Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 175 Introducing "Cat" into the Urn

Chapter 175 Introducing "Cat" into the Urn

Xiao Ran wanted to draw his sword to fight, but suddenly a dozen lynxes with different coat stocks rushed at him at the same time, he weighed it in his heart, and turned his head and ran out of Xiangtang.

Xu Er in the courtyard was still looking around, and when he saw Xiao Ran running out from behind the screen wall, he turned around and ran away before he could even see clearly what was chasing after him.


Originally, Xiao Ran wanted to remind Xu Er to run quickly, but seeing Xu Er reacted so quickly, he didn't know whether to be happy or sad, so he had to run with Xu Er.

The lynx were very uncoordinated at the beginning, bumping into each other or hitting the wall from time to time, and sometimes they even stepped on their back feet and fell on the spot.But as they continued to get up and continue to chase, their movements gradually became coordinated.

Xiao Ran didn't take a few steps, passed by Xu Er, and shouted: "This is a wild cat?! You just call this a wild cat?!"

Xu Er panted, "'s not a wild cat, it's a wild cat...a wild cat is a wild cat..."

Xiao Ran speeded up and ran forward, quickly leaving Xu Er behind.Xu Er cried in a crying voice: "Xiao Rangang! Slow down!"

Xiao Ran shouted without looking back: "Go away!"

While running, he looked at the broken walls on both sides, and found a place with a suitable height, short and thick, and quickly went around behind the wall.When Xu Er ran past the earthen wall, he lifted his foot and kicked on the earthen wall.

The long-corroded broken wall crashed down, hitting the two lynxes running ahead, and buried them tightly under the earth bricks.The few behind couldn't brake in time, and they stumbled and struggled on the ground.

Xiao Ran took the opportunity to jump out from behind the wall, and shouted at Xu Er's back: "Run to the temple!"

He glanced back, and the fallen lynx got up unsteadily, shook their heads, and ran towards him again.

Xu Ersa Yazi ran forward, followed closely by Xiao Ran.After the two walked around a broken wall, they saw Liu Shengli sitting in front of the flat boulder from a distance, waving to them.

"Run to the temple! The temple!" Xu Er thought of an idea and hurriedly waved his hand.

Following the few lynxes leaping out behind Xiao Ran, Liu Shengli's smiling face froze.He didn't run away at the first moment, but opened his backpack and pulled in all the cans of liquor, bread, etc. on the temporary table, and then zipped it up and ran towards the temple.

After such a toss, the distance between the three of them was no more than three meters from each other.

Xiao Ran shouted behind the two of them: "Go down the tunnel! Hurry down!"

Liu Shengli and Xu Er quickly ran to the entrance of the secret passage, and ran down the stairs regardless of the darkness inside.Xiao Ran remembered the skeleton lying on the stairs, and quickly shouted to the two of them: "Don't step on that..."

Before he finished yelling, he only heard the two people in front screaming, accompanied by the sound of flesh rolling on the ground, and even the crowing of the pheasant.

Xiao Ran ran to the entrance of the secret passage, flashed his flashlight and looked down, and vaguely saw Liu Shengli and Xu Er stacked together in a cross shape, covering their heads on the ground and calling out "Ouch, ouch". The pheasant jumped up and down, pecking at the two of them when it saw the right opportunity.

Seeing that the two just fell down the stairs, Xiao Ran heaved a sigh of relief, but the two lynxes following him had already bypassed the statue, looked left and right, found Xiao Ran's figure, and roared hoarsely at him , followed again.

Xiao Ran hurriedly ran down the stairs. When he approached the skeleton, his heart skipped a beat and he stepped on the steps where the corpse fell.

As expected, the step sank under his step, followed by a series of "clicking" sounds from the steps all the way forward, reaching the animal face on the wall at the end.

Xiao Ran hurriedly ran to the wall with the sound off, and at the same time as the beast's face made a sound, he quickly pulled the other two to roll aside.

Three people and one chicken immediately rolled down two steps to the stone ladder next to them, and then a green liquid mixed with sour smell sprayed out from the animal's mouth on the wall, hitting the three lynxes running ahead.

