Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 142 Planting Corpse Fragrant Konjac

Chapter 142 Planting Corpse Fragrant Konjac
Early the next morning after returning to Zhaojing, Xiao Ran was awakened by a familiar noise. It turned out that it was Yajiu Kuo and Yin Yang Jing who started their daily bickering again.But this time, instead of Guan Shandao picking up troubles on both sides of the middle, there was an extra soul-locking Lingzhu to mediate in the middle.

Although it was very noisy, Xiao Ran still felt a sense of peace that he had not seen for a long time, and his normal life finally returned.

It doesn't seem normal, but it doesn't matter.

"Old Xiao!"

"Good man!"


All three objects greeted him, Xiao Ran agreed and stretched his waist, and said: "Let me introduce to everyone formally, this is the Soul Locking Pearl, you have been arguing all morning, and you probably know each other's details ,I will not say much……"

Yarrow Jiuxiu said: "You don't say much, I have to say a few words. Lao Xiao, you are really too stupid. I showed you the way, but you didn't understand what I meant at all, and the Queen Laoshizi In the temple, if I hadn't acted in time, you would have to let him hook Hun'er away first."

"All right, all right, you're the only one who is amazing. You were forced to shut up all the way by that broken queen, or I would have held that fragment long ago. You are not as good as other people's locks... Speaking of locks, I am now Should I continue to call you Suozi, or should I call you Prince Gumo? Or should I call you Mo'an Tuyu?"

Locking Soul Ding Lingzhu humbly replied: "Honorable Bayan, the prince's wish has been fulfilled, and his soul has rested in peace. Mo'an Tuyu has been buried forever under the yellow sand of Jingjue Ancient City together with Queen Jingjue. "

Xiao Ran remembered that when he left the ancient city of Jingjue, all the artifacts were silent, so he still asked a little worriedly: "Is that Queen Jingjue really dead?"

The Soul Locking Lingzhu paused for a while before replying: "I can only say that after the sandstorm buried Jingjue, I couldn't feel her breath anymore, but..."

"But what?" Xiao Ran asked.

"But there is a sense of familiarity here, as if she came back with you." Suohun Dinglingzhu said.

Xiao Ran's scalp tightened immediately, and he instinctively pulled out the Guan Shan knife: "She came back with me? Where is she?"

Locking Soul Ding Lingzhu said: "Bayan, don't panic, it's just a familiar breath, which can't threaten you. This breath is in this room..."

Guan Shandao also said at this time: "Why do I smell that half-dead flesh and blood smell again, it's the same smell as that undead man you chopped up before."

Yin Yang Jing also said: "Good man, I also feel that there seems to be a demonic aura in this room. The owner of this aura is very good at creating illusions and charms."

Xiao Ran's head grew dizzy the more he heard it, he remembered that before he left the crack of Mount Zagrama, he seemed to see the Queen Jingjue unwillingly trying to crawl out of the black water of the ghost hole.

If we let her go back to Zhaojing, is that okay?

Achilles smacked his lips impatiently and said: "Everyone is nervous here, Lao Xiao, you should think about what else you brought back. It's nothing else, it makes people live forever. There is a set..."

Xiao Ran slapped his head, how could he forget it!
He hurriedly opened the bag containing the fragments of the forbidden stone. The seedling of the Corpse Konjac Konjac plant inside was already a little wilted, but he still tried to raise his head with difficulty, feeling the human breath.Xiao Ran felt pity for it for a moment, forgetting that it is a demon flower that confuses people's hearts.

"It's this breath! Bayan, I understand, it's not the queen, it's just the poison that the queen raises, don't worry about it!" said the soul-locking spirit bead.

Don't worry about it, but how to deal with this thing?It was a fate to bring it back from Xijiang all the way, so it would be a pity to crush it and throw it away.But it's a harmful thing, what's the use of keeping it?
Yaujiu saw Xiao Ran's thoughts, and said to him: "Old Xiao, in fact, this thing is an object, whoever raises it will recognize him, just like a dog. If you don't want to dispose of it, I have a way , can keep it alive. Anyway, it can be regarded as a rare treasure, maybe it will come in handy someday?"

The words of the yarrow jiukuo fit Xiao Ran's wishes, since the konjac konjac is only obeying the master's orders, and it was not born to harm others, why not try to raise it.

"Good people think twice. After all, tigers don't hurt people, which doesn't mean they're not wild. Be careful raising tigers..." Yin Yangjing said.

Xiao Ran thought for a while, and said: "The Taoist priest has worked hard on this journey before, and today coincides with the fifteenth day. I will prepare some melon and fruit refreshments and fragrance for you. You should also take a good rest."


Xiao Ran arranged several other items, and went to the front hall with the cloth bag and sacks.

Liu Shengli drove all the way back, and at this time he was sleeping soundly.Xiao Ran didn't wake him up either, but started to prepare sufficient materials according to the explanation given by Yasujiu Kuo.

If you want to feed the corpse fragrant konjac, you first need to graft it on a good enough wood.

Xiao Ran remembered that in the reception room, there was a small one-piece bedside table made of nanmu wood. I don't know where the second uncle picked it up, and it had been kept in the reception room. Later, it rained and leaked, and the cabinet feet were soaked in water. , I can't sell it at all, and it just comes in handy now.

The second point is the environment. This thing needs a sufficiently dry and shaded environment.This point is easy to say, there are two cellars in the yard, both of which are used to store Chinese cabbage for winter.Now that the family has lost half of the family members, we can't save so much, so we just have a cellar to spare, and if we sprinkle some lime in it, we should be able to meet the requirements.

As for the third point, it is a little more troublesome, it needs to pour a sufficient amount of five animals' blood on the wood, but the difficulty is only limited to him having to go out for a run.

Xiao Ran opened the store door and went out. Seeing that Liu Shengli was still snoring, he decided not to wake him up, and simply locked the door and rushed all the way to the farmer's market.

After tossing around for more than an hour and visiting several meat stalls and even small restaurants, Xiao Ran managed to collect a kilogram of blood each from pigs, cows, sheep, dogs, and chickens. Fortunately, he didn't say that it must be a black dog Those with blood and black blood can save a lot of trouble.

After this busy process, Xiao Ran finally planted the seedlings of corpse-flavored konjac on the golden nanmu cabinet smeared with the blood of five animals.Now the cellar is like a biological laboratory, it only needs to replenish the culture medium and observe every month.

Xiao Ran looked at the sluggish flower seedling, and asked Achilles Jiugui: "Why does this little thing still look malnourished? Can it really recognize me as its master?"

Yarrow Jiuxiu said slowly: "Actually, there is still one step left, that is, you have to give it a drop of blood. This is the proof that you have nurtured it. With this drop of blood, it is guaranteed that it will respect you and be the only one respected by you."

It's blood again, why does everyone have this virtue.Xiao Ran thought about it and said: "Xiao Jiu, don't lie to me, we are both damaged..."

Achilles choked and said: "Oh, you know that too, right? How long has it been, and you're still talking about this with me? Do you like it or not! I'm going to bed!"

After finishing talking, Xiao Ran stopped talking, Xiao Ran had no choice but to cut his finger and squeeze out a drop of blood.

The drop of blood dripped on the Konjac Konjac flower seedlings, and the flower seedlings began to stretch their branches, leaves and petals as if they had taken a refreshing bath, and the originally dull color turned into bright red-green again.

Only then did Xiao Ran feel relieved, he got out of the cellar and went back to the bedroom to clean it up for himself.When he came to the front hall after washing, he saw the fat man knocking on the door of the store.

(End of this chapter)

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