Chapter 144

After bidding farewell to Shirley Yang, Xiao Ran also temporarily left the small courtyard rented by Hu Bayi and Fatty, and returned to his own Baorongzhai.

It’s been almost two months since my second uncle took Liu Shengli to Xijiang to look for him. Before he went to Xijiang to find him, he specially found a reliable person to visit the store from time to time. As soon as the store opened, rats of all sizes were gathered around the store for a meeting, and a few false fakes on the shelf were knocked to the ground and smashed to pieces.

At that time, Xiao Ran became angry and pulled out the Guan Shan Dao, all he could think about was to chop up the rats that were nesting in his shop.

Liu Shengli was terribly frightened by him all of a sudden, fearing that he would smash the shop on impulse, so he hurriedly pulled him to persuade him.The mice could smell the evil spirit on the knife, and there were still a few big mice that were almost as big as rabbits, rolling around on the counter like a demonstration.Seeing Guan Shandao unsheathed, he took the little ones and ran away, and within a few seconds, only rat feces and hairs were left on the ground.

It was too late that day, so I had to sleep hastily.But during the later period, Xiao Ran and Liu Shengli cleaned up every day, and found new surprises in some bottles and jars from time to time.

Strange to say, after scaring the mice away that day, Xiao Ran didn't hear any rats making trouble in the store even at night, but from the direction of the cellar, from time to time there could be a hazy "squeak" sound, as well as a trace of a rat. There is a faint smell of blood.

Saying goodbye to Shirley Yang and Hu Bayi today, he went back to the shop and asked Liu Shengli to clean up the last small warehouse. It was already [-] o'clock in the evening, so he told Liu Shengli to close up, and he walked out for a walk again.

The matter of the black glasses has always worried him.He walked along the alley while pondering, and unknowingly came to the door of the small courtyard where Hu Bayi was renting.

It seems that after this time of joint adventures, he has become used to being with these two.Anyway, he was idle, so he simply opened the door and went in, chatting with the two of them.

Walking into the yard, I happened to meet Hu Bayi washing dishes in front of the faucet.When Hu Bayi saw Xiao Ran coming in, he also had a smile on his face: "You brother Xiao, have you eaten? I still have some noodles left in the pot, so I can make do with it if you don't mind it?"

Xiao Ran hurriedly declined, he had eaten a few big bowls of stewed soup with Liu Shengli just now, and now every hiccup smelled like minced garlic.

The two entered the house, only to see the fat man frantically trying to hide a table of money.Turning around, he saw that it was Xiao Ran, and he also laughed cheerfully, continuing to count the dollars one by one against the light.

I have to say that Shirley Yang was really thoughtful. These US dollars were all old bills without consecutive numbers, with denominations ranging from ten to one hundred yuan, and they were spread out on a table in gray, gray and green.

"...One thousand and twenty, one thousand and forty...Hey brother Xiao, how come you come here when you have time?"

The fat man counted the money and asked without looking back.

"Oh my, I went back to the store at [-]:[-] p.m. and waited for two or three hours. When I looked at the clock, it was [-]:[-], so I wanted to go out and walk a thousand or two thousand steps. This is just the right time to walk. You are here." Xiao Ran said with a smile.

The fat man nodded: " thousand and eight o' thousand...Hey! Where did I count? Brother Xiao, you're trying to make trouble, right?"

The fat man spread the money in his hand on the table, scratching his head with helplessness.Hu Bayi smiled and said: "Stop counting the fat people, you still blame Brother Xiao. How many times have you counted before Xiao Ran came, and the sparrows outside could make you count wrong."

The fat man stretched comfortably and said, "It's the first time I've seen so much money, don't mention me, you'll be confused..."

Hu Bayi said: "You're just worthless, let's not talk about Brother Xiao being the boss. Tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands are just passing by. Such a small amount of money is nothing at all. Later, we will pour out some top-notch products." Come on, are you afraid that you won’t be able to walk sideways in Panjiayuan like Da Jinya? Let’s patch it up and open it again, this time I must make a big deal!”

Hearing Hu Bayi's words, Xiao Ran continued, "The ancient tombs in the deep mountains and old forests are hidden too deeply. You may not know when you will find them. Now the money can only be exchanged for hundreds of thousands, and the two of you are not willing." People who deposit in the bank and earn interest. With these capitals, how about setting up an antique stall and being your own boss?"

The fat man originally came from a small business background. Hearing what Xiao Ran said, his eyes were naturally bright: "I think this is a good idea! Why don't we also open a shop and sell some bright objects? If it sells well, maybe we don't need it." It's time to fight. The previous two times I was really enough, even if the money comes quickly, it is really a hard job."

Hu Ba nodded: "It's indeed a good idea. It's also good to learn some knowledge of antique appraisal by opening a shop."

Just do what you say, Xiao Ran took the two of them to see the shop the next day.But after looking at it one day, the location with the right price is not suitable, and the house with the right location is too small.After finally finding a location with a satisfactory price, Xiao Ran always felt that there was something wrong with the house in his memory, but in the end he locked the soul and fixed the Lingzhu and said that he "heard the voice of the soul" again.

After inquiring carefully, it turns out that this is a haunted house. Since the Republic of China to the present, more than [-] people have died in it, and there are three other massacres. After hearing Hu Bayi and Fatty's bad luck, they finally had to give up the idea of ​​opening the shop. I plan to set up a street stall and start from a small vendor.

Naturally, Xiao Ran and Da Jinya often came to take care of them. They practiced some items that were not worth much in the store. If they were sold, they would be divided into [-] to [-]%. cooked.Occasionally, Xiao Ran or Da Jinya would come to the booth to have a look, and when someone wanted to ship, they would help judge whether it was worth accepting.

Sometimes Da Jinya would take Hu Bayi and Fatty to the suburbs for a walk, and collect some pots and pans from some farmers, as well as some old coins, snuff bottles, old pocket watches, etc., by the way Teach two people some fur knowledge to identify antiques.

After more than half a month, Xiao Ran asked the two of them how their business was doing. Hu Bayi said with a bitter face: "This business is too deep, and it is more complicated than Feng Shui for me. Sometimes I received some good things and bought them as counterfeit goods. After going back and forth, I lost more than 1000 yuan, so I should pay the tuition fee.”

Xiao Ran nodded: "Antique shops don't open for three years, and they open for three years. If they are lucky, it is possible for 30 years. This lucrative business must be learned slowly. Don't you know a lot now than before?"

Xiao Ran discussed with Hu Bayi and Fatty that next time he would go to the suburbs to collect things, he would also go to play with him, not for any other reason, but because he has been really busy recently.

While talking, Da Jinya rushed over in a hurry, and whispered to Xiao Ran: "Master Xiao, I asked you about it, and it really sucks for his grandma, are you free? Come to my shop and we will talk about it in detail."

Xiao Ran's eyes were wide open when he was told, Hu Bayi and Fatty next to him also looked curious, what exactly did the big gold teeth say.

Da Jinya patted his leg: "Just those black glasses, you blind man!"

(End of this chapter)

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