Chapter 145 The Bridger
When Da Jinya uttered the words "black blind man", Xiao Ran's mind suddenly flashed, and he couldn't figure out why this person appeared in this world.

Since there is a black blind man, according to the saying of "south blind and north dumb", another person should also be in this world?And Hei Xiazi mentioned in the conversation with him that "the son of the south is a thief", does this son of the south refer to...

His mind was in a mess, and he followed Da Jinya to Baojin Pavilion at some point.Hu Bayi and Fatty, as the parties involved, closed the stall and followed them.

Da Jinya closed the door, poured hot tea for the three of them, and said with a secretive face: "This blind man..."

According to Da Jinya, this man, known as Heixiazi, was a declining bannerman aristocrat with the Han surname Qi, who was active in the Republic of China period.When Da Jinya's father, Lao Jintouer, was still a baby, this man was quite famous in the world.What Da Jinya learned about Heixiazi was all from his father and some craftsmen of the older generation.

This man has both knives and guns, and is both wise and brave.Because of eye disease, he always wears a pair of two cake sunglasses, so he is called "black blind".He once single-handedly defeated a group of more than [-] soldiers and bandits in the suburbs of Beijing, just to snatch a tomb of the former Qing royal family that these soldiers and bandits had hoped for.

However, Heixia rarely cooperates with others, and few people know about his private life.But whenever a large tomb is stolen, it won't take long for some antique sellers to sell the things in the tomb, and according to those bosses, it's all sold by black blind men.

This black blind man has a characteristic, that is, there is always a smile of unknown meaning on his face, even when he is killing people.

For Xiao Ran, this is a model of high-key work and low-key life.

Later, with the warlords fighting and Japanese pirates invading, the black blind man disappeared from the rivers and lakes.If he lived today, he would be at least 90 years old.

But just a few days ago, Da Jinya heard that there was a handicap in the south that sold the mummy of a child from the Western Regions, and the person who sold the mummy was photographed.Da Jinya didn’t know how he got this photo, and then showed it to a few old people who had seen the black blind man and were still alive. all the same.

Because the smile on his face that sees through life and death is really impressive.

"Old Jin, why do I sound like a storyteller? I saw it with my own eyes the other day. How could that man be 90 years old when he was in his thirties?" said the fat man.

Da Jinya spread his hands: "I also feel that it's probably because the grandpas' old eyes are dim, or else this is too evil. I reckon, it's just that they look alike."

Hu Bayi looked at the others without expressing any opinion.Xiao Ran knew that in his heart, he would not easily deny or affirm anything, after all, he had experienced too many unexplainable things.

The fat man looked at Xiao Ran and said: "I remember you said that he said that we would have a date with you, right? But after all, he not only let us smoke for a while, but also robbed us of some dry food and water. Liang Zi, he also saved the second uncle's life. Even if he comes again, we shouldn't have to worry about anything."

Hu Bayi said: "Fatty, you are stupid. No matter whether he is a black and blind man from the Republic of China or not, this person is also an upside-down colleague in the final analysis, and his colleagues are enemies. Besides, that person is not only excellent in skills, but also has a purpose in doing things. Sex is also strong, if you really let this kind of person entangle you, it will definitely not be a good thing."

Xiao Ran nodded and said, "Don't cause trouble if there's nothing to do, and we're not afraid of trouble if something happens. We've settled our grievances with him. At worst, I'll waste some money and thank him for saving my second uncle's life."

While talking, it was time for dinner again, and they got up and went to a small restaurant nearby, where they ate a few bowls of noodles with fried sauce.After the meal, Da Jinya hiccupped garlic and said to a few people: "I'm going to go to the suburbs these few days. I heard that some bridge travelers who came back from Shanxi recently collected some things. Let's take a look. , maybe there is something good."

"Overseas Chinese again? Why do you still collect things from Shanxi? And sell them in the suburbs of Beijing?"

The fat man was choking on the garlic smell from the big gold teeth, and he was holding his nose.Ever since he came back from the ancient city of Jingjue, he has been annoyed when he heard about overseas Chinese and Chinese, and he always felt that it would be bad if he got involved with these people.

Da Jinya gritted his teeth and said, "Fatty, this bridgeman is not the overseas Chinese, but the one who builds the bridge. This kind of people specialize in traveling far away to collect things, and then sell them to antique sellers in another province." , just like building a bridge on both sides, only charge a handling fee in the middle. Generally, the things sold by bridge customers cannot reveal the source, and there are some treasures with excellent quality. But this kind of people also have rules, that is, they don’t bargain. In short When the time comes, you’ll know when you look at it, it’s so interesting.”

After the few people finished chatting, they went off to do their own business.Xiao Ran was still a little worried about Hei Xiazi's words "there will be a period later", he always felt that the next meeting between him and Hei Xiazi would not be too far away, and there might not be any good things.

He took time to go to the nursing home, and the second uncle can now play table tennis with others in a scarf and hat.

He fully explained to his second uncle what Da Jinya asked, and after hearing this, his second uncle just said lightly: "When he comes again, I really have to thank him very much."

Two days later, Da Jinya knocked on the door early in the morning.Xiao Ran opened the store door in a daze, and saw Da Jinya, Hu Bayi, and Fatty waiting outside the store. It is said that those bridge customers are going to the suburbs of Beijing today.

A few people found a car, and wandered all the way to a small farmyard in the suburbs of Beijing. There were more than a dozen people sitting around, and there were a few familiar faces among them, all of whom were antiques from Panjiayuan. store owner.

"These are all from Xiangqiaoke. Except for Panjiayuan, there are also antique store owners in other cities. They come here just like flies smelling feces."

Hearing Da Jinya's whisper, the other three felt disgusted for a while, after all, they were also pulled over by Da Jinya.

After a while, an old jeep parked outside the courtyard. Everyone stretched their necks to look around, and tried hard to restrain the urge to stand up. No one wanted to lose face in front of their peers.

After the sound of the engine stopped, three figures walked into the courtyard.When Xiao Ran saw the appearance of these people, his heart "thumped".

These people are all wearing plain blue cloth clothes, black cloth cotton shoes, and green cloth caps on their heads.Because the weather was cold in late autumn and early winter, I was still wrapped in a military coat outside.Most notably, masks and sunglasses blocked their faces.

This made Xiao Ran instantly think of the person who sold him Guan Shan Dao and Yajiu Kuo. Could it be that that person is also a bridgeman?

Several bridge travelers entered the house, and a man who looked like the owner walked into the courtyard and said to many shops: "Build bridges and pave the road, and the God of Wealth will cross the river. Bosses, we will still follow the old rules later. Go in by the front door to see the goods, never Bargaining. Anyone who enters the door will leave their own quotation, and the one with the highest price will get it in the end. If you don’t match or don’t have enough money, you can leave through the back door, and you don’t need to look back. Let’s come back next time.”

The fat man muttered: "Why are there so many things going on, can't we just watch it and finish it?"

The owner's eyes turned around in an instant, staring back and forth at the fat man's table, with an unfriendly glint in his eyes.

Da Jinya hurriedly stood up and said to his master, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my friend came back first, and I don't know the rules, please forgive me."

The master withdrew his gaze and began to call people in in order.Da Jinya said nervously to several people: "Masters, we are here to do business, so don't talk too much, otherwise it will be easy to be kicked out..."

A voice came out from the room suddenly, Xiao Ran's eyes lit up, and he said to several people: "Our trip today may not be in vain..."

(End of this chapter)

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