A scorching smell spread in the secret passage, accompanied by the scorching sound of "squeak" and the lynx screaming unwillingly.

Xiao Ran and the others endured the pain and tilted their heads to look, only to see that the three lynxes were burned and dissolved by the green liquid sprayed out from the wall, their fur and flesh fell off piece by piece, turning into black carbon with white smoke, and then disappeared not see.

The other lynxes stopped at the front of the secret passage when they saw their companions burned to death, but they didn't plan to leave, they just watched quietly.

Xiao Ran saw that several small, full-bodied monsters emerged from the heads of the three lynxes that had been burned and melted. One of them was scorched into coke after being sprayed by the green liquid, and the other two struggled to fly to the ground. It was a secret passageway, but when it was exposed to the sun, it screamed and fell to the ground, and it would turn into green pus.

Xiao Ran suddenly understood in his heart that this kind of strange insect is really afraid of the sun.

He suddenly heard a slight sizzling sound beside him, and at the same time a burning smell rose with the white smoke.He lowered his head to take a picture, and found that a corner of Liu Shengli's clothes had been splashed with green liquid.

The cut pieces of cloth were burnt up in an instant like pieces of paper that had been ignited.

Before Liu Shengli had time to be afraid, he fell into a state of lingering fear. He patted his chest and asked, "Manager, what is this green water? It's so powerful?"

In the past few months, Xiao Ran had listened to Hu Bayi talk about some anti-theft mechanisms in the tomb, thought for a while and said: "It should be Persian green vitriol oil, just a little bit of it can spread a large area, and it can melt people and animals alive. After the Tang Dynasty, this is also a common anti-theft method in some large tombs. Before I saw that the stairs were burned to the point where only Gaba’s bones were left, I guessed that there was some mechanism in the grimace on the wall. I was worried that you two would step on it. The mechanism is folded here, it seems that I am really worrying about it..."

While he was talking, Xu Er pointed to the grimace and said, "Xiao Gang, it... seems to have stopped..."

Xiao Ran looked up, and saw that the green vitriol oil in the animal's mouth was no longer spraying out, only a few drops of residual liquid flowed from the corner of the mouth.The few lynxes above were eager to rush down again.

"Go down the middle of the stairs, don't touch the edges, hurry up!" Xiao Ran urged.

Liu Shengli and Xu Er quickly got up and ran down the stairs.Xiao Ran followed closely behind, and when he heard the stiff growl behind him getting closer, he knew that the lynxes were following up again, and anxiously urged them repeatedly.

His urging caused the two people in front to lose their positions. Xu Er, who was originally in the middle, thought that Liu Shengli was running slowly, so he ran past him in a panic.Before Xiao Ran had time to dissuade him, he heard Xu Er's "Ouch" and rolled forward, followed by a familiar "click" sound again.

Xiao Ran panicked for a while, and shouted to Liu Shengli: "Hold your head tight!"

Liu Shengli cooperated extremely well with Xiao Ran's orders, and almost without thinking about it, he squatted down with his head in his arms.Xiao Ran pushed Liu Shengli violently, and he also bent down and hugged his knees and lay down sideways. The two of them rolled down the stone steps like two watermelons, and they landed one step ahead of Xu Er.

The few lynxes trailing on the ground were pierced vertically and vertically by the protruding steel thorns of the mechanism before they could run halfway.There were also two lynxes that were not stabbed in the vital parts. Following the steel thorns on the top, they rose into the air, fell to the stone steps, broke their spines, and lay on the ground struggling continuously.

Xiao Ran flashed the flashlight and saw that the tops of the lynx's heads were constantly wriggling, and those strange insects broke out one by one, then turned to Xu Er and said, "Copy that guy! Beat him to hell!"

Xu Er picked up the slingshot, picked up some gravels on the ground, and shot them out one by one along with Xiao Ran's flashlight. In a short time, even the bugs and the lynx all died on the stone steps.

Xiao Ran finally breathed a sigh of relief, and rubbed the part of his body that was in close contact with the steps.These life-threatening organs finally came in handy.

At this time, a series of rapid winds suddenly blew towards the back of his head.

(End of this chapter)

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