Chapter 176
Feeling a gust of wind blowing behind his head, Xiao Ran hurriedly turned around and stepped back, shining a flashlight forward.Under the light of the wolf's eye flashlight, the pheasant with one bald wing was flapping its wings and flying up and down.

The three of them tumbled and fell from the upstairs just now, and they fell in a mess. I didn't expect that this pheasant was also lucky. He fell to the open stone gate.

Xiao Ran heaved a sigh of relief, the pheasant fluttered a few times, and landed in front of the stone steps. It seemed to be exhausted from tossing and tossing, so he had to lie down and rest, his eyes followed the turn of his neck, staring at the three of them vigilantly .

At this moment, Xiao Ran felt a little dizzy, but he didn't feel the suffocation he felt when he came down for the first time.And his dizziness was accompanied by palpitation, fatigue, staring eyes, and gurgling in the abdomen, which was basically hypoglycemia.

Not knowing what would happen next, Xiao Ran had no choice but to guard the stinky corpses of the lynxes, calling Liu Shengli and Xu Er to sit on the floor, and let's talk after eating.

In an emergency, Liu Shengli was able to quickly put away the basic living supplies. Although it was a risk, it was a credit. Xiao Ran made up his mind that he would have to give him another bonus later.

Liu Shengli took out the flattened bread and deformed cans. There was nothing to lose in the air-dried beef, but the bottle of Erguotou was completely cracked, and the wet white wine flowed all over the bag.

Forget it, anyway, I don't know what's going on ahead, so don't drink.

The three of them filled their stomachs hastily, and Xiao Ran shone his flashlight into the satchel given to him by his second uncle to take a look. Inside, there was a simple flying tiger claw, a box of pills, a bottle of liquid that smelled like medicinal wine, and other things. Miscellaneous things.

"The second uncle said that he has put labels on these things. You only need to look at them to know what they are for." Liu Shengli said.

Xiao Ran picked up the box of pills, opened the lid, and inside it read "Purify the medicine, remove the poison from the corpse".

He suddenly felt that the second uncle was really miraculous. Isn't this medicine the Hongyan Miaoxin Pill?It's amazing that he actually knows the formula of this thing, or where he can get it.

Although there are all kinds of reliable gas masks in this era, if you accidentally get caught, this kind of medicine can remove the poison of corpses from the inside out, even if it looks like an antique from the previous era, but Still has its irreplaceability.

Xiao Ran looked at several other bottles and cans, which were mainly for purifying the heart, disinfecting, stopping bleeding and promoting muscle growth, etc., and there was even an elixir for hanging life.

Xiao Ran sighed, Second Uncle really took out all the things from the bottom of the box.Seeing that everyone ate about the same, he tore the remaining piece of bread into small pieces, kneaded them into balls, and threw it in front of the pheasant.

After going through the toss just now, he can still survive like a human being, which can be regarded as the virtue of good life in heaven.Whether it can go out next depends on its own ability and good luck.

The pheasant was not polite either, he ate up the bread balls on the ground in a few strokes, and looked at Xiao Ran with piercing eyes.

Xiao Ran got up and greeted the two of them: "When we're full, let's get down to business and go inside for a while."

The other two packed up their things, took the torches off the wall and lit them, and followed Xiao Ran into the stone gate.

Under the glowing light, behind the stone gate is a space of ten square meters, with rough polished stone walls on the left and right sides. Opposite the stone gate are two falsely concealed wooden doors, with a pair of couplets on both sides.

The first couplet is "Thousands of methods can be practiced to achieve longevity", and the second couplet is "Thousands of methods can be cultivated to achieve immortality".

Liu Shengli looked at the couplet and stammered: "Wan... Wansa... No. Manager, what is written on it?"

Before Xiao Ran could speak, Xu Er said: "Thousands of methods can be practiced for a second, and thousands of methods can be cultivated for immortality."

Xiao Ran looked at Xu Er with some surprise, and asked, "Do you know these characters?"

Xu Er scratched his head and said, "When Gang Gang and I were young, my father always taught us this word...but I don't know what it means."

Liu Shengli said: "I know what it means, it means immortality. Manager, what is this place in here? If you enter, you can live forever?"

Xiao Ran shook his head and said: "It's not that you can live forever if you go in, but what you do here is related to the so-called immortality. If I'm not wrong, this should be an alchemy room."

He found it strange the first time he came down before. Under normal circumstances, no one should build a tomb under the temple.It now appears that the cultivator who encouraged the villagers of Futou Village to build a temple at the end of the Yuan Dynasty probably wanted to do some old tricks of immortality under the temple.

He asked the two of them to wear gas masks just in case, and then opened the wooden door from left to right.

After a "creaking" sound, the floating dirt on the wooden door was scattered.When the soil was gone, the flashlight illuminated the inner structure of the alchemy room.

In the middle of the alchemy room was a huge metal alchemy stove, covered with a thick layer of dust, and underneath were tied a dozen iron chains, which had been rusted and scattered on the ground, broken into broken iron rings.

On the left side of the alchemy stove is a four-to-five-square-meter alchemy table, with a stove on it, and a stone table next to the stove. Some copper alchemy tripods, medicine cauldrons, and stone grinding mortars for alchemy are scattered on the table and under the table. , Most of them have been damaged, either there is a gap or it is broken into several petals.

Seeing that there were some dried up black stains in those pots and pots, Xiao Ran didn't know if they were poisonous, so he told the other two to watch and not to move casually.

He carefully observed the broken tripods with a flashlight, and found that there were many neat gaps, which seemed to be artificially damaged by some kind of sharp weapon.These tripods are very similar in shape to the quadruped Fangyuan tripods of the Shang and Zhou dynasties, so he hurriedly held his breath and listened attentively.

It's a pity that these tripods have been damaged too badly. In the words of Yi Jiukuo, the aura has dissipated, and no sound can be heard at all.It seems that even if it is really an ancient relic of the Shang and Zhou dynasties, it is of little value to take it away.

On the other side of the alchemy furnace, there is a huge stone shelf with many grids on it, and there are some pottery gourd cabinets containing elixir, most of which are crooked and upside down.There are still some pottery fragments on the ground, which should be broken Dan Kui.Many dusty pills fell on the ground, like dried plums.

Xu Er was very interested in these elixirs, carefully deciphering the crooked writing on the elixirs.

"Jin...奁...Tongtian Powder, Bai...Xiaomiao...Hunwan..."

Seeing Xu Er carefully inspecting it, Xiao Ran knew that he was tempted to find medicine for his younger brother again, so he advised him: "If these things are useful, they won't be thrown here. If you die, you can reach the sky. Don't I want to give it to your brother."

Xu Er scratched his head, grinned and sighed, so he held up the torch to look at other things.

Liu Shengli poked his head in front of the alchemy furnace, holding a torch to shine in the alchemy furnace, trying to see clearly what was inside.Xiao Ran told him to be careful, and walked to the other side of the alchemy room.

There is a stone bed there, and a stone pillow that is integrated with the stone bed.It's just that this stone pillow is a bit too high. If a person lies on it, he will definitely not be able to sleep much and his cervical spine will grow.

Xiao Ran illuminated the stone pillow with a flashlight, and found that there were actually thin gaps at the junction of the stone pillow and the stone bed, but it was covered by dust and it was not obvious.

He checked the stone bed up, down, left, and right, and didn't see any potentially fatal mechanism like before, so he pressed the stone pillow with a little force.

The stone pillow suddenly dropped a few inches, and there was a sound of "chi la chi la" stone friction.

(End of this chapter)

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