Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 143 Farewell to Shirley Yang

Chapter 143 Farewell to Shirley Yang

Xiao Ran opened the store door, and saw that the fat man was wearing a clean and crisp denim jacket and jeans, a pair of big toad mirrors hung on his face, and his hair was combed shiny and elegant. To describe it in one word - fashionable.

Xiao Ran looked at Fatty's appearance, and said with a smile: "Fatty Brother, are you sniff honey?"

The fat man laughed and said: "Sniffing honey, since I came back from that broken desert, I have figured it out, people have to live as they please. The more fashionable I dress, the more popular I feel. Let’s not talk about me for now, Da Jinya told us to boil mutton, and said he would welcome us.”

Xiao Ran woke up Liu Shengli, gave him 30 yuan, asked him to eat something good by himself, and went out with the fat man.

The mutton restaurant in Dongsi, the familiar place, familiar people, and even the dishes they ordered were exactly the same as before.Big Gold Tooth held up the cup and said some high-sounding words, while the other three hurriedly put the mutton in the pot, dipped it in sesame sauce and stuffed it into their mouths.

"Hey~ The three masters are back from the mutton-producing land, haven't you eaten enough mutton yet?" Da Jinya put down his wine glass and laughed.

Hu Bayi glanced at him: "This is the same thing, but it's made in a different way. It feels like it's different, just like antiques. Master Jin should know the truth about it."

This remark was Hu Bayi's intentional choking on his golden teeth for the sake of pretending to touch the golden talisman.Da Jinya also saw that there was something in Hu Bayi's words, and his face was a little embarrassed. He wondered if he had thought of this himself.

But when Hu Bayi mentioned antiques, the fat man became interested, and quickly took out a piece of jade from his pocket and handed it to Da Jinya.This was the fragment of the jade garment that collapsed to Fatty's hand when the Kunlun Shenmu coffin of the Jingjue Queen was bombed.

Da Jinya was holding the piece of jade, and using his pinching, smelling, and licking method of identification, while fiddling with it, he asked the fat man about the situation in the tomb.

Knowing that Queen Jingjue lived more than 2000 years ago, during the same period as the Han Dynasty, Da Jinya patted the table and said it was a pity.If it is a complete set of jade clothes, the price may be in the unit of [-] million, but now there is only such a small piece, and it can only sell for [-] to [-] at best, and buyers who understand the culture of the Western Regions are willing to pay this price.

Hearing the unit of [-] million, the meat on the fat man's chopsticks fell into the bowl.Usually only when the population is mentioned in the news, he has only heard of the unit of [-] million. How dare he think that he will pass by [-] million in his life.

But soon he was relieved, because at that time in the coffin of the Jingjue Queen, the jade clothes had already been broken into pieces, and the situation was so dangerous at that time, he couldn't make so much money anyway.

Hu Bayi patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's ok, Fatty, after going through life and death for a while, the ideological consciousness is bullish."

When mentioning Jingjue Ancient City, the face with black glasses flashed before Xiao Ran's eyes again.He remembered that the person said at that time, "I am a thief in the south", and Da Jinya has a wide network of contacts, and he knows many local masters in the south. Maybe Da Jinya knows who this kind of tomb robber is. .

He told Da Jinya about the appearance of the black glasses, what he had said, and all the details that came to his mind.Da Jinya tapped his head with his fingers and thought: "Short knife, it is well written, and it has tadpole-like patterns, and I know people from the south... um..."

Seeing that Da Jinya's hand suddenly stopped, Xiao Ran quickly asked, "Master Jin, do you know him?"

Da Jinya smacked his lips and said: "I have indeed heard of such a person, and everything I told you can be matched. If you want to say who can single-handedly enter the desert and leave alone, that person is indeed I have this ability. But if this person is alive, he will be older than our old man, then it is unlikely, and I have never heard that he has any descendants..."

When Da Jinya mentioned the subject of that person's age, Xiao Ran captured something in his mind for a moment. He seemed to be able to match the image of the black glasses with someone, but this thought flashed like a dream, and he No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't remember it.

