Chapter 153
After the story was told, the three bottles of Erguotou had already been drunk, and Liang Baofu got up staggeringly belching and went to the toilet.

Da Jinya and Xiao Ran basically drank together the whole time, and they didn't drink too much.Seeing Liang Baofu walking away, Xiao Ran asked Da Jinya: "Master Jin, why does this man feel like he is running the train with his mouth full? Is what he said true?"

The big gold tooth smiled with a toothpick in its mouth: "Master Xiao, if you ask me, who should I ask? But I have the courage to estimate that there must be more than [-]% of the water in it. Those bridgemen have only eyes Money has no morals, master, how can he draw his sword to help when he sees injustice because of those bad things in the village? I feel that most likely he ran into other villages and stole a hole, was discovered by others, and escaped by luck. As for It’s not supposed to tell the story of the bridgeman, so he made up this whole thing for you, you’d better pick and choose..."

Just as he was talking, Liang Baofu came in from the outside with the curtain lifted, belched his wine and said to Xiao Ran: "Brother Xiao, Manager Xiao, just now I told a story that was heard and heard, just take it for fun after listening to it, the past is over , don't take it to heart. Thanks to the hospitality today, I should go back, and we will see each other often in the future!"

Xiao Ran and Da Jinya also got up and followed Liang Baofu out, put him on the bus to the suburbs of Beijing, and returned to Xiao Ran's Baorongzhai together.

Xiao Ran took the smallest porcelain vase from the storeroom and gave it to Da Jinya, treating it as the reward for today's matchmaking, and Da Jinya left contentedly.

Xiao Ran went back to the bedroom and put the bronze statue on the table. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that this thing had an evil nature.He took out the yin and yang mirror and asked, "Master Taoist, can you show me what evil things are hidden in it?"

After a long time, Yin Yang Jing replied: "Good man, this bronze statue... I can't figure it out. If you avoid good and evil, it's something that mortals can't have, just like a true god... "

When Xiao Ran was told this, he was a little dumbfounded.These artifacts are incredible. Could it be that this idol really hides a god?Or, is there really a god in this world?
The Soul Locking Lingzhu also said at this time: "Bayan, there is a trace of soul living in this thing, but I can't hear the voice of this soul, and the soul is completely dark..."

Hearing what Suohundinglingzhu said, Xiao Ran became more and more curious.In front of this bronze statue, two of them have already hit a wall, and for the remaining two, Guan Shandao is fine.

He was just about to call Yaujiu, when Yaujiu suddenly spoke up: "Old Xiao, this time, you really invited someone back, even I can't hear his voice. I can only Let me tell you, what this bronze statue represents may be far beyond your comprehension. Not only is it a long time ago, but it is also very powerful, which is no longer defined by the word antique. I suggest you, where did this thing come from? Where do you go, or you will get into trouble."

After thinking about it for a while, Xiao Ran also felt that there was some truth in what Yue Jiukuo said.After all, the origin of this thing is unknown, and even bridge-takers are eager to sell it for hundreds of dollars, which shows that it is really a hot potato.In connection with that strange dream last night, he really felt shuddering.

But it's approaching the end of the year. For such a thing, do I have to travel all the way to Shanxi?He just took this thing back, if those villagers regarded him as an accomplice of the bridgeman, it would be a lot of trouble.

Why don't you give it away first, and let's talk about it after the New Year?As soon as he thought of this, Yau Jiukuo said: "You are full of hesitation, do you want to talk about it later? I advise you to solve it as soon as possible, otherwise you will be more and more sad every day."

I have to say that although Yi Jiukui ran out of his body early in the morning, so he is not so connected, but his ability to guess his mind is far superior to the others.

Even if it's not this year, at least there is no rush for today.If you want to send the bronze statue back to Futou Village, it's not a matter of patting your ass and leaving, there must be some things that need to be prepared in advance.

"Xiao Jiu, I will definitely give it to me. This thing is neither a magic weapon nor an antique. It is useless to me. I really need to get it back this time. But this is not something that can be done right away. You have What's the best way, let me calm down a bit first?"

Yi Jiukuo pondered for a while, and said: "There is only one way. Don't you have a few lumps with hair mound marks? Find a room facing south and put them together in a dry place. It should be able to temporarily suppress the town."

This is easy to say, there is an empty room next door to Xiao Ran, it used to be the place where the second uncle lived, but now it is full of sundries.Following the instructions of Yasujiu Kuo, he put the bronze statue and the three fragments of the hair mound into his pocket, and put them in a suitable position.

That night, Xiao Ran did not have that strange dream again, but he just felt a pair of vicious eyes staring at him from a dark corner.

Early the next morning, he got up with two dark circles under his eyes, planning to go out for breakfast.As soon as he stepped out of the store, he saw the big golden tooth rushing towards him.

When Da Jinya saw Xiao Ran going out, he said nervously: "Master Xiao, what a coincidence, I was looking for you urgently. Something happened!"

Xiao Ran looked at the bloodshot eyes of Da Jinya, and asked wonderingly: "What's the matter? Why are you in such a hurry? Your Baojin Pavilion is on fire?"

Da Jinya hurriedly said: "Bah, bah, bah! It has nothing to do with me, it's Liang Baofu, something happened to Liang Baofu!"

Xiao Ran was dragged by Da Jinya into the jeep and drove towards the suburbs of Beijing.On the way, after asking Da Jinya a few words, he found out that after Liang Baofu separated from them yesterday, he fell asleep on the bed after returning home.

The next day, the family was woken up by a noise, and they saw Liang Baofu running around the yard completely naked, talking nonsense indistinctly, and could only understand "go back soon" and "he's here." , "Bronze statue" these words.

And the three bridge guests who stayed overnight in another yard of his house all died in the house. It is said that the three of them stabbed each other to death with knives, and the blood in the house was all clotted.

When Xiao Ran heard the news, he couldn't help being startled. Could it be that there is really some kind of evil spirit that killed Qiao Ke and Liang Baofu?

"Master Xiao, I'm not talking about you. From now on, you have to restrain your curiosity, and don't touch weird things. Let's go see if Liang Baofu can ask something, and see how to deal with that thing." Gold Tooth babbled nervously as he drove.

Seeing that Da Jinya cared so much about him, Xiao Ran was quite moved. He didn't expect this philistine antique dealer to be such a friend.

He just wanted to express his feelings to Da Jinya, when he saw Da Jinya's forehead was sweating, and he said with trembling lips: "In case anyone who has anything to do with that thing will be unlucky, then when Master Xiao is finished, the next one will probably be dead." It's my turn..."

Xiao Ran opened his mouth in a daze, and swallowed the moving words.

(End of this chapter)

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