Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 172 Under the Secret Path

Chapter 172 Under the Secret Path
Seeing the sudden appearance of the secret passage, Xiao Ran felt joy in his heart, because all the tossing and tossing just now finally paid off.But the current air quality is really bad, so he had to take the two of them out of the temple first.

The three of them slapped each other, and the dirt all over their heads and bodies instantly floated in the cold and dry air, causing the three of them to sneeze again and again.

Liu Shengli asked excitedly: "Manager, is this what the second uncle said? Is there a baby here?"

Xu Er also asked excitedly: "Xiao Gang, do you think there will be medicine next time? The last time my father came home, he gave it to my brother. I didn't expect it to be the one who opened this cellar..."

Xiao Ran blew his nose vigorously, and some small black particles were mixed in the nose, which shocked Xiao Ran.Seeing this, Xu Er explained to Xiao Ran that after all, this is an energy-rich province rich in coal, and it is common for coal ash to float in the air.If you are in a mining area, the entire nasal cavity will be black after a day.

Only then did Xiao Ran feel relieved, and said to the two of them: "I don't know what is or what is below this place. I have never heard that such a troublesome mechanism will be used to build a vegetable cellar under this temple. As for the tomb, I will It is also rare to hear that there is such a passage built under the temple that can be entered and exited at any time. In short, we will have a look when we go in, let's be careful."

While Xu Er wasn't paying attention, Xiao Ran pulled Liu Shengli and said, "Damn Douer, that's called Dao Douer!"

After a while, seeing that the dust in the temple had settled, he took Xu Er and Liu Shengli back.He squatted at the stairs, took out his flashlight and took a picture of the bottom, and found that there seemed to be something at the end of the stairs.He went down two more flights of stairs, and at the end of the light suddenly appeared a strange face with a bloody grin, two pale eyeballs with no pupils reflected the flashlight, and black blood was still flowing down the corners of his mouth.

Xiao Ran was startled, and quickly retreated to the stairs, pushed away the two people on the left and right, and prepared to fight with a knife.But after a long time, the master with the strange face rushed up the stairs.

He walked down the steps again, took a few steps forward, took a careful look with the flashlight, and saw that the strange face was still standing there, completely motionless.He went down a few more steps, only to realize that it was a false alarm. It was a relief sculpture carved on the stone wall at the end of the stairs. It could not be recognized as an animal, but it had white eyes, no pupils, bared teeth and no beard, and a bulge on its forehead. It looks very similar to the big wild cat whose scalp was drilled by bugs before.

Xiao Ran told the two of them not to act rashly, wait for his signal at the stairs, and go downstairs first.

He walked down section by section, lighting his surroundings carefully with a flashlight.The steps formed by the descent of the ground in the temple are no more than seven or eight knots, and further down are the steps in the secret path itself.It seems that under the descending steps, there should be some mechanism to support, and the shockproof and sound insulation are very good, so that people walk on the ground without feeling that there is no sound under their feet.

The walls on both sides of the secret passage are very flat, and there are still some extinguished torches stuck on the wall. I don't know if they can still be lit after hundreds of years.

When walking in the middle, the strange face at the end could be seen more clearly, and Xiao Ran found that the left and right corners of the mouth of the strange face were not blood, but traces of something rusted.On the right side of the relief wall, there is a corner leading to a deeper place, but it is hard to see when it is too far away.

He quickened his pace, and the flashlight that was originally shining on the wall also moved down a bit, and some broken bones suddenly appeared on the steps below.

Just now, I was only looking at the distance and didn't pay attention to the things on these steps.But the sudden appearance of so many broken bones may indicate some danger in front of them.

Xiao Ran squatted down and examined those bones carefully, there was still half a head in it, so it was certain that it was a human bone.But the strange thing is that these bones can't make up a complete person when put together, and there are traces of charred black on the edges of the broken bones.Some broken pieces of clothing also seemed to have been burnt, with holes in them all scorched around the edges.

