Chapter 173

Xiao Ran carefully looked at the carvings on the stone gate, there are two human figures carved on the left and right sides of the stone gate, at first glance it looks like a pair of door gods.

Among them, on the right is Xia Niang, who has six hands and four legs, dances like a flying figure in Dunhuang, with her head raised and her eyes raised.On the left is an ancient man, beardless and hairless, wearing a strange robe. Although he raised his foot like a stepping foot, his eyebrows are lowered and his eyes are expressionless, and his forehead is slightly raised like that of a big wild cat.

Xiao Ran felt a surge in his heart, he couldn't imagine what a living person would look like if his scalp was drilled by that kind of bug.

He took a look at the depression on the left side of the door, and inside was a black statue like an evil spirit, with a grinning grin and a bulging head. On top of the head were two hands holding a plate filled with thick black sticky grease, and a twist stick stood in the center of the plate. .

He looked at the right side again, where there were only a few raised objects, like a group of very modern cubic rockeries.He is very familiar with this thing, and at a glance with the raised copper pillars on the stone platform in the temple, it is the base on which the bronze statue can be placed.

He took out the bronze statue and put it on it. The front of the bronze statue was tightly locked, but it couldn't turn an inch, and there was no other movement.

Xiao Ran went back to the depression on the left and carefully observed the immobile statue of Xuangui. Since it was an oil lamp, he might as well light it up.

He touched his body, took out a box of matches from his satchel, and lit the torch in his hand first. Unexpectedly, the torch, which had been dusty for hundreds of years, ignited instantly.

A faint stench and burnt flesh emanated from the torch, Xiao Ran took a closer look at the torch, the burning part was also soaked in that kind of black oil, maybe it was the legendary shark oil.

He carefully lit the oil lamp, the flame jumped a few times, and only heard a "click" sound from the ghost statue, extending all the way to his feet, and then along the edge of the stone door, all the way up to the bronze statue on the other side .

With a "bang", a burst of dust spewed out from the groove of the bronze statue, as if something had been activated.

Xiao Ran hurried over and found that the base of the bronze statue was a little higher than before.He grabbed the bronze statue and turned it to the left, but found that it couldn't turn at all, so he turned it to the right again.

There was a sound of gears meshing, Xiao Ran turned the bronze statue a full circle, and then it stopped moving.

As soon as he let go, the base of the bronze statue suddenly dropped, and the bronze statue turned around in the opposite direction and returned to its original position.

The thrill of being in the temple just now went deep into his mind, fearing that there might be some sinister mechanism, Xiao Ran quickly dodged and jumped aside, leaning his back against the wall and staring at the stone gate, scanning up and down with his flashlight.

There was no movement at the stone gate, but the stone wall behind him trembled suddenly, and he turned around hastily. There was a gap the size of a Buddhist altar on the intact stone wall just now, and a metal ring with a string of iron chains "cracked" It fell to the ground with a bang.

Xiao Ran shined a flashlight on the gap, and saw a small round hole on the inner wall.He leaned over the round hole and took a closer look, only to see that there was a ring that was the same size as an iron chain ring hanging inside the round hole.

He knelt down and picked up the chain that fell off, and he understood.This may be the switch to open the stone door. Originally, it only needs to be pulled, but it is unknown whether it has been rusted for a long time or damaged by man, but the iron chain has actually broken.

These are a headache, he thought about it carefully, no matter whether it is beside him or on the car, there is no such small hook that can be inserted into the hole to pull the switch.

He raised his hand and scratched his head, the repeated nervousness just now made him sweat.But this scratching made him think of a new idea in an instant.

Now he has two hair mound fingers, isn't this something that comes in handy at this time?
He quickly stood up, stretched out the two fingers that were one knuckle longer than the other hand, and stuffed them in along the round hole on the wall.

His fingers touched the ring without any effort, and he just pinched it lightly, feeling that these two fingers were really powerful and flexible.He stared nervously at Shimen behind him, and pulled back slightly with his fingers.

A boom sounded immediately, and Xiao Ran felt the stone walls tremble slightly.He let go of his hand and shrank back to the corner of the wall again, only to see the stone gate rising slowly, the sound of stones rubbing against each other, and piles of broken soil falling from the junction of the stone gate and the stone wall, stirring up a burst of fly ash.

Xiao Ran felt a gust of wind gushing from the stone steps to the inside of the stone gate, and the torch in his hand was extinguished after beating twice.He felt dizzy for a while, and yelled badly in his heart.This stone gate has not been opened for a long time, the inside is full of filth, if it is just a lack of oxygen, if it is poisonous, it will be planted.

He quickly held his breath, held his flashlight and ran up the steps, like running into a temple.

It may be that the lack of oxygen just now made him a little weak, and the dozens of steps in front of him felt much longer than before.He patted his face, reminding himself to be awake and pay attention to the positions of those organs.

After finally getting out of the secret passage, he let out a long sigh of relief, and a burst of golden stars flew in front of his eyes.Anxiously, Liu Shengli and Xu Er hurriedly supported him to the outside of the temple, found an open space to sit down, and handed him the water bottle.

Xiao Ran rinsed his mouth and washed his face, the cold water and the slight cold wind made him shiver, and his sight and head finally became clear.

After all the tossing just now, his stomach also growled.Seeing the concerned faces of Liu Shengli and Xu Er, Xiao Ran waved his hands and said, "No matter where it is down here, a lot of turbid air has been trapped in it for hundreds of years, and if you go down rashly, you will suffer from lack of oxygen if you don't get poisoned. Don't worry, first To get rid of the smell, let's fill our stomachs by the way."

He asked Liu Shengli to get some food and drink in the car, and then asked Liu Shengli to find a way to kill a small animal such as a bird or a mouse, repeatedly emphasizing that it must be alive.

After the two left, he climbed up a nearby broken wall and took a rough look at the whole village.

The former site of Futou Village is more than half smaller than the current Futou Village, and there is also a small wheat farm in the center of the village.The village is surrounded by towering cliffs, and the original road out of the village was completely covered by landslides caused by the earthquake, and a large rock fell on it. Although the height is lower than the two sides, it is still more than ten meters high.

The only way to get in and out of this village now is the shattered mountain wall passage when they came.If it wasn't for the deserted and dead silence in front of him, Xiao Ran would even think that this place is a clone of Taohuayuan.

After a while, Liu Shengli returned to the front of the temple. In addition to dry meat liquor, bread and canned fruit brought from Zhaojing, he also had a small satchel in his hand.

Xiao Ran jumped down from the wall and asked Liu Shengli, "What is this?"

Liu Shengli handed the satchel to Xiao Ran, and said: "I forgot to tell you, we went to the nursing home to see the second uncle, he asked me to bring it for you when he left, saying that you need it for things, I forgot to tell you... ..."

Xiao Ran took the satchel, and found that the corners were worn and turned white. It seems that the second uncle often used it when he went out by himself. What's in it?
He was about to open the satchel to have a look, but he heard Xu Er's shout from far and near.

(End of this chapter)

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