Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 156 The Target of Floating Head Village

Chapter 156 The Target of Floating Head Village

Could it be that Xiao Changfeng really didn't die and went to Shanxi?Xiao Ran carefully looked at the lower right corner of the photo. Although it was a bit blurry, it did show September last year, which means that he did go to the location of the photo after the time of death was determined.

So who is taking the picture?Are you blind?If so, how did they get together?

There were so many doubts that Xiao Ran felt dizzy.But at least this is good news for now, he hurried to the nursing home where the second uncle was, and the second uncle was playing badminton with some elderly people who looked healthy.

The second uncle looked at the photo, his hands trembling with excitement.Xiao Ran told the second uncle everything that happened in the past few days. The second uncle pondered for a long time, and said: "In our business, after all, we often walk by the river. There are some things that are more likely to be believed. We should go there. This Hei Xiazi is so amazing that he saved me on purpose. It seems that he really wanted you to repay the favor, but he wouldn’t harm you. My suggestion is that you’d better take those two captains Mojin with you. a care."

Xiao Ran thought for a while, he really should go to them, maybe Hu Bayi could understand the things in Heixiazi's letter.But whether to take them there is still open to debate.After all, those three bridgers who died and Liang Baofu who went crazy made Xiao Ran not want to bring more people in.

Seeing Xiao Ran's hesitation, the second uncle sighed and said: "All decisions are up to you. After all, it stands to reason that you are the true heir of the Faqiu school, and the two Mojin captains should be your subordinates. Absolutely, I know those two people well, they are still very reliable. With their help, maybe we can really find out the whereabouts of your father..."

Xiao Ran just nodded and didn't say anything more.Although Hu Bayi is reliable, Fatty is at least absolutely loyal.But the words "superior and subordinate" felt a bit harsh to him.

After bidding farewell to his second uncle, he hurried to Hu Bayi and Fatty's courtyard.The fat man must have just returned from entertainment, smelling of perfume and alcohol, and was showing Hu Bayi the lipstick mark on his neck.

Seeing Xiao Ran enter the yard with a serious face, Hu Bayi knew that he must have something serious to say, so he let Xiao Ran into the room.

Leaning against the stove, Xiao Ran warmed his hands and feet. The fat man grabbed a handful of peanuts and put them by the stove, eating them while roasting them.Xiao Ran recounted all the things related to those three bridgers and Liang Baofu in the past few days. When it came to black glasses, Fatty also made some additions.In the end, Xiao Ran handed the letter to Hu Bayi, and asked Hu Bayi to see if he understood what it meant.

Hu Bayi glanced at the letter and said, "Futou Village is the village you mentioned, and Mount Huiyu should be a mountain near that village. This Dongmayan is Baoman'er, referring to a person with the surname Xu. As for the exchange of the silk book for officials, I guess it means that this silk book is something that represents the imperial power, and with it, all the officials can bow their heads..."

I have to say that Hu Bayi is really reliable, and the most difficult point for Xiao Ran is this Dong Mayan.From this point of view, he only needs to go to Futou Village to find Xu Er directly.It's just that Xiao Ran hasn't told Hu Bayi about sending Qiu Yin.This silk script is exchanged for Baiguan, and Baiguan naturally refers to the official word stone.

At this time, the fat man leaned over and asked, "I know Shaanxi. There are many ancient tombs and terracotta warriors there. This Shanxi...should have ancient tombs, right?"

Hu Ba nodded and explained: "The land of the Three Jins has been one of the sources of civilization since ancient times. The Jin State in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Zhao, Wei, and Han families in the Warring States Period all took root here. It is still a land of Longxing as powerful as the Tang Dynasty. Ethnic regimes such as the Northern Wei, Liao, and Jin also set up capitals in Shanxi. Although Shanxi does not have as many royal tombs of powerful dynasties as Shaanxi, there are absolutely indispensable tombs of some royal relatives, nobles and wealthy gentry, and there are even many Ancient sites that can be traced back thousands of years. It is said that in southern Shanxi, where the water and soil are relatively fertile, there may be tens of thousands of ancient tombs under a small county.”

Fatty's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he urged Hu Bayi to go to Shanxi to have a look. If there is a big fight from a thousand years ago, he can double his income before the Chinese New Year this year.Recently, he has been tired of setting up a stall every day to sell those three melons and two dates. The [-] US dollars that Shirley Yang gave before he left had caused the two of them to lose money even when they ate, drank and had fun.

Hu Ba said to the fat man, it’s winter now, even though it’s approaching the end of the new year, the ground is frozen like a rock, it’s not a good time to dig holes, so don’t even think about it, let’s talk about it in the spring of next year.But he changed the subject and asked Xiao Ran if he needed help.After all, judging from Xiao Ran's narration, although the place he was going to was not too remote, it was remote enough, and it would be nice to have someone to take care of him.

After thinking about it, Xiao Ran declined Hu Bayi's proposal first.After all, this time it was more of his own private matter. Not only could it not be a matter of making a fortune, but it might actually be a bigger matter. It would be more convenient if there were fewer people.

Hu Bayi nodded thoughtfully, and told Xiao Ran that if he needs help, please don't be polite, after all, everyone is considered brothers now.Xiao Ran nodded gratefully, then got up to leave.And the fat man had a look of hesitation, but in the end he could only give up.

Before Xiao Ran left, Hu Bayi gave him a bag of things, saying that it was left over from the last time he went to Jingjue, and Shirley Yang left all of it for him.The things in the bag may be useful to Xiao Ran.

Back at Baorongzhai, Xiao Ran hurriedly packed his things.Except for the bag containing the statue of the ghost mother and the fragments of the Faqiu seal, all other artifacts were also packed.He also packed all the engineer shovels, ropes, batteries, and even compressed biscuits and cans he brought back from the last time he went to Jingjue.

He opened Hu Bayi's bag, and found that it contained familiar objects such as wolf eyes, gas masks, alcohol stinkers, and even a few black donkey hooves.

What surprised Xiao Ran the most was that inside a crumpled cowhide envelope, there was also a letter of introduction with the name of Professor Chen's unit printed on it, but the name and name were blank, and the content was not accurate, it only said to go to Your department has full authority to handle inspection matters and so on.With this thing, many things are much easier to handle.

Xiao Ran glanced at the time, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon, the key to the jeep that the second uncle had been driving before was still in his hand.If we set off right now, we should be able to reach Pingcheng before twelve o'clock in the evening.

He greeted Liu Shengli: "The store is closed, just pack up your belongings and come out with me."

Liu Shengli had a bitter expression on his face: "Going out again..."

Although he was talking, Liu Shengli packed a backpack quickly and came out.After the last trip to Xijiang, he also had a little bit of experience in traveling far.

The two drove to the nursing home to say goodbye to their second uncle, and then headed west to Futou Village in Pingcheng.

(End of this chapter)

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