Chapter 148

After Xiao Ran tidied up a bit, he rushed to the Baojin Pavilion with the big golden tooth, wrapped in the statue of the mother of a hundred sons and ghosts.Da Jinya was squatting at the door of the store brushing his teeth, and greeted Xiao Ran with white foam.Xiao Ran pointed to the shop, Da Jinya hurriedly washed and followed Xiao Ran into the room.

"Master Xiao, now we haven't seen each other for three years. I didn't get together enough yesterday. Did you come to see my brother early in the morning?"

Da Jinya made tea for Xiao Ran while laughing.Xiao Ran didn't have the heart to talk to him, and asked straight to the point: "Master Jin, I'm not going around in circles anymore. Yesterday you told me about the mother of the hundred sons, and you said that the statue of the mother of ghosts has a special shape, and someone has enshrined it before. I just want to know the origin of this object. Let’s not say whether it is evil or not. Is it? One is for the dead, and the other is for the living."

When Da Jinya heard Xiao Ran talking about the stolen goods, he quickly put his finger in front of his mouth and kept "shh", and said in a low voice: "Master Xiao, I told you before, you can't ask where the bridgeman's things come from. These people say they accept it, but we don't know whether they are fighting against each other or something else behind their backs, and it's best not to know..."

When Xiao Ran heard this, he swindled Jinya and said: "So, you admit that this thing may be stolen goods? You didn't take these things less, did you? You are selling stolen goods!"

Da Jinya got up anxiously and closed the store door, and said to Xiao Ran: "Master Xiao, you are my own grandfather, and this is the second time I have been there. And I have the skill of looking and hearing, do you dig in the dirt?" As soon as I smell it, I will know it, and I will definitely not accept it if it smells bad. No, you came so early in the morning, are you running to me as a defense team?"

Seeing that Da Jinya was somewhat guilty, Xiao Ran put forward his request while the iron was hot, that is to ask Da Jinya to help find out the origin of this ghost mother statue.Of course, the work was not in vain, except that Da Jinya kept silent about what he had received from Qiaoke before, and was willing to give him a piece of Song Dynasty porcelain that he found from Yerengou last time as a reward.

Hearing what Xiao Ran said, Da Jinya hesitantly agreed: "This matter... Where can I find out... By the way, that pile will come to Panjiayuan today. This is his habit. In addition to getting a share from Qiao Ke, I will also collect one or two artifacts and sell them at Panjiayuan. If you can buy his things, maybe you can pry something out of his mouth."

Xiao Ran was secretly happy, isn't this all about money?As long as money can solve things in the world, it is not a big deal.Many times, the problem of many people is that they don't have money, but Xiao Ran has it!

After all, with such a long time of friendship, Da Jinya was also unambiguous about this matter, and asked Xiao Ran to go back to the shop and wait.When it was approaching noon, Da Jinya really brought the table to Xiao Ran's shop.

Xiao Ran saw that the table was not quite the same as yesterday. The coarse cotton coat of the peasants was replaced by the common blue cotton coat and trousers in the city today. There was a pen pinned to the breast pocket, making it look like a cadre Same.

It's just that he is short, fat and bald, with two mustaches and shining triangular eyes, all revealing a trace of greed and vigilance, reminding Xiao Ran of a sentence: wearing a dragon robe doesn't look like a prince.

He politely invited Zhuangtai into the room, Zhuangtai walked up and down to look at Xiao Ran's shop, and sat down on the single sofa in the main seat without any politeness.

After all, Xiao Ran had something to ask of him, and he didn't bother to care about it, so he asked Liu Shengli to serve some good tea, and he and Da Jinya exchanged greetings with Zhuangtai.Without saying a word, the table directly took out a small blue and white bowl and put it on the table, and said to Xiao Ran: "I heard from Boss Jin that you are interested in this thing from me, Manager Xiao. The price is five thousand."

After Zhuangtai finished speaking, he squinted his eyes and leaned on the sofa, shaking his head from side to side to relax his cervical spine, as if he would turn his face if he couldn't agree.

