Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 174 This Is Not a Wildcat

Chapter 174 This Is Not a Wildcat

Hearing Xu Er's panicked shout, Xiao Ran mobilized the rest of his mental and physical strength in an instant, and pointed his knife at the direction of the sound to be on guard.Judging from the voice, the worst result is nothing more than something chasing him. According to his current situation, waiting for work with ease is the best result.

Seeing this, Liu Shengli also clenched his shovel, hiding behind Xiao Ran and preparing to respond.But he was so nervous that Xiao Ran could hear him swallowing saliva.

Xu Er ran out from a corner of a collapsed waste, holding a huge pheasant in his hand.The pheasant kept flapping in Xu Er's hand, and one of its wings was almost ripped off with all its feathers, but it still looked very fresh, and it kept raising its head to peck at Xu Er's hand.

"Xiao Rangang... Xiao... Xiao..."

Xu Er ran to Xiao Ran's side with a terrified expression on his face, panting violently, unable to utter a complete sentence.

"Your skills are good. You can knock out the feathers of a pheasant, and you are still so alive and kicking."

Seeing that there was nothing coming behind Xu Er, Xiao Ran relaxed, and Liu Shengli also leaned over to look at the pheasant that was still thumping.

Seeing Xu Er who was still panting non-stop, Xiao Ran touched the pheasant with the tip of his knife, in exchange for a burst of dust.

"Tsk tsk tsk...the smell on this thing is wrong..." A rough voice suddenly sounded.

Xiao Ran was stunned for a moment, seeing that Liu Shengli was still focusing on the pheasant, he asked him to use a rope to tie the two paws of the pheasant firmly, it would be useful later.

While Liu Shengli walked aside, he asked Guan Shandao: "What's wrong? What did you smell?"

Guan Shandao smacked his lips and said, "This chicken has a fishy smell. It's the smell of that weird-looking cat you chopped up a few days ago. I've never smelled this weird smell before that."

At this moment, Xu Er was breathing well, took a few sips from the water bottle that Xiao Ran handed him, and said, "Over there, there are stray cats, a lot of stray cats..."

The appearance of that hairless wild cat appeared in Xiao Ran's mind, and he felt sick.But if it is really like what Xu Er said, there are a lot of wild cats, which is indeed a major hidden danger.

Xu Er carried the tied pheasant back to the temple, fixed the other end of the rope to the statue, and threw the pheasant down.As long as there is nothing wrong with lifting it up after a while, it means that the air inside is almost clean.

After finishing this matter, he asked Liu Shengli to stay as a guard, and asked Xu Er to take him to the place where he got the pheasant just now.

Xu Er took Xiao Ran carefully through the ruined walls, bypassed the small wheat field, and walked all the way to a big house on the side of the village.

The integrity and scale of this big house are no less than that of Xia Niang Temple. Judging from the scale and shape, it should probably be the ancestral hall in the village.After entering the gate of the ancestral temple, there is a courtyard. The wing rooms on the left and right wings for the ancestral hall have collapsed, leaving a pile of broken walls and broken tiles, and the adjacent dilapidated houses can be seen.

The main hall looks almost intact, the tiles on the roof are dense and intact, standing in the courtyard and looking forward, the hall behind the door is pitch black, and the situation inside cannot be seen clearly.

It seems that at any time, the common people in this land believe in their ancestors more than they believe in gods. This can be seen from the firmness of the Xia Niang Temple and the ancestral hall.Roughly speaking, this can be regarded as atheism to a certain extent.

Xiao Ran lowered his head and saw the broken bones all over the floor and the brick joints and soil clods stained black by dried blood. Among the dusty and withered feathers, there were still many fresh and shiny feathers scattered. The feathers that fell from the pheasant that Er was holding.

Xiao Ran asked Xu Erdao: "Are you hunting pheasants here?"

Xu Er shook his head, and said in a low voice, "I didn't beat it, I picked it up..."

It turned out that just now Xu Er followed Xiao Ran's order and looked for wild birds and mice everywhere.But the village is dead silent, and the sparrows and gray mice that are usually seen in other places seem to have disappeared in this village.It was as if when Futou Village moved away, these wild birds and mice also moved away.

He originally thought that even if he couldn't find sparrows and mice, it would be good to follow the cracks in these broken bricks to look for geckos and cauliflower snakes with holes, and maybe he could do business by taking them back.Just walking like this, we arrived at the entrance of this ancestral hall.

Just as he was about to go in, he suddenly heard a low roar inside, accompanied by the sound of some kind of bird flapping its wings.He hid by the door and saw a big wild cat lying on the patio, biting the pheasant between its claws.

But this wild cat seemed to move very stiffly. He wanted to bite the pheasant's neck several times, but he shook his head and bit on the wing. Except for tearing off a large piece of feathers, he did not cause fatal damage to the pheasant at all.

He guessed in his heart that maybe this was an old and sick wild cat who tried his best to finally catch a prey, but had no energy left to enjoy it.Isn't this just cheap for him, Xu Er?

He picked up the slingshot, and a stone shot out, hitting Wild Cat on the ass.

Xu Er originally hoped that this blow would scare the wild cat away, but the wild cat seemed to have just been poked, and slowly turned his head to stare at Xu Er.It was only then that Xu Er discovered that half of the wild cat's face seemed to be peeling off, and his eyes were covered with white film, just like the hairless monster he saw that night.

He quickly shrank back, carefully trying to escape along the base of the wall.But Ye Maozi didn't chase it out, but the pheasant kept on thumping.

He mustered up the courage to look inside again, and saw that only the pheasant was still tossing on the ground in the courtyard, unable to fly no matter what, and the wild cat had disappeared.

He hurried to the patio and grabbed the pheasant.But there was a rustling sound coming from the ancestral hall.He was puzzled, so he groped into the hall and took a look...

"And then?" Xiao Ran asked.

"And then there are a lot of wild cats." Xu Er said.

Xiao Ran felt helpless, isn't it just a group of wild cats?What is there to be afraid of?

He asked Xu Er to wait at the door, and he strode into the dark hall.There is a screen wall in the door of Xiangtang, which completely covers the back.Xiao Ran felt a smell of fishy smell mixed with rancidity in the air. Remembering Guan Shandao's words, he still lowered his body carefully and slowed down his pace, and moved a little behind the screen wall.

The smell became more obvious. He cheered up and flashed the flashlight forward, and the scene in front of him instantly made his hairs stand on end.

The ground in the center of Xiangtang is already a sunken pit. Dozens of huge hairless wild cats are gnawing on the putrid and muddy corpses in the pit. Those corpses seem to be people and animals, but the movements of the wild cats are as stiff as The walking dead.

Seven or eight of them still had some fur. Xiao Ran took a closer look and found that they were not wild cats, but plateau lynxes with erect ears and sabre-toothed necks.

He had always wondered before that no matter how much he ate dead human flesh, an ordinary wild cat would not grow to be more than one meter long.It turns out that the so-called wild cats in the local population are actually this kind of plateau lynx that lives in groups.

It's just that these lynxes don't know what's wrong with them, and they all turned into that kind of hairless monster.

He took a closer look, and found that the naked lynx gnawing on the corpses in the pit had bumps of different sizes on their heads, and they were wriggling along with the gnawing.

Thinking of that grotesque flying insect, Xiao Ran felt sick. It seemed that these naked beasts were all drilled into their heads by that insect.

His flashlight passed over the eyes of some lynxes in the pit, causing low growls. Those lynxes with fur trembled and stood up, stumbling towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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