Chapter 177

"Manager! It seems..."

Just as Liu Shengli was about to say something to Xiao Ran, he suddenly heard the sound of stones rubbing against Xiao Ran, and quickly squatted down behind the alchemy furnace, looking at Xiao Ran's direction from below.

Seeing this, Xu Er quickly ran to the side of the alchemy furnace, and looked at the stone bed with his head poking around.

With their previous experiences, the two of them have fully understood that at this time, as long as they protect themselves and don't cause trouble, it will be the greatest help to Xiao Ran.

Xiao Ran drew his saber to block in front of him, and also took a few steps back, nervously looking at the position of the stone bed.Accompanied by the sound of stones rubbing against each other, a burst of dust flew up from the bedside, and the wall beside the bed rose slowly.Behind the wall is hidden a bookshelf twice the size of the stone bed.

On the bookshelves, there are piles of all kinds of scriptures, including animal skins, bamboo slips, silk, paper and other materials.

When the stone wall was completely raised and fixed, Xiao Ran saw that there was no other movement, so he walked carefully to the stone bed and carefully checked the scriptures.

Most of these scriptures of different materials have been severely damaged, and the animal skin rolls have basically been shrunk into a ball, and some lines and patterns of villains can be vaguely seen on them, as if they are burying a pot for cooking.When the silk was lifted lightly, it was all reduced to slag, like baked paper.The real paper scriptures were not so good either, they also fell into large pieces as soon as they were picked up.

The only ones that are relatively well preserved are the bamboo slips. Although the leather wei ropes are all decayed and broken, the text on the bamboo slips is relatively intact. It can be roughly seen that there are some alchemy prescriptions, including the source of some herbal medicines, etc.

Xiao Ran didn't dare to touch those fragile scriptures casually, so he could only shine a flashlight into the gap, and through the faintly visible words on the edge, he could confirm that these scriptures were Dan Fang.

It turned out that behind the wall next to the stone bed was a scripture collection wall.For alchemists, elixirs and raw materials are precious, but these secret collections of scriptures that record the methods of making alchemy are the foundation of all magic methods for longevity.

Seeing that the other two were still watching from a distance, he secretly said to Jiujiu: "Xiao Jiu, are there any prescriptions for immortality that are recorded in these scriptures?"

Yarrow Jiukuo said: "The stinking Taoist is right in saying something. In fact, the matter of longevity, to put it bluntly, is a miracle of good fortune. How can it be written in these broken books, using some messy things to roast together for a long time?" Can it be done by roasting and boiling? If you are truly immortal, you must pay a corresponding price, and you must combine the three links of heaven, earth and man. It is a rare coincidence every tens of millions of years. The things in these broken books are basically Prescriptions for acute and chronic poisons."

Yin Yang Jing let out a smug "Tch!"

Xiao Ran carefully photographed each frame, and in the lower right corner near the bed, he saw a stone box stuffed into the grid.The box didn't have any engravings, it looked like a very common daily necessities, not even chained.

He was afraid that there might be some mechanism in the stone box, so he carefully removed the lid, and saw a paper book inside, with "Xia Qiusheng Suilu" written on the cover.

He inserted the knife into the page of the book and carefully picked it up. Seeing that there was no movement, he pulled the book out suddenly and jumped under the stone bed.

The surrounding area was still quiet, Liu Shengli and Xu Er poked their heads out from behind the alchemy furnace, seeing that there was no danger, they also came up together.

This "Xia Qiusheng Suilu" may be relatively well preserved because it has been kept in a stone box, and the flexibility of the paper is far better than those exposed paper scriptures.But the ink stains inside are somewhat blurred due to the long time.

Xiao Ran turned over a few pages and looked carefully, it turned out to be a diary.The diary writer is a worker in charge of alchemy in the alchemy room, or a boy, and also an apprentice of a practitioner known as "Tianling Sanren".It was this Tianling Sanren who showed some "miracles" when he passed by Futou Village, which led to the construction of Xianiang Temple.

Fortunately, the vernacular of the Yuan Dynasty is not very different from the modern Mandarin. Reading this diary, Xiao Ran is like reading a novel or Sanqu in the Yuan Dynasty, and he has no dyslexia at all.

In the diary at the beginning, Xia Qiusheng also recorded what medicine he used every day, what pills he made, etc., all of which were very honest and routine.In his diary, he occasionally mentioned that Tianling Sanren would go out to collect medicine, or treat villagers, etc., and they would go away for many days.

As the diary continues, Tianling Sanren go out for longer and longer, and every time they come back, they will be more abnormal than the last time, and they will start to catch some live animals to test drugs, including a beast called "Shan". .

Later, Tianling Sanren became more and more dissatisfied with using animals to test pills.Especially after he went out for a certain time, he claimed to have obtained the "Living Pill" bestowed by Xia Niang. It is said that after taking it, man and nature can unite and ascend to the holy place, so he asked Xia Qiusheng to take it.

Xia Qiusheng politely declined Tianling Sanren's request on the grounds that the six sense organs were not clean.Tianling Sanren didn't say anything, but went out to find the ingredients for the trial pill.That night, Xia Qiusheng saw him come back carrying a bag and entered a certain secret room.Xia Qiusheng felt that the living creature in the pocket might not be the beast he had captured before.

There are a few pages at the back, artificially torn.But later on, Xia Qiusheng's content and tone of record were somewhat different, as if falling into a state of schizophrenia, sometimes excited and sometimes desperate, sometimes cursing Tianling Sanren, and sometimes praising Xia Niang's reputation.Once when he was insane, he felt that Tianling Sanren and the so-called alchemy and immortality were all nonsense, so he smashed the alchemy room in a fit of anger.

There was no record in the diary for a long time. When he recorded it again, he mentioned the disappearance of Tianling Sanren, the war at the end of Yuan Dynasty and the relocation of villagers.He decided to stay in the temple by himself, guarding those "pill animals" who had taken living pills.He also said that among the alchemy animals, there are indeed outstanding ones with good intelligence and strong physique, but most of them have become monsters who do not distinguish between life and death.

At the end of the diary, Xia Qiusheng said that he found another method of longevity in ancient books, called "Golden Corpse Pill".The specific method is not recorded, but he said that there is a mechanism in the alchemy room, if the latecomers want to see the longevity of the live alchemy, they only need to sacrifice the alchemy furnace with fire.

On the back cover of the diary, there are still a few words recorded.Xiao Ran was about to see clearly, but was interrupted by Liu Shengli.

"That's right! Manager! Look inside the alchemy furnace, what is this?"

Liu Shengli's voice was a little excited, and when Xu Er saw this, he also stepped forward, holding a torch to shine inside.

Xiao Ran had no choice but to put away the book first, and read it with a flashlight.

The alchemy furnace was filled with a viscous blackened liquid, which looked like some kind of oil.Beneath the grease on the surface, there seemed to be something golden reflecting the light from above.

"Is it gold? Before those people left, they hid the gold in the alchemy furnace?"

Xiao Ran looked at Liu Shengli's face full of obsession with money, and couldn't help cursing: "You said that you have been with my second uncle and me for so many years, have you never seen a piece of gold? Why are you just like a fat man? Look at Xu Er , why are you so steady?"

Xu Er next to him turned a deaf ear to Xiao Ran's words, and just stared carefully at the contents of the oil.Suddenly, his eyes widened and he stepped back again and again, shouting tremblingly: "There is a person inside!"

Liu Shengli was taken aback by his sudden yelling, and the torch in his hand fell into the alchemy furnace uncontrollably.

(End of this chapter)

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