Xiao Ran listened carefully, this thing is just something from the late Qing Dynasty, no matter how good it is, it can be won for a thousand dollars.This pig-headed and dog-faced stand has an opening of five thousand. It seems that if Da Jinya specially invited him, this dog will be sure to eat it. He asked him, so he dared to open his mouth.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ran smiled, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Seeing this, Da Jinya hurriedly laughed and said, "Let's not worry, let's talk again, this little thing is five thousand..."

Zhuangtai opened his eyes, picked up the small bowl and stuffed it back into his arms, making a gesture to get up.

"Five thousand is five thousand." Xiao Ran said expressionlessly.

Zhuangtai let out a disdainful "hum" from his nose, but immediately turned around and sat down again, the joy on his face almost spilling over to his bald head: "Manager Xiao, do you... really want to?"

Xiao Ran nodded, got up and walked to the bedroom. After a while, he came back with a thick cowhide envelope and handed it to Zhuangtai: "It doesn't matter how much money is, the key is to make friends with you. Click!"

Zhuangtai opened his pocket and looked, his eyes lit up, he shook his head again and again and said: "No counting, no counting, it's already noon, let's find a place to eat."

Xiao Ran didn't say much, and took the big gold tooth and the stand to a small restaurant nearby, found a secluded private room, ordered a table of four cold and four hot dishes, and ordered two bottles of Erguotou.Da Jinya took the initiative to pick up the topic and chatted about some antique appraisal topics. After a while, the table was already blushing from drinking, and his neck was thick, and his head was steaming with oil.

Xiao Ran learned that the surname of this pile is Liang and the name is Baofu. It is said that his ancestors also did the same thing, but they were all bandits from the suburbs of Beijing. When the warlords were fighting, they picked up the graves of some wealthy landlords and dug them. Accidentally worked as a middleman for a few foreigners and tomb robbers, and found that the money from this business was soon safe, so he gave up fighting and became a full-time pimp for antiques.

Later, the buyers and sellers evolved several times, and the rules were gradually established. His family also accumulated some reputation in the industry, and only then did they have fixed titles such as "Qiaoke" and "Zhutai".

Because doing this business is risky after all, there are also rules between Zhuangtai and Qiaoke, that is, the origin of Qiaoke's things must be honestly told Zhuangtai, and once Zhuangtai enters the business, he must work until he dies, and When you are alive, you cannot change your address easily, and even if you move, you have to notify the bridgeman.

After watching the wine for three rounds, Xiao Ran carefully proposed to know the origin of the statue of the mother of a hundred sons and ghosts.Unexpectedly, when Liang Baofu heard this, he first laughed, and then exaggeratedly cupped his hands to Xiao Ran, "I didn't expect that in this world, besides inviting gods, you could also meet demons. I really admire Manager Xiao. Ask for this by name."

Xiao Ran and Da Jinya were puzzled, and asked Liang Baofu if he could elaborate.Liang Baofu opened a big front door, and said to Xiao Ran: "I think Manager Xiao is also a straightforward person. I have been doing piles all the year round, and I have seen a lot of desperadoes and misers. It is rare for Manager Xiao to be so interesting. How about it, I'll tell you a story, it's just a story, I don't want to be in the same seat."

It is said that two months ago, three bridge travelers went to Shanxi to sweep the soil, that is, to collect antiques from the people.Because the end of the year was approaching, the authorities were very strict with their investigations, so they couldn't carelessly take the train when they returned to Beijing.

They had no choice but to go north, intending to hitchhike and walk all the way, first to Inner Mongolia, then to Hebei, and back to Zhaojing in a detour.

It was already late at night when they reached the border between Pingcheng City and Inner Mongolia in the north.At this time, the three of them were on their way in the starry night, except for the loess and dead trees in the surrounding area, only night cats howled occasionally at night, and one or two black shadows suddenly ran past in front of them.Even though the three of them often dealt with weapons and dead people, they couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat after being frightened again and again.

But at this moment, the flashlights of the three of them went out one after another.A low whimper sounded behind him, and he turned around to see that in the distance within sight, dots of white light were approaching erratically.

(End of this chapter)

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