"Well, I'll ask again later, and I'll call you back if I have any news." Da Jinya said.

From this point of view, this was the only way to go. Several people exchanged cups and drank more than a dozen bottles of beer, and it was afternoon in a blink of an eye.Because the three of Xiao Ran were somewhat unhealed from their injuries, they had no choice but to call it a day and leave the table for the time being.

Since the second uncle returned to Zhaojing, he has been directly admitted to the nursing home.Although the poison on his hand has healed, he will have to rest for another month to fully recover.When Xiao Ran came to see him, he was playing chess with an old cadre.

Seeing that he was fine, Xiao Ran asked a few questions about the black glasses. Although the second uncle had been around for so many years, he might not know fewer people than Da Jinya, but after hearing the details that Xiao Ran said, his answer was similar to that of Da Jinya. The big golden tooth is exactly the same: there is indeed such a person, but his deeds are basically legends in the world.

The uncle and nephew had no choice but to discuss, and wait for the second uncle's body to recover before thinking about other fragments.Now the Chinese New Year is coming up in just two months, and it's better to take a rest first after going through the experience of the desert.

Shirley Yang and the members of the archaeological team also returned to their normal lives after returning to Zhaojing.Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang always had some unclear things, so he was embarrassed to mention the remuneration, so he had to entrust Xiao Ran to get in touch.

Xiao Ran had inquired that Chu Jian and Ye Yixin were still engaged in archaeological work, and they had formally established their relationship.And Sa Dipeng, after sorting out the reports of the Western Regions expedition that he recorded, went to the Chinese Department to study at the "recommendation" of Professor Hao Aiguo, and at the same time studied his favorite alien culture.It is said that he wanted to go to the Department of Astronomy, but was rejected because of his poor foundation in science and engineering.

Due to Professor Chen's physical condition, he could not take the lead in completing the Jingjue Gucheng report, so most of the records were compiled by Hao Aiguo. Only when Professor Chen was awake could he have some in-depth discussions with him.

But after the complete report was submitted, it was called back by the superior. The reason was also because of Professor Chen's mental state. The content of the report was considered to be mixed with too many unrealistic personal fantasies. Hao Aiguo had to make revisions and deletions time and time again. reduce.

As for Shirley Yang, in addition to arranging medical treatment for Professor Chen, he is also actively contacting Professor Chen to go abroad for recuperation.After trying her best, she finally got the approval from the relevant department and completed all the formalities.

About a week later, Shirley Yang suddenly appeared in Xiao Ran's shop and asked Xiao Ran to take him to find Hu Bayi.The two arrived at the small courtyard where Hu Bayi and the fat man lived, and it happened that the fat man was not there, so Shirley Yang had a frank talk with them.

"I came to see you today to give you the promised reward. I will take Professor Chen abroad for recuperation in a few days. There are still some things I need to clarify. Maybe we won't meet again for the time being."

While talking, Shirley Yang handed two thick cowhide envelopes to Hu Bayi and Xiao Ran respectively.

"There is another thing, I would like to advise you two. Touching the gold captain is not only harmful to Yin, but no matter how hard the fate is, people are prone to accidents. My grandfather washed his hands because of this golden basin. I hope you can stop this, and wait. If there is a chance, I can arrange for you to go to the United States..."

Before Xiao Ran could speak, Hu Bayi interrupted: "I accept it with good intentions, but Mao..."

Xiao Ran knew that he would use the banner of a great man next, and say some words that confuse black and white, like fighting to bring cultural relics back to the sky. It is of no use except to make Shirley Yang angry, so he quickly answered: "We consider Think about it, if you need it in the future, please contact Miss Yang at any time, money matters are easy to talk about."

While speaking, Xiao Ran slapped the cowhide envelope on his face. When Hu Bayi saw the thick envelope, he also echoed what Xiao Ran said, and respectfully sent Shirley Yang out.

Xiao Ran watched Shirley Yang turn around the entrance of the alley, and looked up at the Huoshaoyun in the sky.The air in Zhaojing already has a hint of the coolness of late autumn, and the previous adventures are slowly deformed and dissipated like the remaining clouds in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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