Chapter 140 Exhausted
Xiao Ran looked at An Liman, completely unable to believe what he heard just now.

Although he came through time travel, he retained some memories and emotions of the owner of his body. When he suddenly heard An Liman say that he had seen his father Xiao Changfeng, he was still a little excited and worried for a while.

"Where did you see him? Where is he now? Is he still alive?"

Xiao Ran grabbed An Liman's hand and asked like a cannonball, making An Liman tremble with fright: "I have seen... but I haven't seen... God's messengers should not convict... Your Taraha will Tell you……"

While speaking, An Liman pointed to the second uncle who closed his eyes and rested his mind not far away. At this time, Shirley Yang felt something strange here, got up and walked over.Xiao Ran quickly let go of An Liman's hand, and An Liman got into the pile of camels as if fleeing for his life, and while feeding the camels bean cakes, he glanced at Xiao Ran timidly.

"What happened?" Shirley Young asked.

Xiao Ran collected himself, and asked Shirley Yang, "About your father... and my father, maybe they..."

Shirley Yang didn't wait for him to finish, she put her hand on his shoulder and shook her head slightly: "It's like I once foresee in my dream the Kunlun Shenmu coffin of Queen Jingjue, and the corpse-flavored konjac on the coffin. From the moment I really met Queen Jingjue, I knew that my father had never been to the ancient city of Jingjue. Maybe they had already been in the desert... I hope you can also be mentally prepared for this, and the next step is to do more Think for yourself."

Shirley Yang's words were both tactful and direct enough.Xiao Ran thought about it, even though his second uncle and Professor Chen mentioned Xiao Changfeng many times, his impression of this father was still very vague. Perhaps this also shows from the side that Xiao Changfeng is really no longer alive.

The deceased is already old, and it is useless to think about it.Now that the water problem has been temporarily resolved, Hu Bayi and the others started a fire and were baking pancakes on the bonfire, and greeted Xiao Ran and Shirley Yang from afar.

Everyone sat in a circle, chatting about their previous experiences.Hu Bayi talked about the weird corpse-scented konjac, and said: "This flower is really fucking evil. When Xiao Ran and I were stunned together, I dreamed of my experience as a soldier in Kunlun Mountain. But this dream It was fun, I avenged my comrades, blew up the nine-story demon tower, buried the fire ladybug alive, and killed the overlord salamander again. It was Mengli Gawa who still hadn’t had time to rescue him, but it seemed he wasn’t dead ..."

"Gawa? By the way, when you pulled Xiao Ran out at the end, you also said Gawa, I wondered why you made such a weird sound when you were exerting your strength, it was so weird. So this Gawa is a personal name? "Shirley Yang had a rare look of curiosity.

Hu Bayi scratched his head and said: "It was when I pulled Xiao Ran back then, that scene reminded me of the time when I rescued Gawa, and I thought that I must not leave him behind this time, so I couldn't help shouting. It's strange, Xiao Ran and Ga Wa don't look alike either..."

Hu Bayi looked at Xiao Ran, his expression became a little confused again.At this time, the three students became interested and insisted on listening to what Hu Bayi said about the past.Although Hu Bayi mentioned some old things about Kunlun Mountain to them before, they were all half-truths and half-truths.Not a whole lot has been said about this whole real experience.

He had no choice but to retell the experience of searching for the frozen spring with some engineers as an advance team, and compared the illusion when he was in a coma while talking.Hearing that only three people escaped in the end, everyone sighed.

"Then what happened to the remaining two?" Chu Jian asked.

Hu Bayi looked at the sky, and his thoughts flew far away: "Big man, he should have changed his job and returned home. His hometown is a good place to beat roe deer, ladle fish, and pheasants fly into the rice pot. Now he should The wife and children are already on the bed. As for Luo Ning, before I went to the southern front, I heard that she went to Shanghai, and then went to the Academy of Sciences, and she should be a very good researcher now."

Ye Yixin saw that he was a little melancholy, and comforted him: "Maybe, Ga Wa saw you fainted, and specially entrusted you with a dream. In the dream, you solved your knots and made you more courageous to face the storm in the future."

The gentle and poetic words moved Hu Bayi a little.He is a person who values ​​friendship and deep thoughts, and also has some post-traumatic symptoms. Ye Yixin's words can give him a little relief from the shadows and regrets of the past.

Sa Dipeng interjected: "I thought about it, maybe that queen is actually an alien who can interfere with the brain waves of people on earth, so we saw those illusions..."

The fat man looked impatient: "Hurry up and pull it down! As for the aliens, I think your professor will have to kick you to the aliens when you go back. But this broken egg flower is really powerful, maybe we didn't enter it at all." I have been to the ancient city of Jingjue, at least I have not entered the queen's tomb, it is all a bullshit illusion created by it."

The second uncle who was squinting at the side shook his head, and An Liman also said, "It's an illusion! I watched you enter the city with my eyes, and I haven't seen any eggplants!"

After all, there was a lady present, so such foul language was somewhat embarrassing. Shirley Yang coughed and said, "You can't say that. In fact, whether it's the painting I saw in the tomb of the prophet or the dream of Leader Hu, the corpse-scented konjac is obviously based on our existing memories. Fabricate things that don't exist. So our journey is real, only some of the details are deluded."

Speaking of corpse-flavored konjac, Xiao Ran looked down at his pockets.The seedling has been quietly staying beside the Forbidden Word Stone, as if it feels someone's gaze on it, and the drooping buds have a tendency to slowly raise their heads.

Xiao Ran hurriedly tied the cloth bag tightly, if this was done again, this group of people would really not be able to get out of the desert.

There is not enough water in the sandy puddle, so it can only be filtered slowly one at a time.Fortunately, it is noon now, and it is impossible to hurry, so everyone takes turns to rest and filter water.Even so, it was not until the evening of the next day that I managed to reserve enough water for five days before heading west as planned.

Due to the lack of supplies, the large number of people, and another sandstorm during the period, the speed of the team was not as fast as expected.

Due to overwork and heatstroke, Professor Chen developed delirium. He talked nonsense from time to time, and often woke up in his sleep by yelling. ", "Ghost Cave", "She's still alive" and other words cast a shadow over the team.

In the next few days, the archaeological team members successively suffered from heat stroke and dehydration, and each of them was in a coma or semi-coma.The second uncle, who has not yet recovered from the poisonous injury, has to drag his weak body to help several other people take care of these archaeological team members who can no longer take care of themselves.

Until the No. 12 day, even the water that was originally reserved for the camels was shared and drunk by everyone. Fatty and An Liman had a dispute over whether to slaughter the camels.The red-eyed fat man held up a long knife, neither Hu Bayi nor Xiao Ran could hold it back.

At this time, a gunshot pierced the sky, and several people looked along the sound of the gun, and saw a few people wearing oil worker uniforms riding on camels, looking at this camel team full of old, weak, sick and disabled in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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