Chapter 157 Night Road
The jeep bumped on the potholed wild road, Xiao Ran looked at the map and carefully studied the location of Futou Village.

Because there were some relatively prohibited things in the car, he didn't want to have to explain it hard if he ran into Chagang, or even an unexplainable situation, and then he could be caught directly and squatted down.

Fortunately, from Zhaojing to the north, through Inner Mongolia all the way to the west, Liu Shengli had driven it once before when he and his second uncle went to Xijiang, and he was quite familiar with it, so the road ahead was basically smooth.It's just the specific location of Futou Village. The insiders he knows are either dead or crazy. Xiao Ran can only roughly determine a range according to Liang Baofu's previous description.

When you get there, ask someone.

The two chose some rural dirt roads far away from the town as much as possible, and drove for several hours, until after eleven o'clock in the evening, they arrived at the closed town near the city.This is a very small town with only one guest house, Xiao Ran speculates in his heart that maybe someone here knows where Futou Village is, and wants to inquire about it and get some boiled water for a drink.It's really uncomfortable to eat compressed biscuits and drink cold water in the car in the cold.

The guest house was dark, so he and Liu Shengli went down and knocked on the door, and the door opened with a creak.

The two looked at each other, the dark shop seemed to have a big mouth open all the time, waiting for the fresh meat to be delivered to the door.Xiao Ran boldly took a step in, and felt that he had kicked something soft, and then a scream suddenly sounded out.

Xiao Ran backed away in fright, a faint yellow light lit up in the store.The two took a closer look, only to find that it was a woman who was less than 1.5 meters short, looking at them resentfully with a flashlight on.

Xiao Ran hurriedly apologized again and again, only to find out after asking that the whole town was cut off, and the staff of the guest house could only receive the two with flashlights.

Xiao Ran asked the woman if she knew how to get to Futou Village.The woman shook her head impatiently, and asked the two if they could live in the hotel.Seeing that the other party's attitude was not very good, Xiao Ran had no choice but to ask the restaurant if there was anything else to eat, willing to pay for it, and get some hot water by the way.

Seeing that Xiao Ran was willing to spend money, the woman finally calmed down a bit, and went to the back kitchen to get some air-dried beef, and she said it was fifteen dollars a catty, which is definitely a high price.Xiao Ran didn't even cut the price, and asked Liu Shengli to buy ten catties in one go.

The woman counted the Great Unity in her hands with a smile on her face, and her attitude finally became more enthusiastic.But for Futou Village, he still shook his head to express his unclearness.But she thought about it carefully, and said that there is a dirt road in the south of Fengzhen, which is not easy to walk. From there, after passing the Great Wall, it is the boundary of Shanxi.If Futou Village is close to the border between the two provinces, you should be able to find it along this road.

This was good news anyway, Xiao Ran was grateful for a long time, and he and Liu Shengli boarded the car and set off again.

The jeep stumbled forward on the road full of potholes and bare rocks. In order to protect the tires and chassis, Liu Shengli had to open his eyes wide and slow down the speed, and drove forward carefully.

The town behind was getting farther and farther away, and under the hazy moonlight ahead, the two earthen Great Walls extending to both sides were gradually clear, reminding Xiao Ran of Mount Zagrama.

After walking all the way to the bottom of the Great Wall, Xiao Ran realized that this was not the entrance of the Great Wall as he had imagined. There was not even a dilapidated city gate. Instead, a section of the city wall had collapsed directly due to natural disasters or man-made.I don't know how long it has passed, but the gap in the broken city wall is already covered with cold and dry weeds, and it will be green again in the spring of the coming year.

Maybe Liu Shengli was flustered while driving, or maybe he was a little scared, so he asked Xiao Ran carefully: "Manager, the last time I went to Xijiang, I heard from the second uncle that there are corpses that have not rotted for a thousand years, and they can even grow long hair." Nails, did you say that there is a place like a corpse farm, where the corpses can jump up and bite people when they are disturbed by living people, is it true?"

Xiao Ran saw that being idle was also idle, so he explained to him that in some ancient books about funeral rites, there were some records about the places where corpses were kept.The so-called place of pure yin, where corpses do not melt for a long time, is called raising corpses, and it is the main evil.When the dead are buried in such a place, the internal organs and flesh will wither but not rot, and nails and hair will grow, so it is very easy to become a zombie.

Ancient books such as "Burying Sutra", "Book of Burial", "Three Dragons Sutra", and "Geography Zhimeng" all mentioned this statement, thinking that "it is not suitable for burial" because the corpse will be affected by the natural force of this kind of corpse. The evil influence it brings.As for why the corpse farm was formed, it involves factors such as the trend of mountains and rivers, geographical veins, etc. The Hu Ye who often comes to the store may know it better.

Speaking of this, Xiao Ran wanted to scare Liu Shengli, saying that whether a zombie bites a person depends on whether the living person suits his taste.Although boy's urine suppresses evil spirits, boy's blood is an absolute tonic. It is said that one blood is equal to ten essences, and one is proficient in hundreds of gods.If the boy boy is targeted by zombies, he will never miss this opportunity to make up for it.

It is recorded in "Ying Huan Feng Wu Lue" in the Qing Dynasty that once a master and a servant were driving late at night. When they passed a barren mountain path, they saw a man in rags standing in the middle of the road, standing with his back to the two, far away. There was a stench of rotting corpses in the distance.The little servant had just reached his twenties and was timid and weak. When he saw such a strange person standing in front of him at night, he was so frightened that his legs limp and fell to the ground.

Startled by the sound, the person in front turned around, and saw that his green face was shriveled with black hair, his fangs were sticking out of his lips, his nose had dried up and turned into a black hole, and only his sunken eyes were shining red. A black who broke through the ground.Both the master and the servant screamed in fright, and the zombie stretched out its steel claws to follow the sound, jumping three times and two times before jumping in front of them.

The master didn't care about the servant who was paralyzed on the ground, turned his head and ran away, only to hear the sound of "click, click" biting the flesh and the servant's cry of pain from behind.After a while the cry disappeared, thinking that the servant had been bitten to death, devouring blood and flesh, and the master ran away in fright, even losing the lantern in his hand.

He didn't know how far he ran, but he suddenly bumped into a person, only to feel that the other person's body was cold and stiff like a wall.The master felt itchy on his face, and when he reached out to touch it, it turned out to be jumping live maggots mixed with black and red sticky blood.The man turned around slowly and said to the master...

"now you!"

Xiao Ran raised his voice suddenly, causing Liu Shengli to yell in fright, and almost lost the steering wheel in his hand.Xiao Ran grasped the handle on the top of the door, and before he had time to laugh at Liu Shengli, his expression suddenly became very horrified, as if he had really seen a ghost.

Xiao Ran hurriedly looked towards the front of the car, at the same time a figure-like thing suddenly hit the front of the car, then rolled over the windshield and the roof of the car, and landed on the dirt road behind.

Xiao Ran quickly pulled the handbrake, the car made a cloud of dust on the ground, and finally stopped.

"Jing... Manager... why are you scaring me... Did we... bump into someone?"

Liu Shengli's voice was full of tears, and Xiao Ran felt a little guilty in his heart, that he shouldn't have frightened him like this, so he patted him on the shoulder and told him to stay in the car, and got out of the car to check.

Just in case, he still pinned the Guanshan knife behind his back, and flashed his flashlight to the road behind the car.

On the dusty road, a figure was lying on the ground, wearing tattered black clothes, just like the zombie that Xiao Ran told in the story.

(End of this chapter)

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