Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 141 The Truth of the Fragments

Chapter 141 The Truth of the Fragments

Xiao Ran never imagined that besides Qionglou Yuyu, people come and go in the mirage, there are sand dunes and gravel seas.

Those who fired warning shots were nearby oil workers who had gone into the desert to hunt gazelles.After verifying the identities of Professor Chen and Hao Aiguo, they quickly provided water and food to the group.

They were surprised why the camel caravan was only a few hundred meters away from the water source, and they would kill the camels to quench their thirst.

Xiao Ran and the others looked in the direction they pointed for a while, only to find a small oasis with some grass and puddles, which was actually covered by a mirage full of yellow sand.

The archaeological team followed the oil workers back to the oilfield accommodation area, and the medical staff did some simple treatment for everyone. The local leaders sent a car to take the more serious archaeological team members and the second uncle to the County People's Hospital of AKS.

Xiao Ran, Hu Bayi, Fatty, and Shirley Yang followed An Liman's camel caravan and arrived in AKS City the next day.Several people had slight dehydration and varying degrees of skin trauma, and had to be admitted to the hospital to recuperate with the archaeological team.

Three days later, an unexpected person showed up at the hospital.He pushed open the door of the ward and saw Xiao Ran who was cutting honeydew melon for his second uncle, and ran to the bed crying and laughing, neither shaking hands nor bowing, so he just stood there stupidly looking at the two of them.

"Second Uncle, is this your illegitimate son?" Xiao Ran asked.

The second uncle raised his eyebrows: "Nonsense, this is obviously your third uncle."

Liu Shengli wiped away his tears and said to the two: "Uncle, manager, don't make fun of me, I'll just wait here, and you can order at any time."

The fat man on the opposite side was lying on the hospital bed, with his legs crossed, eating watermelon and picking his feet.Hearing what Liu Shengli said, he grinned happily and said, "Go get a bottle of hot water for the fat man!"

Without saying a word, Liu Shengli went out with the four thermos bottles in the ward.

Hu Bayi held up the cup, shook the last drop of water into his mouth, put down the cup and hiccupped, rubbed his rounded stomach and said to the fat man, "You're going to be bad, he's Brother Xiao The employees of the family are not your servants, and they are messing around..."

The fat man chuckled and said, "Old Hu, I'm turning myself into a mule. When we get back to BJ, Fatty, I'm the one who wants to take the beauty, and I'll reward him when the time comes. I said brother Xiao, I'm the one who wants to get this kid too." I have met him several times, although he is a bit confused, but he is loyal enough, you have to give him more money."

Xiao Ran responded with a smile, in fact, Fatty didn't need to say, he also considered raising Liu Shengli's salary.

Before they left Urumqi, Liu Shengli left the phone number of the guest house for his second uncle, saying that he would wait for the bosses to come back, and that he wanted to see people and dead bodies. At that time, his second uncle kicked him in anger.

Unexpectedly, more than a month has passed. On the day the second uncle arrived at AKS, he tried to call the guest house, and Liu Shengli was really waiting there.

It is said that he originally lived in the cheapest ten-person room, but later he slept in the car and made do with one naan and some cold water every day, just to wait for news from him and his second uncle.

After receiving the call, he traveled day and night, and arrived in three days after a five-day journey.The messy and greasy hair, thin cheeks and two big dark circles when he entered the door, if he wore a pair of eyes, he would be the young version of Hao Aiguo.

Four words emerged in Xiao Ran's mind - Liu Gong, the loyal dog.

When he was free these few days, the second uncle also told him about An Liman.The second uncle is already shrewd, and he has been in the world for many years, he thinks that he has seen a lot of characters like An Liman who are greedy for money and afraid of death, and he can tell at a glance that there is something wrong with this old slicker.

When he was in Xiye Ancient City, he found that An Liman didn't match his words, he was Hu Da for a while, and God for a while, as if Hu Da and God were two different things in his concept.

The second uncle threatened An Liman when no one was around, and said that his disloyalty to Hu Da was the reason for the repeated disasters, so he opened An Liman's mouth.

In fact, An Liman got this fragment by accident when he took a few foreigners on a desert tour a year ago.He claimed that he also encountered a sandstorm at the time, but when he was praying to Hu Da, he heard a voice directing him to go south, and soon he saw the ruins of an ancient city.

When he was resting at night, he saw a figure in his dream leading him to a house where there were shining things.After he woke up, he followed the guidance in his dream and found the house.

He saw a pile of clothes on the ground, but no remains.And this pile of clothes is exactly the same as the clothes of the figure in the dream, and there is a blood-stained backpack next to it.He was the one who found this forbidden word stone in his backpack.

Later, when he returned to Urumqi, he handed over the backpack to the local police, and after several twists and turns, it was delivered to his family members.The owner of this backpack is Xiao Ran's father, Xiao Changfeng.

After the second uncle put all these things together, he described the style of the backpack and the contents inside to An Liman, proving that he and Xiao Ran were the owners of this forbidden stone.But An Liman, an old slicker, refused to admit it, thinking that this stone was a gift from Hu Da to reward him for helping others. Later, he did rely on the guidance of this stone to turn danger into good luck in the desert many times.

The second uncle had to promise him money so that he could open a small camel farm near Urumqi and rent it out to tourists to make money, so that he would not have to go to the desert when he was old, and at the same time scare him with his loyalty to Hu Da , Only then did this piece of debris be successfully obtained.

At this moment, Xiao Ran understood why An Liman was a little jealous of him all the way, but in fact, this old guy had a guilty conscience.But what he didn't expect was that he accompanied the archaeological team all the way through life and death, and the matter of finding the fragments was actually done by his second uncle at his own expense.

However, he felt that he was really exhausted this trip, not to mention the hunger and thirst in the desert, the bumpy day and night, and the time and time again when dealing with dangers, his body was seriously overdrawn.The several times he had fought against the Queen of Essence in the spiritual world kept his brain buzzing all the time. Now that he wants to concentrate on chatting with those little followers, his temples are throbbing. It seems that he can only wait until he has a complete rest. Moreover.

After recuperating in the hospital for more than a week, everyone returned to Zhaojing.Hao Aiguo of the archaeological team and several young people were just suffering from a series of complications caused by malnutrition. As long as they take good care of them, they will be fine in a few months.

The most serious thing is Professor Chen. After all, he is nearly [-] years old. After the bumps and fatigue all the way, although his body barely recovers, his delirium is intermittent. Only when he is awake can he communicate with others normally. Write his inspection report.

Except for An Liman, who was not present, the other ten people were questioned and investigated. Fortunately, there were no casualties. Everyone tacitly avoided the serious and ignored the minor, and the incident passed quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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