Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 155 The Uninvited Guest Black Blind

Chapter 155 The Uninvited Guest Black Blind
Now it was too late to go back to the bedroom to get the knife, so Xiao Ran had to loosen his knees slightly, clenched his fists tightly, and prepared to attack. He asked in a deep voice, "Who are you? Are you here to make trouble?"

The man heard the sound and turned around.Seeing the man's face, Xiao Ran lost half of his momentum in an instant.Because he knew that even if he tried his best now, he still couldn't beat him.

The sunglasses with the logo, and the everlasting smile on the corner of the mouth.Xiao Ran never thought that these two worlds would intertwine, that the black blind man appeared near Jingjue Ancient City, and now he ran to his house.

"Don't be so nervous, or you little bumps will be in trouble if you become scum."

The black blind man smiled mockingly, shaking the bag containing the ghost mother portrait and the fragments of the hair mound seal.

Xiao Ran looked at him nervously, and then at the bag.The black blind man shook his head at Xiao Ran with a smile, put the bag back to its original state, patted the dirt on his hands, and said, "I have something to talk to you about, don't worry, I don't want to touch the things you have here."

After finishing this sentence, he added another sentence: "I didn't expect you to be less capable than him, and you are not less courageous than him."

"What do you want to do?" Xiao Ran asked.

The blind man walked leisurely in front of him and said, "Man, I told you, we will meet later. I'm sure I didn't come here to chat with you, why don't you invite me to sit down?"

Now it's in his own shop, not to mention whether he can beat him, Xiao Ran doesn't want to smash the shop because of fist fights.What's more, from what he said just now, he heard that the blind man had something serious to talk to him, and no matter how he weighed it, it was best to get what he wanted first.

Xiao Ran had no choice but to invite him to the reception room and let Liu Shengli serve tea.

Liu Shengli struggled to serve two cups of tea one by one with one hand. The black blind man looked at Liu Shengli and smiled, "Your boy is quite loyal. It's interesting, I reward you..."

After finishing speaking, the blind man threw a bottle of stuff at Liu Shengli and said, "Smear it on, and you can be saved while it's still there."

Liu Shengli quickly nodded and backed out, Xiao Ran glared at the blind man and said, "Isn't it too careless for someone who comes to my store to rummage around and beat me?"

The blind man didn't answer, but just asked with a smile: "Recently, are you going to visit Futou Village?"

Xiao Ran was shocked, how could he know this?Could it be the big gold tooth?No, Da Jinya can be regarded as his friend now, and he even helped Xiao Ran find out about Hei Xiazi before.If the black blind man had looked for Da Jinya, there was no reason why Da Jinya should not tell him.

Unless... that guy took money from the blind man.

Seeing Xiao Ran's brows furrowed, the black blind man said, "I know what you're thinking, those three bridgemen and I are already acquaintances."

It was only then that Xiao Ran came to a sudden realization, and couldn't help admiring that the blind man was blind, and he guessed what he was concerned about right away.

"So what?" Xiao Ran asked.

The blind man pursed his lips: "It's really rude, I don't want to talk nonsense anymore, I need you to bring me something back."

Xiao Ran said in his heart, bring you something?What to bring?Coal or old vinegar?

Seeing that he didn't speak, the blind man took out something from his chest, waved it in front of his eyes, and said, "I won't order you for nothing, this thing is yours after the job is done."

Xiao Ran saw a small box tied to his chest with a rope, and inside the box was a stone fragment with the word "Official" engraved in seal script.

Xiao Ran stared at that thing, his eyes straightened.He quickly used all his senses, only to feel a familiar sense of security and warmth pouring out of that stone, exactly the same as the feeling emanating from the other two fragments when he was in Jingjue Ancient City and Pengyuegou.

It's a real hair mound seal fragment!

Seeing Xiao Ran's wide-eyed eyes, the blind man put the pieces back into his clothes with a smile, and said, "How is it? It's worth it this time, right?"

It seemed that this black blind man knew far more about him than he could imagine.He was going to go to Futou Village to return the statue of the mother ghost, but now he can get a fragment by doing some errands.

Xiao Ran weighed it in his heart, the deal should not be a loss, so he asked: "What are the specific requirements? Explain clearly."

Before the black blind man could speak, a burst of grinning laughter came over. It was the fat man who suddenly came to the store and yelled loudly: "Brother Xiao! Come and have fun with me! I just found two sweet girls , let's dance!"

Following Liu Shengli's guidance, he ran directly to the door of the reception room and opened the door.

Seeing the people in the reception room, the smile on the fat man's face froze for an instant, and then a burst of anger flooded his face, and he cursed: "What a fucking bad luck! I was just worried about where to find you! Come out with me, Let's practice!"

After he finished speaking, he was about to grab the black blind man by the collar, Xiao Ran quickly stepped in front of him, and said, "Fatty brother, don't be impulsive, be careful not to frighten the defense when fighting here."

The fat man already knew that he couldn't beat the black blind man. At this time, Xiao Ran handed him the steps, and he hurried down the donkey: "If this is in the desert, I will teach you to lie down, fat man! Brother Xiao, is he here to look for you?" Are you troublesome? Don't worry, Lao Hu and I have been thinking about him all the time!"

From the very beginning, the blind man put his hands behind his head and looked at the fat man with a smile on his face.However, seeing the fat man's reluctance, he picked his ears impatiently, got up and handed an envelope to Xiao Ran.

"If you still can't make up your mind, what's in it can give you some determination. As for my business, there's also a general idea in it, so you can read it yourself."

After that, he got up and brushed past the fat man. The fat man yelled to tell Xiao Ran not to pull him, but he didn't have any strength on his body, so he let the blind man walk away.

"Brother Xiao, why did you provoke this guy?" the fat man asked.

Xiao Ran shook his head with a wry smile, and said to the fat man: "Fatty brother, you are busy first, I will go to you and Brother Hu later, and tell you what I have encountered in the past two days."

The fat man left resentfully, Xiao Ran returned to the bedroom with the envelope, and took out the contents.

Inside the envelope was a piece of letter paper and a photo.On the letter paper were a few neat brush characters, which read: Futou Village, Huiyu Mountain, Dongma Yanli to find the true biography, one silk book for a hundred officials.

I have to say that the black blind man's handwriting is really good, but the content is not very clear.

And in that photo is the back of a person standing on the top of a mountain.In the distance in front of him is a large flat depression, and a huge stone is standing in the middle of the depression.

He stared at the photo curiously, feeling a little familiar from the back.He carefully looked at the man's clothes, the clothes were torn and covered with grayish-yellow dust, which reminded Xiao Ran of his appearance when he just came back from the desert.

desert?He grabbed the photo and carefully identified it again. When he saw a scar on the hand of the person in the photo, the sense of familiarity instantly rushed to the top of his skull.

This is Xiao Ran's father, Xiao Changfeng!

(End of this chapter)

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