Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 171 The Secret Path

Chapter 171 The Secret Path
Xiao Ran walked up to Xu Er and asked him curiously: "What are you counting here? One, two, three, four, five?"

Xu Er turned his head and said with a chuckle: "Look, Xiao Gang, on this stone painting, Lady Xia has so many hands, why can't she use them all? She always only uses one side, do you think she is crippled?" ?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Er quickly and timidly looked at the statue of Empress Xia in the distance, as if he was afraid that Empress Xia would punish him if he heard bad things about him.

Inspired by his words, Xiao Ran carefully looked at these murals.It is true that whether it is creating a man, mending the sky or other things, Xia Niangniang always only uses one hand, and the other hand caresses her abdomen in turn.And even if only one side is used, it is not often that the three hands are together, and the unused hand is stroked on the abdomen like the other side.

Will these be related to the agency?

His brain suddenly opened up, and he ran back to the bronze statue and shouted to Xu Er: "Xu Er, start from the first picture on the right, and tell me which hand she stretched out and how many hands she used. !"

Xu Er quickly ran to the mural and shouted: "Xiao Gang, the first one is the two hands on the right!"

Holding his breath, Xiao Ran grasped the bronze statue and turned it to the right twice.

With a "click", the bronze statue could no longer turn to the right, Xiao Ran was overjoyed and asked Xu Er to continue.Xu Er shouted again: "Left hand, three!"

Like just now, Xiao Ran turned the bronze statue to the left three times.

But this moment, the bronze statue didn't just stay stuck like before, but the moment he let go, it quickly rotated back to its original position.

There was another sound of gears turning underground, and Xiao Ran quickly rolled over to the side, and then steel thorns came out of the ground again, stabbing upwards several times.

"His grandma's! Xu Er, have you seen it clearly? Is it the three hands on the left?" Xiao Ran shouted angrily.

Xu Er was also frightened and dumbfounded, he couldn't tell right from left in a daze.

Liu Shengli hurried to the mural, glared at Xu Er dissatisfied, and looked up at the mural carefully.But he read it carefully twice, and turned around and shouted to Xiao Ran: "Manager, that's right, there are three left hands..."

Xiao Ran also walked to the mural and took a closer look.Unless all three were unknowingly drugged, nothing could be wrong, and the second picture is indeed three left hands.

In the first painting with two right hands, he turned two times to the right, the bronze statue was stuck, and no mechanism was triggered, which means it was correct.But in the second picture with three left hands, he turned left three times but attracted those steel thorns who specialize in the next three roads, which is strange.

Xiao Ran was so angry that he kicked the mural, and walked back to the stone platform resentfully.At this time, all the steel thorns had returned to their places, and the bronze statue seemed to be alright, facing Xiao Ran sideways and looking at the mural on the right.

Xiao Ran sat down on the ground, staring at the statue and frowning.

"Xia Niang, Xia Niang, messing around with myths and legends, forcing yourself to be fucked to death, is this because you want to be Huaxia's mother? Seeing that you pretend to be kind, I don't know that your filial son and virtuous grandson have repaired this harmful thing for you. Broken temple. If I find a chance, I must drag your whole family out to burn your bones and ashes..."

He finds the statue more and more displeasing to the eye, even the six hands are a little uneven in height, and there is no sense of symmetry at all...

Wait, he seems to have thought of something.He raised his hand and imitated the statue's gestures.I saw that the lowermost hand on the right side of the statue stretched out a finger, which happened to point to the mural on the right wall, which was consistent with the direction the bronze statue was looking at.

And the lowermost hand on her left, although she didn't stretch her fingers, is a few inches higher than the lowermost hand on the right.Xiao Ran looked upwards, the hands of the statue of Empress Xia, from bottom to top, are right, left, left, left, right, left, right, right, left, left. Could it be said that the order of rotation should also be switched from left to right, instead of delaying from the first painting?
Xiao Ran rekindled his fighting spirit and decided to try again.He asked Liu Shengli to go to the left, and arranged for the two to count again, one on the left and the other on the right.

He turned two times to the right first, and after the bronze statue got stuck, Liu Shengli told him that the last mural on the left had a left hand outstretched.

He stood up slightly, as if ready to evacuate at any time, then clenched his teeth and turned around to the left.

The bronze statue made a soft "click" sound, and it was not locked as it was after turning right twice, but it did not return as quickly as it did after turning the wrong way before.

He shook the bronze statue carefully, and found that he could continue to turn to the left. He couldn't help being overjoyed, and followed the content of the second painting on the right before, and turned to the left three more times.

After turning this time, the bronze statue got stuck again.

It seems so!Xiao Ran ordered the two sides to start counting in order.

"Three from the right!"

"The one on the right!"

"Left one!"


Liu Shengli and Xu Er yelled in turn. Whenever the bronze statue should turn in the opposite direction, it would be rigidly fixed, and when it was about to turn in the same direction, it would be slightly stuck.After going around a few times like this, after all the numbers of the murals were reported, Liu Shengli and Xu Er also joined behind the statue.

Xiao Ran carefully let go of the bronze statue, the air seemed to freeze.In the next second, the bronze statue suddenly rotated rapidly, and finally turned to face Xiao Ran with a "click".

Xiao Ran was taken aback by the sudden turn of the bronze statue, and quickly stepped back a few steps to the outside of the temple gate, shouting to tell Liu Shengli and Xu Er to be careful.

But this time, there was no deadly mechanism, but the ground began to make frequent sounds of machine wheels, the whole temple trembled slightly, and some loose tiles and debris continued to fall.

Liu Shengli and Xu Er stumbled towards Xiao Ran, shouting at the same time: "The temple is about to collapse! Run quickly!"

The three of them retreated several dozen steps away, but finally they couldn't feel the tremor on the ground.The tiles on the roof of the temple slipped down from time to time, and some fell through the holes in the roof, making the crackling sound in the temple endless.

After a while, the sound gradually stopped, and after the weak roof tiles fell off, the quiet balance was restored.

The three of them looked at each other in blank dismay. Since the temple has not collapsed, they still have to go and have a look.Xiao Ran led the way back to the temple cautiously, only to see broken tiles and mud everywhere, dust flying everywhere, a twisted pillar with some cracks, and one hand of the statue of Empress Xia also fell to the ground.

It seems that after hundreds of years, Xia Niang Temple can no longer withstand such a big disturbance.

Xiao Ran looked at the bronze statue carefully, the bronze statue was silent, like an ordinary handicraft, lying on the stone platform safely, the copper pillars below had shrunk back, and turned into a plane with vertical and horizontal lines again.Behind the stone platform, the copper bump that can be used as a key also bounced out of the hole, and was covered with a layer of fine dust by the falling debris.

"Xiao Rangang! Come and see, there's... ahem..."

Xu Er rushed out from behind the statue, shouting and coughing.

Xiao Ran and Liu Shengli also hurried to the back of the statue, only to see that the originally flat floor tiles had sunk layer by layer, turning into a stone step leading to the depth.It was dark inside and dusty outside, so that the end could not be seen at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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