Chapter 149
Although the bridge visitors are not specialized tomb robbers or gold captains, they are used to seeing dead people, whether they are all white bones or half-rotten ones with maggots, and they even touched zongzi when they went to the tomb by chance.If you encounter colleagues who rob business or thieves with malicious intentions, you will inevitably have some blood on your hands.

But those are all tangible things. I have been doing this kind of business that is detrimental to morality for a long time. What I am afraid of is encountering ghosts when I walk at night. After all, I can’t deal with things that cannot be touched.

But there is no place in front of the village and no shops behind, even if you run, you have nowhere to go.The three couldn't help touching their waists, holding the machete next to them, and lowered their steps, thinking whether it was a ghost or a demon, they just waited to let go.

The white light was getting closer and closer, and only then did the three of them see clearly that it was a man in rags holding a white lantern with a white belt tied around his waist.Behind him was a woman in sackcloth, sobbing softly.

Only then did the bridgeman let out a sigh of relief, but the two holding the lanterns suddenly found three people standing in front of them in the darkness, and they were also startled. The lanterns in their hands fell to the ground and extinguished several times, and the crying stopped suddenly.

The two sides stood there dumbfounded, and the bridgeman took the initiative to say hello: "My fellow countrymen, we are foreigners. We got lost passing by here and wanted to find a place to live. We are all decent people, don't worry."

After finishing speaking, the three of them took out a letter of introduction and handed it to each other.Although the letter of introduction didn't have the word "good guy" written on it, even their letter of introduction was a fake at all.But dare to take the initiative to reveal the bottom line, at least it is a gesture of no malice in the heart.

The man took a look at the letter of introduction before and after, and said to the three of them: "I can't read, you can't run around here at night, it's not safe, come back to the village with me first."

Seeing that it went so smoothly, the few people won their trust, and they didn't say much, and followed him forward.The bridge-bearer in the lead asked: "My fellow, you are still outside so late. Is this...something to do at home?"

The man said without turning his head, "My child is dead."

The low sobs sounded again, adding a chill to the dark surroundings.Through the moonlight, the bridge travelers found that the couple were both thin and thin. The man only wore a single shirt, and the bones of the shoulders made two bulges out of the clothes.And the woman was wrapped in sackcloth, and the white hat on her head was pressed down so low that she couldn't see her face, she just felt that she was walking lightly.

The few people stopped talking, but they could only continue walking with the couple.

I don't know how long they walked, but the bridge passers-by felt dizzy in front of their eyes and their feet fluttered, as if falling asleep while walking, but their feet just kept moving forward.

Suddenly there was a "creaking" door, and the three of them realized that they were standing in front of a farmyard. The man had just opened the door and brought his wife in. He pointed to the west with his back to the others and said, "You live in the west wing room. .”

After saying that, the couple entered the main room without looking back, and the three bridge guests followed and closed the door.

And the farmyard turned out to have stone walls and stone roofs, which looked a bit grand, not at all like the adobe houses that are common in this area.The bridge guest headed by him stood in the courtyard, only to feel that it was dark when he looked up, and he couldn't even see the hazy moonlight before.

A sense of drowsiness hit him, and he didn't care to look any further, so he followed his companion into the west wing.There were three beds in that room, as if they had been prepared in advance, the three of them were in a state of confusion, and hurriedly went to bed to rest.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, the bridge-takers were awakened by a shrill cry like a baby. They got up in panic and turned on the flashlight that still had a little residual electricity, but their scalps felt numb.

The three of them were in a broken house with air leaks on all sides, and they were each sleeping in a coffin.They hurriedly climbed out of the coffin, only to see two open coffins at the other end.The three of them leaned over and saw that there were two dead bones scattered among them. The clothes were exactly the same as the two people they met last night. One of the bones was wrapped in a straw mat, which looked like they were wearing sackcloth.

A gust of wind blew by, and the flashlight went out again.The shrill cry of a baby sounded again, and it was much closer than the last time.The three of them looked towards the door of the broken house, only to see a dark thing crawling in.

The moon in the sky was blocked by clouds, and only a little hazy light penetrated through the clouds to cast a hazy white mist on the ground.The three of them saw that the thing seemed to be covered in fur, and it had grown many legs. While barking eeriely, it twitched its nose and sniffed around.

Since it is a tangible thing, there is no need to be so afraid.The bridgers also walked through the bloody storm a few times, took out their machetes and rushed over preemptively.

Unexpectedly, that thing looked stupid, but at the moment when the leading bridge guest got close to him, it suddenly leaped into the air as high as two people, and then fell towards the top of the bridge guest's head.

Fortunately, the companion behind him reacted quickly, picked up a wooden board from the ground and swept across it.The thing was hit by a wooden board, and with a strange cry, it flew towards the person who hit it.The people behind couldn't dodge in time, so they had to raise their knives to slash at its face, but it bit the knife hard in its mouth as soon as it made a move.

Hearing this "click", the knife broke into two pieces immediately. It can be seen that the bite force of this strange thing is extraordinary. If the limbs or neck are bitten by it, the consequences will be unimaginable.

In front of them were barren hills, ruined houses, coffin monsters, and no reliable light source around them. The three bridgemen were already a bit weaker, and they all relied on the things in their hands to boost their energy.Seeing that the monster's teeth were not even as good as the knife in his hand, the three of them panicked, so they had no choice but to run out the door while the monster was still shaking its head, trying to spit out half of the knife in its mouth.

The three of them went out of the broken house, and found that there were many barren graves, many of which were slightly raised soil bumps, most of which didn't even have a stele, and there were a few graves that had been dug up in half, whether they were man-made or wild animals looking for food. The broken coffin was exposed.

After hitting the target, several people looked back and saw the monster crawling out of the dilapidated house and running in their direction.

The bridge passengers couldn't tell the direction in the dark night, so they had to run forward according to their instincts. There were rustling sounds behind them, which stimulated the nerves of several people.

They ran all the way to a small temple, and the three of them smelled an ethereal fragrance. On the shrine, there was a strange-looking bronze statue of a woman with three heads, six arms, and four legs sitting cross-legged. It was indescribably weird.But in the censer in front of the statue, a large amount of incense ash has accumulated, which shows that there is often incense burning in this temple, which shows that the few people are not far from the inhabited village.

At this time, the monster had already chased after him. After sniffing at the gate of the temple, he wanted to crawl in slowly.The three of them panicked for a while, the temple was only about ten square meters, barely big enough for the three of them to hide in, once the monster came in, the three of them would become shackles.

At this time, there was a sudden rustling from the corner of the wall, and a figure suddenly got up from the ground. The bridge passers-by were startled, and their legs limp and fell to the ground.

The figure walked quickly to the shrine and raised the statue to face the temple gate.The monster outside the door barked twice, then confronted the figure.

Not long after, a distant rooster crowed, and the monster roared a few times unwillingly, and left the small temple with the sound of footsteps fading away.

The east had already turned pale, and the three of them could see clearly that the person holding the statue was a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old, his face was covered with dust, and his messy hair was covered with dust. With a straw stick.

The kid smiled at them, put down the bronze statue, shrank back to the corner of the wall, covered himself with a torn quilt, and fell asleep soundly.

(End of this chapter)

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