Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 154 The next one is you!

Chapter 154 You Are Next!

The car arrived at the door of Liang Baofu's house, and many people had already surrounded the yard.These people talked a lot, and there were different opinions on Liang Baofu's madness.But the only common point of view is that he has made so much money, so he should be unlucky.

From this "should", Xiao Ran didn't hear the contempt for ill-gotten gains, it was basically the resentment and jealousy that didn't worry about scarcity but about inequality.I don't know if there are other people who want to take over the burden of Liang Baofu once he falls.After all, apart from the three people who died in another yard, there might be other bridge passengers.

But these are not what Xiao Ran and Da Jinya are most concerned about.Before the people from the public sector rushed over, they had to go in and find out about Liang Baofu's situation.

Liang Baofu's wife's eyes were squinted and she was crying like a rotten peach, and her face was full of panic.Hearing that Xiao Ran and Da Jinya said that they were Liang Baofu's friends, they didn't ask any more questions. It was obvious that Liang Baofu had often told her not to inquire about people she was in contact with.

The two asked about the situation, and found out that Liang Baofu had been a little abnormal since he slept until midnight last night. He woke up several times screaming in his sleep. Wait.

At first, his wife slept in the same room with him, but later she couldn't bear the disturbance, so she slept in the living room outside.

After tossing around like this for half the night, his wife was really exhausted, and she was so sleepy that she fell into a deep sleep near dawn.In the morning, I was woken up by howling noises in the yard, only to find that Liang Baofu was stripped naked, running wildly while shouting, saying "she is here", "the bronze statue of the ghost mother", "return it back" and so on. , and kept patting his head and neck, saying that some old cat was going to bite him.

Later, his wife couldn't hold him back, so she had to find neighbors to push him back to the bed together, and poured incense ash water mixed with the boy's urine.Liang Baofu spit out a lot of black water in a "wow" before finally calming down.

But after such a toss, the neighbors nearby also knew that something happened to Liang Baofu, and they all came to watch.The antique dealers who were familiar with Da Jinya usually had contacts with Liang Baofu, and knowing that he was the platform for the three bridgemen, they went to another yard of Liang Baofu to find those people.

But as soon as they entered the yard, they smelled a bloody smell. Looking at the window, the three people had already died on the bed, the ground, and the stool, holding a knife in their hand, their eyes were wide open, and there were bloody wounds on their necks and heads. The blood gushing from the wound was all over the ground, and the coagulated blood clots looked like pools of blood tofu, so he hurriedly reported the case, and the news spread in the antique circle.

When Da Jinya heard the news early in the morning, he quickly picked up Xiao Ran and rushed over together.

The two sorted out the cause and effect in this way, and thought of the "old cat" that Liang Baofu's wife said, and couldn't help but be surprised. Isn't this the grandmother mentioned in the story Liang Baofu told yesterday?

Xiao Ran proposed to visit Liang Baofu, but his wife hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.Da Jinya pulled Liang Baofu's wife aside, took out an IOU, and said that Liang Baofu still held down some deposit money from him, and asked his wife to pay back the money.

This big gold tooth rushed over early in the morning. It turns out that worrying about life is second, and the most important thing is money.Xiao Ran was too lazy to listen to their wrangling, so he opened the door and entered the bedroom.

As soon as the door was opened, a stench mixed with urine and stomach acid came over his face, choking Xiao Ran so much that he squinted his eyes.Liang Baofu, who was resting on the bed, saw Xiao Ran coming in, sat up suddenly, stared at Xiao Ran with piercing eyes and said, "You're here! Come on, I have something to tell you!"

He waved again and again, Xiao Ran hesitantly walked around the mess, and walked up to Liang Baofu carefully.But Liang Baofu suddenly grabbed Xiao Ran's wrist, and said in a weird voice that didn't belong to him at all: "Put it back! Put it back quickly! The next one is you!"

Xiao Ran was taken aback by his grasp.For a moment of trance, those venomous eyes in the darkness flashed into his mind again, and he quickly swung his arms and broke away from Liang Baofu's hand.

Liang Baofu's face turned black and purple, and he spat out a lot of sticky black soup with a "wow", his eyes rolled over and he passed out.

Outside the door, Liang Baofu's wife heard movement in the house, and rushed in, pinching Liang Baofu, crying and shouting.Although Liang Baofu earned ill-gotten gains, he actually married a good wife.

Seeing Liang Baofu's side, Xiao Ran couldn't figure out why, so he had to slowly exit the bedroom.Outside the bedroom door, Da Jinya was counting the money in his hand one by one, Xiao Ran glanced at it, at least five or six thousand.

"Jin Ye, don't you want to go in and take a look?" Xiao Ran asked.

Da Jinya didn't raise his head, and said while counting the money: "What are you looking at him for? I have nothing to do with him. I have no friendship with him. Once the money is cleared, I will feel at ease..."

Xiao Ran pulled him out and said, "Master Jin, let's go to another place."

Da Jinya packed the money and left Liang Baofu's yard with Xiao Ran.The acquaintance of Da Jinya greeted them, and led the two of them to the place where the bridge guest lived. The place was already surrounded by people from the government, and he could only watch from afar as three stretchers covered with white cloth were being carried onto the car. .

"Did you see clearly? What's going on?" Da Jinya asked the acquaintance.

The acquaintance described again what he saw in the morning, but there was an extra detail. He said that he saw a circle of small holes in the heads of the three bridgemen, bleeding out, as if they had been gouged along the heads by an awl. lap.

Hearing what an acquaintance said, Da Jinya touched his head subconsciously, and sighed in a low voice: "Hey, Master Xiao, do you think they are not sharing the spoils equally or are they really bewitched? How can they be so cruel to each other?" hand..."

Xiao Ran was also upset at this time, these things were too weird.If Zhongxie's theory is true, then the bridgers have already sold him the statue of the evil mother of the hundred sons and ghosts, and the piles are only commissioned from it, and they have become what they are now.

As the buyer, he is also the last link in this money transaction, maybe it will really be his turn next.Even if the ghost mother statue is thrown somewhere, it may not be able to get rid of the entanglement.

Xiao Ran looked at the big gold tooth who was still stretching his neck on his feet, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Master Jin, you have locked the door at night, if I go to knock on the door, don't open it. I might be worse than them." ruthless."

Da Jinya trembled, clasped his hands together and smiled: "Master Xiao, my dear, you don't want to scare people like this, I have nothing to do with this..."

On the way back, Da Jinya deliberately kept a distance from Xiao Ran.Sending Xiao Ran back to Baorongzhai, Da Jinya said that he had to go to Baiyun Temple, and drove away in a hurry.

Xiao Ran walked into the store with a smile, but saw Liu Shengli looking nervously at the room.There is usually only one person who can make him look like this.

Xiao Ran asked Liu Shengli suspiciously: "Second Uncle is back?"

Liu Shengli was startled by his sudden words, turned his head and said to him, "No... no, manager, inside..."

Liu Shengli raised his hand and pointed into the room with great difficulty, and Xiao Ran found that his wrist was a little swollen.Could it be that in broad daylight, someone entered the store to rob?

He hurried to the back of the store, and saw the door of the utility room next to the bedroom was wide open, and a figure was standing in the room with his back facing him.

(End of this chapter)

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