Xiao Ran raised his head and looked, these broken bones were all over three or four steps, and they were facing the face of the stone sculpture.It seemed that when this person went up or down the stairs, the beast's mouth suddenly attacked and bit him into pieces.

Xiao Ran took a torch from the wall, poked the next step carefully, and felt that there was nothing unusual, so he went down a step.Then he repeated the previous action and continued to test the steps.

Until the third step, he felt a sense of pressure, and there was a slight "click" sound somewhere.He carefully withdrew his strength, the steps returned to the distance, and the sound of the wheels turning disappeared.

It seems that this section of steps is the location of the trigger mechanism. No matter what is in the strange face opposite, it is best to step over this section.

He picked up the half of the skull and placed it on the steps of the mechanism, stepped over it carefully, walked all the way down to the stone wall, and turned to look to the right.

On the right side of the stone wall, there are dozens of downward stairs again. This time, a stone gate can be seen at the end.

Xiao Ran looked around carefully, there were no obvious mechanisms on the walls on both sides, but there was a whole groove in the middle of the top, which always gave people a feeling of uneasiness.

Xiao Ran carefully walked sideways on the edge of the stone steps, holding on to the wall and walking down little by little, for fear that something would fall from the groove above his head.After walking more than ten steps, he suddenly felt that his feet were empty, and he slid down suddenly.Scratching frantically, he inadvertently bumped into a handle protruding from the wall.

A series of "click" sounded again, Xiao Ran thought it was not good, at this time because of the loss of balance, he had already walked to the middle of the stairs.He hurriedly folded his head and rolled down, his body hit the stone steps continuously, causing his flesh and bones to ache.

He felt that he had rolled over a dozen steps and finally fell on a flat surface.He raised his head dizzily, and saw that he was already lying in front of the stone door, and above the stairs that he had just rolled down, steel thorns were being pierced one by one from the grooves on the top.

Not only that, even the walls on both sides near the calf were also pierced by steel thorns, bringing out pieces of broken clay dust, like a net of heaven and earth.No matter how short a person is, standing on the stairs at this moment will definitely be pierced through.

After a while, those steel thorns gradually retracted.Xiao Ran took a careful photo with the flashlight, only to find that there was only a half-short small stone step in the middle where he stepped on the empty space just now, and both sides were empty.

And on both sides of the short half-short stone steps, there are two very inconspicuous short handles protruding from the wall.

The designer of this mechanism deliberately took advantage of the psychology of the intruder, trying to avoid the obvious mechanism above, and the usual reaction was to walk against the wall.But if he walked against the wall like he did just now, no matter which side he was on, he would accidentally step on the air and touch the handle, allowing the intruder to send himself on the road.

On the contrary, the only way to go is to walk in the middle openly and aboveboard.

Xiao Ran had lingering fears, and fortunately he reacted promptly and was willing to let go of the pain of flesh and blood. If he had let the other two follow down just now, one would have died of recklessness and the other had died of cowardice.

Xiao Ran let out a long breath, and the other three voices breathed out almost simultaneously with him.

"Old Xiao, can't you keep your focus?"

"Good man, you scared the poor to death..."

"Bayan, you are blessed by the gods, and the danger to you will be like fine sand blowing on your face!"

Xiao Ran shook his head helplessly: "Ah... none of you can wake me up earlier?"

As the representative of the artifact, Yarrow Jiuxiu smiled at Xiao Ran: "We, one who distinguishes artifacts, one who suppresses evil spirits, one who listens to spiritual sounds, and that mad knife who likes to smell all kinds of blood. None of us have studied these mechanism techniques like you mortals. Yes, if there is any way, you can ask for blessings."

When he said this, Xiao Ran had nothing to say, so he could only use his flashlight to carefully look at the stone gate, and found that there were actually fine patterns carved on the stone gate.

There is also a depression on the walls on both sides of the stone gate.

(End of this chapter)

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