Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 161 Under the Skin

Chapter 161 Under the Skin
As long as you hit the bump on the top of the head, it can be temporarily fixed for a while, so that you can buy time and retreat to the back to get the engineer shovel, otherwise it is really difficult to deal with it with bare hands.

After Xiao Ran made up his mind, he picked up another lump of soil, aimed at the top of Grandma's head and smashed it.

Unexpectedly, this time it was prepared in advance, jumped up and dodged Xiao Ran's clod attack, landed behind the jeep, stared at Xiao Ran with expressionless eyes and growled.

It seems that the previous few attacks were all because it was unprepared. It is not so easy to directly hit the target face to face.

Xiao Ran squatted down again to pick up a lump of soil, but Grandma also lowered her body at the same time, and was about to pounce on Xiao Ran, it depends on which of them is faster.

At this moment, the jeep made a loud noise and sped backwards suddenly.Xiao Ran was still half-squatting, and quickly rolled over to the side and fell to the ground.

But the grandma was not so lucky. Just as he jumped up, he was hit violently by the jeep that was speeding backwards, and rolled backwards and flew out.

Xiao Ran spat the loess foam in his mouth, thinking that this Liu Shengli really gave surprises frequently, and he even reversed the car at the critical moment, which relieved his urgent need.

He acted together with Hu Bayi and Fatty before, and he himself can be called a lucky general.Now there is no one else, only him and Liu Shengli, this dazed little guy has become his lucky general.

He hurriedly opened the car door, and was just about to get in the car when he suddenly felt something approaching quickly around him, so he quickly dodged to hide.Immediately afterwards, the scorpion, whose leg bones were broken, slammed into the car door, and the door was closed tightly with a "bang".

It seems that this thing is really endless. If I don't clean it up, I really can't feel at ease and continue on my way.Xiao Ran's heart skipped a beat, and he decided to take care of the monster.

Now it seems that most of the stories about Bridger are made up, but the story about Grandma is indeed true.If I rashly return the statue of the ghost mother, even with a letter of introduction, I still have to spend a lot of time to gain the trust of the locals.It's better to just kill this thing, maybe it can be used as a vote to win trust.

Even though he was thinking this way in his heart, he was still fighting with his bare hands, no matter how capable he was, he would seek death in a hand-to-hand fight with such a monster with fangs and sharp claws.

Liu Shengli quickly turned the car around, and the old man had suffered a loss. Knowing that the roaring iron lump was not easy to mess with, he quickly jumped to the side, squatting on a low grave and staring at the glowing headlights.

Liu Shengli finally saw the face of the monster clearly. He was obviously flustered. He changed gears and stepped on the gas pedal to drive forward for three meters. Then he stepped on the emergency brake, rolled down the window and shouted to Xiao Ran, "Jing... Manager! Come on!" car!"

Xiao Ran heard that Liu Shengli's voice was broken with tears, and said to him: "Throw down the knife, drive to the road and wait!"

Liu Shengli rummaged through it, threw the Guanshan knife at Xiao Ran, and then quickly drove the car to the dirt road next to the cemetery.

Grandma saw the big guy with glowing eyes roaring and running away, and looked around curiously.Seeing the opportunity, Xiao Ran turned around and ran towards Guan Shandao. He rolled over and put the knife in his hand, then drew the knife out of its sheath and stood up to aim at Laoxue. All the movements were done in one go.

Startled by his movement, Grandma turned her head to look at him again, and rushed over with a slight bend.

Xiao Ran asked with the Baguanshan knife in front of his eyes: "Old Sha, this time there is a new one, please straighten the blade for me."

Guan Shandao made a sniffing sound a few times, and said, "It's a new product, then I have to try it, and help you..."

Seeing the old fly flying towards his eyes, Xiao Ran rolled over on the spot, and took the opportunity to slash his knife. Unfortunately, it was too dark to see clearly, the knife did not hit the old fly's head, but swept along its back, scraping off A layer of skin.

