Chapter 162 Xu Er
Xiao Ran watched curiously as the young man put away his slingshot and walked towards him slowly.

At this time, Liu Shengli also opened the car door and rushed out, pulled out the engineering shovel from the grave, walked tremblingly behind Xiao Ran, and shouted tremblingly to the young man who was approaching: "Wh...who! Don't come over!"

Xiao Ran sighed, looked at Liu Shengli who was holding the engineering shovel and tightening his knees, he was a little bit dumbfounded: "This is a big living person, now it shows that you are here?"

But several times just now, thanks to Liu Shengli's help, he seemed to be able to come in handy at critical moments.

The young man looked at Liu Shengli like a fool, and he didn't intend to stop at all.The rough eyebrows, the face that was blown red by the cold wind, and the pair of dark eyes revealed a kind of simple and reckless fearlessness unique to rural youths at that time.

He completely ignored the knife in Xiao Ran's hand, just walked over to the corpse of the grandma and took a closer look, frowned and covered his nose, and said: "What are you asking for, I've heard it all..."

He went to the corpse of the worm that he had smashed, poked it with his toe, and said to himself, "Why are you playing a big fly? No, this is another begging for goods?"

Both sentences are in the local dialect of Pingcheng, which is similar to the dialects of the other two neighboring provinces.Xiao Ran had heard this dialect when he was collecting antiques with Da Jinya, Hu Bayi, and Fatty in the suburbs of Beijing, and he had a general idea of ​​it.

This "gang" is brother, "zuo" is like that, as for begging... it's not a good word.So these two sentences are saying, what kind of fork?I feel like vomiting from the smell; why is it such a big fly?No, what kind of fork is this?

Xiao Ran put away the knife, pressed Liu Shengli's engineer shovel down, and said to the young man with a smile: "Hi, fellow...comrade. What is this place?"

The young man looked up at him curiously, and said in substandard Mandarin: "This is a cemetery, comrade, can't you tell?"

Xiao Ran was very surprised, he didn't expect that this humble-looking young man could speak Mandarin, so he quickly took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took out one and handed it to the young man, saying: "I know, I know, we are not Are you from another place? I got lost at night. Do you know where Futou Village is?"

The young man chuckled, first took the whole pack of cigarettes in Li Ran's hand and stuffed them into his pocket, then took the one in his hand and put it on his ear, and said, "I'll take you away, what you're talking about is our village. !"

Xiao Ran was overjoyed, this was the lucky general who not only helped them get rid of that weird bug, but also happened to be a villager from Futou Village.

Xiao Ran was so happy that he asked the young man to get into the car. Unexpectedly, the young man sat in the driver's seat, started the car with ease, and drove forward five or six meters. Liu Shengli, who was under the car, hurriedly chased after him with a shovel, thinking that he was going to kill him. Grab the car.

Xiao Ran was also shocked, but he didn't expect the young man to get out of the car again, sniffed his nose and said with a smile: "It's very fun, someday let me drive it..."

Only then did Xiao Ran heave a sigh of relief, it seemed that this young man was just playing around, but Liu Shengli pulled his face and scolded the young man.

Xiao Ran stopped Liu Shengli, and asked the young man, "I haven't asked for advice yet, what's your surname?"

"Are you from the capital? You're so nice to speak. My surname is Xu, and my name is Xu Hongyi. My family is the second child. They all call me Xu Er..."

When Xiao Ran heard it, his eyes widened.This is really dozing off, someone handed the pillow, missed her mother's family, and looked forward to the arrival of the child, his uncle.It turned out that this was the Xu Er mentioned in Liang Baofu's story, but the Xu Er in front of him was not as careless as described in the story, except that he was a little youthful.

There is nothing to say, Xiao Ran hurriedly let Xu Er sit in the co-pilot, he and Liu Shengli pulled out a torn quilt from the coffin, wrapped up the stinky old man's corpse, tied it up, and fixed it on the roof of the car .

At this time, the sky was already dark, and the sun slowly appeared from the top of the mountain in the east, clearly illuminating the loess barren tombs in front of us.Xiao Ran discovered that this place was indeed a deserted cemetery, and even the only half of the stele that could be read clearly was engraved with the year name of the former Qing Dynasty.

He and Liu Shengli wanted to clean up that strange bug again, but they didn't expect that where the bug's body was, there was only a pile of thick yellow-green mucus, and only one or two legs like dead branches were still floating on the surface of the mucus. It slowly broke into several pieces, and then gradually shrunk until it disappeared.

This thing... melted?

Xiao Ran covered his nose and looked over, the mucus slowly flowed to the surroundings, and gradually mixed with the fine loess, turning into a dark brown mud.

There was really not even any scum left, so Xiao Ran and Liu Shengli had no choice but to give up, packed up their things and returned to the car.

At this time Xu Er had already fiddled with the tape recorder by himself, holding a tape cassette and humming along with the promiscuous female voice inside.Seeing Xiao Ran getting into the car, he said with a smile: "This Deng...Deng Han's daughter sings beautifully, and she looks pleasing too..."

Liu Shengli, who was sitting in the back, told him not to touch it with disgust, but Xu Er didn't mind, and returned the cassette to Liu Shengli with a smile.

Xiao Ran drove by himself, followed the guidance of the co-driver Xu Er, and staggered towards Futou Village along the narrow and twisted path full of forks.

On the way, Xiao Ran had a general chat with Xu Er, and only then did he learn some relevant information about him.It turned out that Xu Er's elder brother worked as an accountant in a coal mine in the county, and Xu Er gained a little bit of fame because of this. He worked in the county coal mine for several months, which can be regarded as gaining some knowledge.

This Xu Er can be said to have sharp ears and eyes, and he knows everything at a glance.Because he was unwilling to be a worker, he wanted to drive a car and become a driver. For this reason, he had a conflict with the leader, and was finally fired, so he had to return to Futou Village.

The few meters he drove just now, including fiddling with the tape recorder on the car, were his first practice.

Xiao Ran immediately praised him as a talent, the young man felt a little flattered by such praise, and called Xiao Ran one by one.Seeing this, Xiao Ran immediately asked him about the Bridger.

Xu Er recalled that he usually likes to get up early and take a slingshot to hunt birds near the village, especially go to the cemetery to hunt weasels, so he did meet three people who claimed to be archaeologists from other places in Huangfen a few days ago.Just like today, Xu Er brought those three people back to the village.

The three of them entered the village and went around, and then began to promote the policy door to door, collecting some bowls, pans, and jars, saying that they were all state property.

The old village head was very enlightened. After reading the letter of introduction, he asked everyone to respond to the call and hand over everything.Those three people picked some without gaps and looked relatively complete and put them away, and they lived in Xu Er's house first.

This Xu Er had a lively mind, and he had met some leaders and intellectuals in the county, so he always felt that these three people were weird.So he went to the bottom of the wall at night to listen to those three people chatting, and he heard that these three people were antique dealers. He even said that if the villagers found out, they would silence them, so he hurried to report to the village chief.

Then the village head brought some young people from the village to Xu Er's house to surround the three bridge passers-by.Unexpectedly, those three people were really cunning, they didn't know when they noticed the movement outside, and they went to the house long ago.

While talking, the car has already driven through several forks, and drove up a small mound with a slightly higher terrain.Not far away, a small village with cooking smoke appeared in front of Xiao Ran.

(End of this chapter)

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