday, I'm not Chinese New Year's! The things were taken away by that person! "

It was only then that everyone remembered that the survivor of the tomb robber gang, with mysterious black glasses, must have taken away the supplies.Hu Bayi, who has always been calm, couldn't help cursing at this moment.If they were enemies, they would not only grab water and food, but they would also cause a sandstorm condemned by God before they left, causing everyone to almost die in the strong wind.

Shirley Yang walked up to Xiao Ran at this moment, looked at him fixedly, and asked, "Do you know that person?"

Hu Bayi also came up to him at this time and said, "That's right, brother Xiao, I saw you two chatting and fighting in a daze, and it seems that there is some connection. And that person turned us upside down and just took us away. A part of dry food and water, neither asking for money nor life, I saw what he left for you. Who is he?"

When Xiao Ran was asked such a question, he also murmured in his heart.This black glasses is very skilled, and he has a cynical look from head to toe. He beats him up, but in the end he still saves the second uncle's life.What is the background of this man?
He could only shake his head and said: "I really don't know him, you should have seen it too, he killed me half to death, I've never seen such a powerful character. Maybe he just doesn't like us at all, that's why Didn't want to kill... right?"

The fat man burst into anger when he heard this: "Then I have to thank him! Next time I see you, I must let him know the fate of oppressing the proletariat!"

Shirley Yang and Hu Ba saw the sincerity on Xiao Ran's face, and knew that Xiao Ran really didn't know the unexpected guest, so they had to check the materials carefully first and discuss the next action plan.

Xiao Ran walked up to the second uncle, who was leaning against the sandpit, his spirit had improved a lot, and he smiled at him wearily.

"Second Uncle, when we entered the city, what on earth were you outside..."

The second uncle waved his hand vigorously, and said, "Don't mention it, I was stung by a sand scorpion, thanks to someone who came to save me, otherwise you would have to bury me here..."

It turned out that the second uncle and An Liman met Sand Scorpion a few hours after they entered the city.The second uncle was accidentally stung by a scorpion, and he saw the black glasses coming from behind the mountain in a daze, and helped him detoxify in time.The bottle of medicine in Xiao Ran's hand was already the second medicine.

But after helping the second uncle, he unceremoniously took part of the dry food and water to his camel, saying it was a thank you gift.An Liman naturally did not dare to resist, so he could only let him do what he did.

It seems that although this black glasses is not a good person, at least he is not a bad person.If it is really about thanking, a little dry food and water are definitely nothing, and this time the Xiao family owes him a favor.Before leaving, he said "there will be a period later", and I am afraid that we will really meet again in the future.

An Liman also told Hu Bayi and the others about this matter. After listening to it, everyone had no choice but to express their understanding. After all, the black glasses did save everyone's companions.

Seeing that there was no one around, Xiao Ran asked his second uncle in a low voice, "Where did you get this fragment of hair mound seal? I thought you brought it from Zhaojing."

The second uncle took a sip of water and said with difficulty: "Zhaojing's... I can't take it casually. This one... I got it from An Liman... It's his amulet..."

Xiao Ran looked back at An Liman in shock, he didn't expect that the thing he was looking for was always on the people of the same team after the difficult and dangerous journey.

(End of this chapter)

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