"Bah...what's the smell, this thing is half dead." Guan Shandao said with disgust.

Xiao Ran didn't talk nonsense with him, and took advantage of the fact that grandma had just landed on the ground, he hurried forward and slashed at grandma's head again.

Grandma also seemed to have sensed Xiao Ran's plan, so she didn't turn around, but took a step aside.By this step, Guan Shandao failed to kill it, but only cut off the few remaining rib growths sticking out of its skin.

One person and one beast took this opportunity to take a few steps to distance themselves. Xiao Ran didn't expect that Grandma Xun had some IQ and knew how to abandon the car to protect the handsome.But in this way, another chance to kill it was missed.

After seeing the power of Guan Shandao, Grandma started to circle around Xiao Ran.Xiao Ran had no choice but to hold the knife and constantly adjust his direction to prevent the opponent from suddenly flying over.

Just as Grandma's back was facing the jeep not far away, Liu Shengli suddenly honked several times.Grandma was startled by the sound, turned her head instantly, and bared her teeth at the jeep in protest.Xiao Ran saw the opportunity, and quickly groped behind it with a knife, and slashed on the back of Grandma's head with a horizontal knife.

A yellow-green viscous liquid flowed out from the back of its head, Xiao Ran felt sick for a while, and quickly took a few steps back.I saw grandma paralyzed on the ground, her body began to twitch continuously, and the squirm of the protrusion on the top of her head became more violent.

Xiao Ran made a gesture to Liu Shengli, Liu Shengli understood, turned the car around, and the headlights were shining on the grandma on the ground.

The wound on its scalp kept tearing, and the twigs protruding from the side of the scalp also retracted, as if something was about to break out.

Xiao Ran yelled in his heart that it was not good, Guan Shandao also reminded: "You'd better make another knife, kill it if you want to kill it!"

He hurried forward a few steps, intending to chop the top of the old man's head with a knife, but it was still a step too late.A huge worm flapped its wings and tore through the scalp of the moth, struggling to fly out from inside.

Borrowing the light, Xiao Ran noticed that the thing was slightly smaller than a domestic pigeon. It looked like a big cockroach, but it had mammal-like eyeballs on its head, but it had no eyelids, and it was still wriggling along with the two antennae. turn around.The dead branches sticking out of the weetle's scalp are actually the insect's legs, which are folded and coiled on the stomach at this moment.

Its two semicircular wings are flapping vigorously, and as it slowly rises into the air, a slender spike at the back of its tail is also slowly pulled out from the spine of the moth, bringing out many Black pus exudes putrid pus and blood.

Fortunately, its abdomen had been slashed by Xiao Ran, and yellow-green blood was continuously gushing out, it seemed that it was already struggling on the verge of life and death.

"Don't let it get away!" Guan Shandao shouted.

Xiao Ran stepped forward quickly, swiped his knife and slashed at Chong Zi's back.The worm dodged and dodged, the knife did not hit its body, but it hit the tail spine that hadn't been pulled out in time, and a sharp and painful "squeak" sound came from its mouthparts.

But it broke off its tail sting, and flapped its wings to fly into the air. Yellow, yellow, green and green blood fell down with the flapping wings, and its two eyes stared at Xiao Ran resentfully.

This time it flew into the sky, li xuan really had nowhere to go, he only hoped that it could dive down with its injuries, li xuan was confident that with his own ability, he would definitely be able to evade its attack and kill it in one fell swoop.

But this disgusting insect seemed to be very good at judging the situation. It stayed in the air for a while, stared at Xiao Ran carefully for a while, and then flapped its wings to prepare to fly away.

Xiao Ran was anxious, and was thinking about whether to throw the Guanshan knife, but saw that the insect was hit by something suddenly, its already injured abdomen and back were directly broken, and one of its wings was also broken, spinning like an out-of-control aircraft fell to the ground.

Xiao Ran hurriedly took a picture with the flashlight, and saw a young man in shabby clothes not far from the jeep, slowly putting down the slingshot in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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